加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver请从流感高发区回来的朋友自行隔离
很多朋友回加拿大,这个时候正是流感爆发季节,为了美丽的穷加拿大,为了我们入不敷出的脆弱医疗体制,请回来时候,自行隔离2周,别去商场和人多地方,这里疫苗都没有了,而且对流感没有任何办法,就求求你们了从加拿大流感高发区到别的国家也要隔离武林盟主§震古铄今 注册日期: 2010-08帖子: 3,242送出鲜花次数: 50在1个帖子里收到11次鲜花声望: 8528618声望改变能力: 6195默认 回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离应该改为从国外旅游回来的朋友请自行隔离2周,好多了我想地毯哥也没有太多歧视的意思大家别多想__________________至道无难,唯嫌拣择。
回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离No way
回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离现在确实是流感高发期,身边认识的好多人都中招了!
回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离千万别去人多的地方,像mall等场所。这次流感中招的人很多。谁知道哪里有卖口罩的?
回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离esource Center: Information, news, conversation.HomeLearnFlu factsHow you can protect yourselfFAQsWho is at risk?Test your flu knowledgeWhat is the difference between seasonal flu and H1N1?BlogInteractContact UsSchedule a Wellness ConsultationSubscribeFacebookFollow usLearn >What is the difference between seasonal flu and H1N1?Although there are many similarities between the H1N1 virus and the seasonal flu, they are two different strains of influenza. The H1N1 virus was first detected in people in the United States in April 2009. This virus is sometimes called Swine Flu because testing showed that many parts of this virus were similar to the flu viruses usually found in pigs.[1] In the spring of 2009, the virus began infecting humans and was called a novel virus, meaning that it is an infectious agent that humans have not ever been infected with before[2], unlike the seasonal flu, which most people have been exposed to at some point in their life.Seasonal flu occurs annually and characteristics of strains can vary from year to year, which is why there is a different flu vaccine developed each year to combat seasonal flu. On average, seasonal flu infects between 5 and 20 percent of the population each year, causing approximately 36,000 deaths annually.[3]SimilaritiesSymptoms: Symptoms of H1N1 and seasonal flu are very similar, and include fever, body aches, headache, sore throat, cough, runny/stuffy nose, chills, fatigue, and possibly diarrhea and/or vomiting.How it’s spread: The spread of the H1N1 virus is thought to be happening in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person-to-person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.DifferencesWho is impacted: While everyone is at risk for contracting H1N1, in 2009 the number of cases and deaths reported from H1N1 are less among the people over the age of 64 than that of the seasonal flu. In addition, the CDC reports that “novel H1N1 flu has caused greater disease burden in people younger than 25 years of age than older people.” (cite: http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/qa.htm)How can I tell if I have H1N1 instead of seasonal flu?Because symptoms of seasonal flu are very similar to H1N1, you will not be able to distinguish between H1N1 and seasonal flu on your own. If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, you should contact your health care provider who will be able to evaluate your symptoms and possibly test for H1N1.
回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离My office: One; My classroom: Three.
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 超赞 赏 小 小雷音Guest 0$(VIP ) 2014-01-13#7 回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离儿子二月份就要上daycare了,很是担心。要么窝在家里,要么传染各种病毒,没有折衷方案。
回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离地毯去年春节回国返加以后,是不是也自动停业隔离了两周?
回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离很多朋友回中国和亲人欢度春节,这个时候正是流感爆发季节,为了美丽的穷加拿大,为了我们入不敷出的脆弱医疗体制,请回来时候,自行隔离2周,别去商场和人多地方,这里疫苗都没有了,而且对流感没有任何办法,就求求你们了点击展开...你想吓死我呀,马上去上海,呆几天后回家过年。不会有去无回吧?
回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离儿子二月份就要上daycare了,很是担心。要么窝在家里,要么传染各种病毒,没有折衷方案。点击展开...在daycare一定会
回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离我不得不说, 这是一种歧视和人权侵犯。
回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离对楼猪的厥词感到悲哀。
回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离自己看着办,加拿大的医疗很脆弱,一旦大规模流感,后果严重,反观中国,这一点就很好
回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离有人说对家人好对朋友好,你忍心把seasonnal flu传染给他们吗,那个流感潜伏期到发病好像就2周,忍一忍,大家都太平
回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离有人说对家人好对朋友好,你忍心把seasonnal flu传染给他们吗,那个流感潜伏期到发病好像就2周,忍一忍,大家都太平点击展开...送花
https://boereport.com/ 超赞 赏 旱地忽律 0$(VIP 0) 6332014-01-13#20 回复: 请从中国回来的朋友自行隔离至于的吗?
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