加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言
奶牛一直产奶确实是因为一直在哺乳期,因为它在不断怀孕,产小牛。详见维基百科。http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dairy_cattle中国奶牛是散户喂养,用激素概率较大。下面还有一个说明,加拿大牛奶不含荷尔蒙。牛肉含点。 http://www.eatrightontario.ca/en/Ar...ibiotics-in-food-production.aspx#.UtXRQET8X4c
回复: 关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言让谁一直怀孕生仔都是残忍的吧。
至道无难,唯嫌拣择。 超赞 赏 反馈:1人 X xchn818 -1$(VIP 0) 6,3252014-01-14#3 回复: 关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言为吃肉杀死动物也很残忍。
回复: 关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言说到底,素食主义不是没有道理的。做不到全素食,以素食为主,饮食清淡一点总是没错的。
回复: 关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言爱吃什么自己吃,别管人家
回复: 关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言又不是真的生仔产奶,都是靠喂激素催出来的奶,不知健康否
原创:尿还能让活人给憋住???引用:我始终认为给日本车让道是每个公民应尽的义务!!! [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 jjsheng恢复矿工啦。 30$(VIP 0,#39) 15,5632014-01-15#7 回复: 关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言喝牛奶算吃素吗?
回复: 关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言喝牛奶算吃素吗?点击展开...算的,吃鸡蛋也算
回复: 关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言算的,吃鸡蛋也算点击展开...不是我说的,是一个老和尚告诉家人的
回复: 关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言算的,吃鸡蛋也算点击展开...吃到毛鸡蛋就不算了吧
回复: 关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言吃素分两种,一种是不吃肉,不算纯粹的,一种是连动物的任何连带产品(牛奶,鸡蛋)都不吃才算纯粹的。
天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而我已飞过~~ 超赞 赏 tototo 4$(VIP 0,#209) 9,0012014-01-15#12 回复: 关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言Bovine growth hormone supplementationSince November 1993, with FDA approval,[108] Monsanto has been selling recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST), also called rBGH, to dairy farmers. Cows produce bovine growth hormone naturally, but some producers administer an additional recombinant version of BGH which is produced through a genetically engineered E. coli because it increases milk production. Bovine growth hormone also stimulates liver production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1). Monsanto has stated that both of these compounds are harmless given the levels found in milk and the effects of pasteurization.[109]On June 9, 2006, the largest milk processor in the world and the two largest supermarkets in the United States – Dean Foods, Wal-Mart, and Kroger – announced that they are "on a nationwide search for rBGH-free milk."[110] Milk from cows given rBST may be sold in the United States, and the FDA stated that no significant difference has been shown between milk derived from rBST-treated and that from non-rBST-treated cows.[111] Milk that advertises that it comes from cows not treated with rBST, is required to state this finding on its label.Cows receiving rBGH supplements may more frequently contract an udder infection known as mastitis.[112] Problems with mastitis have led to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan banning milk from rBST treated cows. Mastitis, among other diseases, may be responsible for the fact that levels of white blood cells in milk vary naturally.[113][114]rBGH is also banned in the European Union.[115]CriticismVegans and some other vegetarians do not consume milk for reasons mostly related to animal rights and environmental concerns. They may object to features of dairy farming including the necessity of keeping dairy cows pregnant, the killing of almost all the male offspring of dairy cows (either by disposal soon after birth, for veal production, or for beef), the routine separation of mother and calf soon after birth, other perceived inhumane treatment of dairy cattle, and culling of cows after their productive lives.[116]Some have criticized the American government's promotion of Milk consumption. The United States government administers the popular Got Milk? and milk mustache advertising campaigns, which cost roughly $180 million per year and make the milk industry millions of dollars. The main concern is the financial interest that the American government has taken in the dairy industry, promoting milk as the best source of calcium. All United States schools that are a part of the federally funded National School Lunch Act are required by the federal government to provide milk for all students. The Office of Dietary Supplements recommends that healthy adults between ages 19 and 50 get about 1,000 mg of calcium per day,[117] but studies show that the human body can only retain about 550 mg of calcium per day. Milk also contains more excess calories, sugar, and fat than many other sources of calcium.There is also some skepticism of the idea that large doses of calcium provide for healthier bones and teeth. This is a commonly held belief, but there have been some studies that show there is "no connection between the intake of calcium (in any form) and the reduced risk of bone fractures in women aged 34-71 years".[118] Another study suggests that calcium supplements do not contribute to bone gain when you surpass a daily intake of 800 mg.Varieties and brands
回复: 关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言鸡生蛋和激素无关,纯生理的,这个应该没问题。牛产奶是因为什么呢?应该不是因为刚生完小牛吧?这个事情一讲,如果想的话岂不是说明外国人为什么长得壮根本原因吗--------终身喝牛奶,难道个头都是激素催的?
回复: 关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言牛奶好不好要看和什么比,和羊奶比,牛奶是垃圾。和人奶比,羊奶是垃圾。根据测算,全世界除了海豚奶,就是羊奶最接近人奶。牛奶是大分子,羊奶是小分子。
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克牛奶好不好要看和什么比,和羊奶比,牛奶是垃圾。和人奶比,羊奶是垃圾。根据测算,全世界除了海豚奶,就是羊奶最接近人奶。牛奶是大分子,羊奶是小分子。点击展开...
回复: 关于牛奶有危害的说法是谣言羊奶喝惯了也很不错,记得上学时牛奶粉买不到就买了羊奶粉,开始觉得有膻味,后来习惯了就好了。
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