加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver從捐獻(donate)者的心態看人生


人在生活无虑行有余力的时候,总会有些多余的能力去帮助一些需要帮助的人,而不需要任何原因,不论对象是哪国人,说哪种话,是哪个种族,只看他需不需要.而不问其他.一种是长期处于弱势的对象:如非洲一些落后国家的人民或是开发中国家,如中国,泰国,,印度,....即便是已开发国家如美,加,英,日....这种人始终存在,只是多寡而已.另外一种就是紧急的灾难:如台湾,四川,云南,日本的地震,或是前几年东南亚的海啸之类的天灾(人祸的部份就不在这里讨论了).在古代,有钱的员外每每以大善人自居,开仓赈灾,熬粥于家门发放给需要的人家赢得美名,时日至今,这样的观念已经不合时宜了.在先进国家所讲的捐献,除了捐输另外就是有一种贡献的意味,所以讲究的是社区服务(Community services),这种去社区替弱势族群做事的观念(可能是打扫,义诊,到老人院念书给长者........)都当成是服务而不叫做去做善事,这是很大的不同.所以孩子在就学成长的过程时 volunteer 的时数也是大学入学的标准之一,就是要他们知道自己是社会的一份子,作社区服务是义务而不是权利,是应该要做的事情,而不是可选择的,自小就建立正确的价值观.我虽然不是慈济人,但是因为在台湾长大,当然免不了跟师兄姊们多有接触,我很敬佩他们的两个观念,一个是他们称呼所有接受资助的对象为感恩户,而不是叫他们为乞丐,领钱的(奖学金),受重灾的,流浪汉,残疾人.观念是协助而不是施舍.......感恩的意思就是因为有他们(感恩户)的存在,才可以让我们有机会能够服务人群,或许有一天这些受资助的对象,可以从重新投入社会反过来服务人群.慈济救灾的原则是一.不谈政治,二.不宣传,三.不传教.做完事后收拾东西干干净净走人,没有任何的目的.这也符合现在社会服务人群的观念.我可以算是一个半退休的人了,做作服务工作是我最大的乐趣,可以去看看我的买房主帖就可知一般 http://forums.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=419610 .03年来长登,孩子读公立小学时,那时我跟婆子还搞不清楚状况,一次学校有个捐献还是什么的,我跟婆子说加拿大福利这么好,孩子读书又不花钱,干脆我们捐点钱给学校,二个孩子父母给每人一百总共四百,开了张支票拿去学校(这种事在台北我们常干,老婆是台北市仁爱国小家长会委员),老师很客气也很高兴,给了我们收据,说过几天有捐钱的家庭都会 stick 在公告板上.过了几天,看到一个花花绿绿的公告板上,贴上许多家庭的爱心贴纸,如Wang Family,Su Family,.....但是都没写金额,我看了觉得很棒也颇有感触,这让孩子们不会攀比,只要有爱心捐献,不论多少都会有一个家庭的爱心贴纸贴在上面,大家都欢喜.每年圣诞节我都会到救世军 The Salvation Army Community Services Centre 在8280 Gilbert Road Richmond捐款(收款人有时是 Jenny有时是Christine Li)原因是这里离我家最近,在家看到新闻,听到叮叮当叮叮当的声音,又看到这些义工在派发物资就会想到要出门贡献一己之力,老婆还经常骂我是疯子.我也发过Donate给天使的帖子,有兴趣的可以去看看连接 http://forums.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=418473 ,前几天又看到Canadian Tire前面有童子军在募款,也正想发个帖来鼓励他们,哈哈,还来不及发日本就地震了.前些年在大陆做生意的时候,即便有捐款给需要的对象,那也做不得准,或许是生意所须,需要公益的名气,更多的时候是被各单位领导要求的摊派,所以那样的捐献,也不一定是自发的,也就不值一提了.我在台北参加了一个国际性服务的社团(我是这个社团的 Charter President),去年底跟几位香港社团的朋友研究后,决定继续对四川地震的后续做追踪,(见我3月9号上周三,刚好在帖子里的227楼第二行说到这事)http://forums.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=419610&page=12 后来挑选了四川-德阳市-联合镇群星分校 Qun Xing Branch School,以及四川-乐山市-沙腔中心小学 Sha Qiang Zhong Xin School,替他们做饮水净化工程,对象是学校,人民,不是政府,金额是美金US$38,500元.灾害重建有很多后续的工作要做,虽是杯水车薪但也是略尽绵薄之力,直接而不假手他人的作法,是我们一惯的作法,只问对象不问其他,也是我的原则之一.今年5月6号是我们香港姐妹社团的周年庆(anniversary party),我们要去替他们庆祝,同时为这个Project启用,如果时间允许,也会去四川看看,美其名为验收,其实去了也会替学校及孩子们做点事的.遇到灾难,愿意捐就捐,不愿意捐就不捐,但是跟我说什么"台湾毕竟曾经是日本的殖民地,子民孝敬养父母,应该的" ...那不是讨论而是水平程度的问题了,要跟我扯这些蛋,去蛋族扯,别来烦我.也别把捐款给日本的人都当敌人,套句艺人吴宗宪说的,"看到黑影就开枪",打的是敌军,自己人,还是盟军,自己都搞不清楚.捐献多少不是拿来比的,要知道人比人气死人.捐多捐少是心意,只是在台湾,四川,日本.....都是同样的心理.在坛子上说要捐给云南的童鞋,我给你们拍拍手,但是不要光说不练口惠而不实落人笑柄.接下来的年度,云南,日本,肯定也是我们会去服务的对象了.不会因为其他人的影响而有所改变.台北仁,不骗人,凡事都会印证的.文件太多就附一张参考,五月去了再补照片(说了就一定会做到)................................................................................Please provide the name of the project site, the city or village, state or province, and country. List multiple locations, if applicable. Project site Qun Xing Branch School (联[FONT=新明]合群星分校[/FONT])and Sha Qiang Zhong Xin School ([FONT=新明]沙腔中心小学[/FONT])City/Village Lian He Town Zhong Jiang County De Yang City and Sha Qiang Town Ma Bian County Le Shan City respectivelyState/Province SichuanCountry ChinaDescribe the project and the problem or need it will address, including the intended beneficiaries and how the project will benefit the community in need. Provide the estimated length of time needed to complete the project. The project will help to provide 4 water purifiers to 2 schools in the villages in Sichuan, namely Qun Xing Branch School and Sha Qiang Zhong Xin School. The purifiers will be installed to purify incoming water to bacteria free drinking water and each school will be equipped with 2 purifiers. The number of water purifiers for each school is determined by an estimate of the volume of clean water as required by each school compared with the capacity of each purifier.(1) Qun Xing School, a primary school, was rebuilt after the earthquake and was completed in September 2010. There are 800 students and 40 teachers and 400 of them are boarders. A well was built to provide drinking water and river water is pumped to the school for general daily use. The well has been contaminated by flooding and mud and the water is far below the acceptable safety level of drinking water. (2) Sha Qiang Zhong Xin School is a primary school. There are 638 students and 233 of them are boarders. The school is located in the remote mountainous areas with very limited electronic communication access. The average income of the farmers there is about US$405 per annum. The sanitation level of the drinking water for the school is poor and has been affecting the health of the children.The Hong Kong Productivity Council (“HKPC”) is the technical advisor and manufacturer of the water purifiers. HKPC is our cooperating organization which will supply, deliver and install the WaterSafe and peripheral equipments for the designated sites. The WaterSafe purifiers are portable equipments and can be operated with a manual device without any electricity. They are movable to any disaster areas where clean drinking water is in need for both the people suffering from the disasters and the relief team working in such areas. Currently, water purifying tablets are used to provide drinking water in disaster areas. With the introduction of portable purifiers, the tablets will not be used.Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power (“HKRP”) is our cooperation organization helping to launch the program and own the equipments. HKRP is an NGO providing employment training and internship opportunities for the disabled persons to empower them to achieve economic self-sufficiency, independent living and integration into all aspects of society. HKRP has its affiliated organization in Sichuan and other parts of China working for the disabled persons who have suffered from the recent earthquakes. HKRP will liaise with the 2 schools for installation, operation, performance review and maintenance after handover. HKRP will own the equipments so that it can supervise the maintenance and to relocate the purifiers to disaster areas where people are in need of clean water for emergency. HKRP has promised that the purifiers will not be relocated from the 2 schools unless the schools have solved their problems of poor water. With such commitment the purifiers can benefit the schools immediately and they may also be available for relocation for to disaster areas provided that the schools have found solutions for their poor water.It will take 3 to 6 months to complete the project.Describe how the benefiting community will maintain this project after grant funding has been fully expended. The 2 schools will provide maintenance for the purifiers. HKPC will provide the training for the technical maintenance, HKRP will supervise the maintenance and the schools will implement the maintenance. The purifiers have been designed to pump the poor water to pass through the membrane and the water will be purified after passing through the system. The purifiers can be maintained by a regular cleaning program for the membrane and the schools will be able to carry out the work.Describe specific activities of the host and international partners in implementing the project. What will the Rotarians who are members of the partner clubs do during the project? Please note that financial support is not considered active involvement. (See the Matching Grant application instructions for suggestions.) The host club will coordinate with the cooperating organizations, HKPC and HKRP to visit the beneficiary schools, to devise, launch and run the program. It will communicate with the international partner to supervise the implementation, monitor the funding and supervise the completion of the program. Rotarians from both the host and international partners will visit the beneficiary schools to supervise the final completion. The partners will publicize the project in their own clubs, districts in Hong Kong and Thailand. Publicity will be organized in Hong Kong to let people know how Rotary is helping to solve the problem of clean water for the people in need, and also for the emergency need in disasters. ............台北仁................

回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生gooooooooooooood

回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生

回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生支持

回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生为对岸同胞喝彩~

辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List 超赞 赏 Zero! 0$(VIP 0) 3,7402011-03-13#6 回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生捐款可以助人,还净化自己。

回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生关于我们有些大陆同胞对台湾和日本的不好听的话,请台北仁理解,我们从小受的是仇恨教育,他们也是受害者,你在大陆呆过,多少也可能了解一点点。

如果中国民主了5毛其实应该高兴,他们也是底层的,变革了他们至少保障会改善。只有权贵既得利益者担心,特别是资产不能搬动放在中国,来路邪恶的(我称这种人为畜牲)就非常担心了。对此签名过敏模仿攻击及对号入座的畜牲和sb滚远点。模仿我签名者全家死光 超赞 赏 W wan yin 0$(VIP 0) 6772011-03-13#8 回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生对LZ肃然起敬!

回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生那帖子我看了,你别在意, 那人不用理会,你看他说了那不得体、有损自己人格的话之后,有多少朋友跟他一鼻孔出气? 没啥人那么做吧?也就是说那只是他个人素质,别理他就是了.这儿还有很多很不错的朋友的.我一样也捐款, 从台湾捐, 这儿也捐.看到这篇, 以你为荣! 加油!

加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance. 超赞 赏 丁丁猫 0$(VIP 0) 4,6362011-03-13#10 回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生鲜花献楼主!

你完全可以选择不为自由而战,但也绝不能为高墙添砖! ――摘自一80后言论。不论对象是哪国人,说哪种话,是哪个种族,只看他需不需要.而不问其他. 遇到灾难,愿意捐就捐,不愿意捐就不捐,但是跟我说什么"台湾毕竟曾经是日本的殖民地,子民孝敬养父母,应该的" ...那不是讨论而是水平程度的问题了,要跟我扯这些蛋,去蛋族扯,别来烦我. 凡事都会印证的. 点击展开...

回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生不同的生长环境,不同的思想教育决定一个人的一生。无论台湾还是香港还是大陆,都是中国人;无论亚洲还是非洲,美洲,欧洲,居住的都是人。只要是人,就要同舟共济。

回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生不同的生长环境,不同的思想教育决定一个人的一生。无论台湾还是香港还是大陆,都是中国人;无论亚洲还是非洲,美洲,欧洲,居住的都是人。只要是人,就要同舟共济。点击展开...

如果中国民主了5毛其实应该高兴,他们也是底层的,变革了他们至少保障会改善。只有权贵既得利益者担心,特别是资产不能搬动放在中国,来路邪恶的(我称这种人为畜牲)就非常担心了。对此签名过敏模仿攻击及对号入座的畜牲和sb滚远点。模仿我签名者全家死光 超赞 赏 I InVanGuest 0$(VIP ) 2011-03-14#14 回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生我很喜欢认识的几个台北人,所以我都是捐到慈济。我不是有钱人,我也只能在我的能力范围,即使有一次看我是捐50,旁边的捐200,那人丢下我就先照顾后来的有钱人,我也不说什么。可我也不希望看到,我不喜欢日本我就直说,那就是没人性、没有同情心?你可以说超越政治;我也同样告诉你,我想超越一切,可我自己不会对偷偷做核武、军工储备的日本视而不见。我也不是今天的海啸才知道。

回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生向仁兄致敬!

钢琴购买攻略(钱多得没地方花的免入)专营日本二手YAMAHA/KAWAI钢琴的批发与零售,服务大温13年,在日本设有工厂收购、检定、修整各类二手钢琴,在大温地区还可提供钢琴出租、搬运、调音服务。详情浏览加拿大钢琴超市或致电 604-306-2563微信号:pianosuperstore 超赞 赏 Mtler81 0$(VIP 0) 1,7812011-03-14#16 回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生楼主大大地好人这两天就去捐。

回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生关于我们有些大陆同胞对台湾和日本的不好听的话,请台北仁理解,我们从小受的是仇恨教育,他们也是受害者,你在大陆呆过,多少也可能了解一点点。点击展开... 台湾人从小也受的是仇恨教育。1999去英国读书的时候, 认识了一个台湾同学,当他看到我们也能住两室一厅的公寓时, 他非常惊讶。 他说还以为我们当时还只能住窑洞呢。无语... 从他那里我也了解了台湾人的教育。 我觉得很多华人, 他们总是对外国人博爱, 对中国人吝啬挑剔。所以才有些台湾人和东北人,觉得日本人统治时期没有什么不好。

回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生对一个犯了严重罪行而不知道认错道歉的人不值得我同情!我不愿意做东郭先生或者是那个农夫!

回复: ?捐?(donate)者的心?看人生慈济救灾的原则是一.不谈政治,二.不宣传,三.不传教.做完事后收拾东西干干净净走人,没有任何的目的.这也符合现在社会服务人群的观念.点击展开...支持!

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温哥华 Vancouver-加拿大


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温哥华 Vancouver-加拿大


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