加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点


别处看来的,虽然是英文,但很容易看懂。法官检察官,算得上白人主流了吧。The day I first watched Jimmy's video regarding killing, I happened to go to downtown and worked with a court judge Wayne Stogner (white american) that day. During the tea time, we chatted and I told him what I saw in the video. The judge's first expression is "I can not believe." Then he said:" our education has a problem." A couple days later we talked again. He said:"I have watched the video you told me. I don't like it at all." He asked me if my children ever have such extreme idea. I said no. Then he said:"Chinese family education generally is better. Many of your children are outstanding. The criminal rate of Chinese people is much much lower in US due to your better education." I also shared the video with the district attorney (检察官). Next day, he said to me:"I am embarrassed. As an american, I am so embarrassed. This country is going down. I am worried about it. I would like to say sorry to you for this embarrassing video. I will tell ABC my opinion." I also shared this video with McAllen Mayor who said: "garbage." These are my personal experience recently regarding Jimmy's video.

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点希望美国的主流不要going down。

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点别处看来的,虽然是英文,但很容易看懂。法官检察官,算得上白人主流了吧。The day I first watched Jimmy's video regarding killing, I happened to go to downtown and worked with a court judge Wayne Stogner (white american) that day. During the tea time, we chatted and I told him what I saw in the video. The judge's first expression is "I can not believe." Then he said:" our education has a problem." A couple days later we talked again. He said:"I have watched the video you told me. I don't like it at all." He asked me if my children ever have such extreme idea. I said no. Then he said:"Chinese family education generally is better. Many of your children are outstanding. The criminal rate of Chinese people is much much lower in US due to your better education." I also shared the video with the district attorney (检察官). Next day, he said to me:"I am embarrassed. As an american, I am so embarrassed. This country is going down. I am worried about it. I would like to say sorry to you for this embarrassing video. I will tell ABC my opinion." I also shared this video with McAllen Mayor who said: "garbage." These are my personal experience recently regarding Jimmy's video.点击展开...能标明出处就更好了,不然肯定有人说你造谣。

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点没啥,我们连同胞的日本车都砸,开日本车的同胞都打,还怕ABC的唾沫?

漫游温哥华 INSPIRING VANCOUVER别处看来的,虽然是英文,但很容易看懂。法官检察官,算得上白人主流了吧。The day I first watched Jimmy's video regarding killing, I happened to go to downtown and worked with a court judge Wayne Stogner (white american) that day. During the tea time, we chatted and I told him what I saw in the video. The judge's first expression is "I can not believe." Then he said:" our education has a problem." A couple days later we talked again. He said:"I have watched the video you told me. I don't like it at all." He asked me if my children ever have such extreme idea. I said no. Then he said:"Chinese family education generally is better. Many of your children are outstanding. The criminal rate of Chinese people is much much lower in US due to your better education." I also shared the video with the district attorney (检察官). Next day, he said to me:"I am embarrassed. As an american, I am so embarrassed. This country is going down. I am worried about it. I would like to say sorry to you for this embarrassing video. I will tell ABC my opinion." I also shared this video with McAllen Mayor who said: "garbage." These are my personal experience recently regarding Jimmy's video.点击展开...I do not think Judges and Attorneys are mainstream. And if they are, many TV shows would suffer from a lack of audience, since Judges and Attorneys do not watch shitty TV shows.Protesting against such TV shows is a joke!How many of those protesting watched that specific show when it aired? It seems that most Chinese who feel offended did not watch the show on their TV, but instead, they heard about this when they were aimlessly (and sadly) surfing the internet and watched the abridged video online.In "South Park", the character Eric Cartman has said "kill XXX" so many times. But apparently, Jews did not protest against "South Park", Hispanic people did not protest against "South Park", and no minorities seem to have protested.

乱码 超赞 赏 C Couve 0$(VIP 0) 1,0692013-11-14#6 回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点You did not even see Nazi threw millions of Jews and Gypsy into concentration camps but you do believe it did happen and was anti-humanity. Don't u? Did u see your mom give you birth? You did not see it but you chose to believe it because you trust someone. What's the point if you don't see it with your naked eyes? If other ethnic groups do not protest then Chinese should not? I'd cite JK's comment here, "This is an interesting idea". If you really want to compare different ethnic groups, check this out: 1992 LA riots after 4 officers acquitted of assault Rodney King. The Chinese will never do it but should never keep silent when feel offended. Nobody gives "mainstream" a crap. I feel offended then I shout out. If the offender already apologized but one from the offended group feels overreacted, this is a real joke. I encourage you to write to JK to show you support and tell him you are not part of the group you were from. I believe both sides would be very happy.

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点I happened to go to downtown是不是写作错误

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点美国的问题不是主流going down, 而是主流的中产阶层在流失,他们的地位在丧失。。。奥巴马本身没啥,但他的晋位给了那些下层阶级一个不好的信号,所以现在无法无天的黑黑老墨白白越来越多了

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点I happened to go to downtown是不是写作错误点击展开... 读书时,老师说 happen to do something 表示碰巧,刚好做某事的意思,没看出问题,难道拼写有误

终于...... 超赞 赏 T tomkent 0$(VIP 0) 3412013-11-14#10 回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点关键是这个作者me是什么人?从文章来看,这个me是个华人。如果你是白人,在这个问题上对着华人你会说什么呢?就好像当着印度人面,我们绝对不会去说他是阿差。但是背地里开玩笑的时候,就会阿差,阿三的说了。

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点关键是这个作者me是什么人?从文章来看,这个me是个华人。如果你是白人,在这个问题上对着华人你会说什么呢?就好像当着印度人面,我们绝对不会去说他是阿差。但是背地里开玩笑的时候,就会阿差,阿三的说了。点击展开..."Many of your children are outstanding","I am embarrassed"几乎可以肯定作者是华人。种族的话题太敏感,不排除对方选择政治正确的回答。

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点I happened to go to downtown是不是写作错误点击展开... [ame]http://http://www.no video.com/watch?v=fD7olrqWZHk[/ame]

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点一群不明真相的群众,并且得到了海外反美势力的支持,吼吼,我也可以做主播了

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点You did not even see Nazi threw millions of Jews and Gypsy into concentration camps but you do believe it did happen and was anti-humanity. Don't u? Did u see your mom give you birth? You did not see it but you chose to believe it because you trust someone. What's the point if you don't see it with your naked eyes? If other ethnic groups do not protest then Chinese should not? I'd cite JK's comment here, "This is an interesting idea". If you really want to compare different ethnic groups, check this out: 1992 LA riots after 4 officers acquitted of assault Rodney King. The Chinese will never do it but should never keep silent when feel offended. Nobody gives "mainstream" a crap. I feel offended then I shout out. If the offender already apologized but one from the offended group feels overreacted, this is a real joke. I encourage you to write to JK to show you support and tell him you are not part of the group you were from. I believe both sides would be very happy.点击展开...1. You are comparing non-physical assaults with physical ones, which are obviously not comparable. People hating gays would be much more offended when they see homosexual activities on site with their naked eyes than when they hear someone talking about another couple being homosexual (and they probably will NOT go ahead and chase down that couple and watch their homosexual interactions and protest specifically against that couple).2. Did I say "Chinese should not"? I was simply pointing out this "funny" discrepancy between Chinese and some other ethnic groups in their reactions to TV shows joking about killing. In fact, I think you "should protest" considering that you "feel offended".3. Again, I was simply pointing out that judges are not mainstream, instead of discussing if anyone "gives "mainstream" a crap". BTW, some people, including those went on protesting, do give it a crap as they live in mainstream areas, send their children to mainstream schools, travel around mainstream tourist sites, and eat mainstream food.4. Did I say I support JK? Seems I was accused of again without solid evidence. Ironically, I (personally) do not give those TV shows a shit.

乱码 超赞 赏 小 小雷音Guest 0$(VIP ) 2013-11-14#15 回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点这是因为作者是华人,所以他们在华人面前谈到这个当然感到embarrassed。

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点读到一半就看出是中国人文笔了,有股chinadaily和cctv9的味道。鬼佬都很hypocritical,当你中国人的面当然要表表态了,背地里怎么说谁知道。

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点I happened to go to downtown符合华人英语习惯,应该是go downtown或者go to downtown areas不知道是不是这样

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点一群不明真相的群众,并且得到了海外反美势力的支持,吼吼,我也可以做主播了点击展开... 5美分.

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点1. You are comparing non-physical assaults with physical ones, which are obviously not comparable. People hating gays would be much more offended when they see homosexual activities on site with their naked eyes than when they hear someone talking about another couple being homosexual (and they probably will NOT go ahead and chase down that couple and watch their homosexual interactions and protest specifically against that couple).点击展开...Reg non-physical or physical. If someone said "Fxxx you" but did not move even a finger, would you say "That's ok, non- PHYSICAL"?

回复: 关于ABC的Kill中国人,看看主流白人的观点Reg non-physical or physical. If someone said "Fxxx you" but did not move even a finger, would you say "That's ok, non- PHYSICAL"?点击展开...non-physical (e.g. say "Fxxx your mother"): whether you experience that "on site" would make a big difference.physical (e.g. physically Fxxx your mother): it does not matter whether you experience that "on site" (see and hear that with your naked eyes and ears), since you would be very very angry anyway.So to answer your question about the non-physical: if someone posted "Fx** shiyun" on website XYZ, which I have never been to, I will probably not go to website XYZ after someone else told me about this. Even if I go ahead and check out website XYZ and see that post, I do not really care.But if someone posted "Fx** shiyun" in this forum, or said that on my face, I will probably not be OK (except when some liberal friends are joking about the F word).Most Xese would be more offended when someone says "Kill all Xese" on their face as compared with when someone says "Kill all Xese" in a video posted on Yese forum (which Xese rarely go to)

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