加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver申请加拿大护照表格冠夫姓选项。


明天就要宣誓了,想紧接着就去申请护照。表格中有个选项是If passport requested in spousal surname (last name), enter这项填上就可以了吗,还需要别的证明吗?觉得有个证件全家人用一个姓,有些地方办事会方便点。如果直接填上就可以的话,就不妨加上老公的姓了。

回复: 申请加拿大护照表格冠夫姓选项。没必要.

回复: 申请加拿大护照表格冠夫姓选项。If passport requested in spousal surname (last name), enter这项填上就可以了吗,还需要别的证明吗?点击展开... http://www.ppt.gc.ca/form/pdfs/pptc153.pdf看申请表 page 5/7: section HSurname and given name(s) to appear in passport[FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]Write the name you want to appear in the passport. If you are requesting a passport in a name that is different from the name that appears on the documentary evidence of citizenship, please note the following:  For a [/FONT][/FONT]married surname change[FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial], we recommend that you provide a marriage certificate (original or copy) to avoid possible delays.[/FONT][/FONT]

回复: 申请加拿大护照表格冠夫姓选项。http://www.ppt.gc.ca/form/pdfs/pptc153.pdf看申请表 page 5/7: section HSurname and given name(s) to appear in passport[FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]Write the name you want to appear in the passport. If you are requesting a passport in a name that is different from the name that appears on the documentary evidence of citizenship, please note the following:  For a [/FONT][/FONT]married surname change[FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial], we recommend that you provide a marriage certificate (original or copy) to avoid possible delays.[/FONT][/FONT]点击展开...多谢了。明天带着结婚证公证,能加就加了。

回复: 申请加拿大护照表格冠夫姓选项。没必要.点击展开...以前碰到过要去取寄给老公的邮件,如果我和他一个姓然后同一住址,就可以代领了。所以才想起如果省事的话,就加上。反正也没有什么损失。

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