加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver[评论]加国中小学教改:减内容培养有思想 华裔家长忧


新闻:《加国中小学教改:减内容培养有思想 华裔家长忧》的相关评论卑诗省府近日公布了幼稚园到九年级(K-9)的课程改革草案,描绘未来教育系统发展的蓝图。改革将著重培养学生创新及批判思维的能力,减少「死记硬背」,尽管方向获得家长的认同,不过也有点击展开...本地人培养情商就够了,技术什么的,谁爱吃苦学习谁去,反正IT民工中国印度培养了大把,不够用时放几个移民户口就解决问题了。

回复: [评论]加国中小学教改:减内容培养有思想 华裔家长忧加拿大人来源多为各族群中智力较差的,这个致命问题导致了加拿大人以没神马思想而著称,事实上加拿大人还以没技术著称。 鬼子的本质决定了,他们一定要起高调,你说他没技术他说我们有思想,你说他事实上没脑子他说我们有自由,你说他事实上也没多少自由他说我们有女王,你说事实上英国人已经脱离了当年的低级趣味,他说其实我们过的是美国式生活,你说美国有大选他说我们美音英拼。总之,加拿大宇宙无敌。

回复: [评论]加国中小学教改:减内容培养有思想 华裔家长忧支持,在知识大爆炸+google的时代,记忆知识点, 不仅片面,还谈不上准确。

漫游温哥华 INSPIRING VANCOUVER加拿大人来源多为各族群中智力较差的,这个致命问题导致了加拿大人以没神马思想而著称,事实上加拿大人还以没技术著称。 鬼子的本质决定了,他们一定要起高调,你说他没技术他说我们有思想,你说他事实上没脑子他说我们有自由,你说他事实上也没多少自由他说我们有女王,你说事实上英国人已经脱离了当年的低级趣味,他说其实我们过的是美国式生活,你说美国有大选他说我们美音英拼。总之,加拿大宇宙无敌。点击展开...哈哈

回复: [评论]加国中小学教改:减内容培养有思想 华裔家长忧看了看公布的草案,社会学的改动包括The reduction in the number of content learning standards places greater emphasis on acquiring and developing key disciplinary thinking skills. These skills are built around six major historical and geographical thinking concepts: significance, evidence, continuity and change, cause and consequence, perspective, and ethical judgments. While the Social Studies curriculum focuses on topics from the disciplines of history, geography, political science, and economics, Social Studies can draw topics from disciplines across the humanities and social sciences, such as archeology, philosophy, or anthropology.This focus on disciplinary thinking means that students will take part in actively building their own understanding of important concepts and topics. Social Studies covers many interesting topics with no agreed-upon answer, such as questions about the causes of major historical events or debates about which policy decisions government should make to address a societal problem. Using disciplinary thinking tools, students will learn to develop and support their own answers to these questions, as well as challenge the answers and information obtained through various sources.Less detailed and less prescriptive content allows teachers and students to go in directions of particular interest or local relevance.科学课改动While the Science curriculum has always been conceptual, the new curriculum highlights fewer concepts to allow for substantial inquiry time.The level of facts and details in the new curriculum is left open to individual customization by the educator, allowing more time for in-depth exploration by students.实在看不出这样改有何不好,担心啥?担心不被洗脑?

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