加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机



回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机十几分钟,最大20-30分钟,(视房间大小)去除99%的PM2.5十几分钟是卧室,20-30分钟是60平米的厅。

回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机

回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机

回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机又开始了强沙发

回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机又开始了强沙发点击展开...上海在大前天晴天后,前天/昨天/今天/连着3天都是小雨,这几天真有点温哥华漫长的冬天阴雨霏霏的味道了,家里闲着也是闲着,就发个帖。

回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机温哥华这个冬季雨水奇少,但是低温今天创历史新低!有点意思!

一叶知秋 超赞 赏 J Jacksmith 0$(VIP 0) 1,4082014-02-07#8 回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机和尚, 这东东多少钱一个? 个头看上去那么小. 躁音大吗?那过滤器是否有一层围在外园面上, 可更换的? 换这种过滤器挺贵的.

回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机坐等搞瞪和王德龄大娘出来鉴定真伪

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]和尚, 这东东多少钱一个? 个头看上去那么小. 躁音大吗?点击展开... 噪音有,可以忽略不计

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]和尚, 这东东多少钱一个? 个头看上去那么小. 躁音大吗?点击展开...不到五万日元,马力大,噪音不低,但开几分钟就好了,或者放在上风的房间。

回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机坐等搞瞪和王德龄大娘出来鉴定真伪点击展开...王德龄大娘是谁?

Your eyes, it seemsMirrors of my dreamsIn ways I can’t explain.And my heart will never be the same. 超赞 赏 Davidsy 0$(VIP 0) 32,4512014-02-07#13 回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机Triad Air MoverWhy choose the name Triad? Triad refers to Triple Advantage, which combines high-performance, ergonomics, and space savings.High-Performance The Triad is the first air mover in the industry to utilize “Thrust Fan” technology. Using this technology, the Triad offers the most critical elements for best evaporation results, high static pressure, high airflow volume and high velocity. Also, no longer do you need to compromise evaporation rates due to power limitations. Eight Triads can easily be daisy-chained on a 12 Amp circuit! This significantly increases faster evaporation potential! Ergonomics The Triad creates labor efficiency and speed. Weighing only 21.7 lbs., the Triad is lighter in weight than conventional air movers, and the "briefcase-style" handle makes the air mover very easy to transport.Space Savings The Triad also offers the best space maximization in the industry. With the Triad being almost one-half the size of conventional air movers, you can fit up to twice as many air movers your vehicle, which will produce savings on transportation costs. The Triad’s design and size offers several unique solutions for the restoration industry, and it will fit where most conventional air movers have difficulty. The Triad can be placed on its side to gain higher reach on “wicked” walls or placed vertically for Class 3 losses on the ceiling. The Triad has a down draft feature to dry directly underneath the air mover. The Triad offers air flow control options, having the ability to be ducted from either its in-take or out-take. The Triad is designed specifically for restoration, delivering like no other for today’s everyday real world challenges!

回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机Skip Navigation Links Triad AFD The Triad AFD is a HEPA, High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter. Adding the Triad AFD to the top of a Triad air mover will clean the air of allergens, bacteria, dander, dust, dust mite debris, mold spores, pollen, and other particles. The Triad AFD can also be used with an optional carbon filter*, (sold separately), to remove smoke and odors on the restoration jobsite. Convenience and Performance in the same package! Easily Portable and Offers the Best Space Maximization also Delivers the Highest CFM/Air Exchange Performance in it's Class. No Additional Power Requirements The Triad AFD does not increase the 1.48 amp draw that the TRIAD air mover utilizes. Multifunctional Capabilities The Triad AFD not only cleans the air. You can duct the filtered air easily to another location or utilize the air flow to provide incremental drying across the linear surface of floors, upwards along walls, or wherever you want to direct it. Standard Filter Sizes The Triad AFD utilizes the most commonly used pre-filter and HEPA filter sizes, making it easy to source replacements. The TRIAD airmover has a reinforced, insulated seal to ensure a high filtration and clean air delivery rate. * Carbon Filter sold separately. Item Number: 1.007-902.0Housing: Impact Resistant Roto-Molded HousingCFM: 450 CFM with Filters InstalledFilter: Captures 99.97% of airborne particles down to 0.3 MicronsFilter Sizes: (2) Prefilters 16"x16"x1" HEPA filter 16"x20"x2

回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机噪音有,可以忽略不计点击展开...我现在用的是HONEYWELL产的, 象鼓样, 开到高速档叫得象个鼓风机.我有个IONIC BREEZE, 到是没啥躁音, 但椐说有害健康. 那位高人说说, 到底可否继续使用?

回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机温哥华这个冬季雨水奇少,但是低温今天创历史新低!有点意思!点击展开...前两天忙着玩,看到家园有温哥华本拿笔PM2.5 达到162的消息,不及细看,也没空参加讨论,今天刚随便一查,卑斯省就有两市超标。上海连着3天阴雨把我闲得难受,就逗凳子玩。

回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机一般用这个在温哥华就足够,HEPA滤芯应该够

回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机有钱把整条黄浦江也给净化下吧!全给黑毛死猪糟蹋了!

回复: 听了戈登老弟的提醒,我不敢怠慢,买了空气净化机王德龄大娘是谁?点击展开... 总爱用蓝色大字体发帖的,保存了许多雷锋穿90年代西装,皮鞋照片的


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温哥华 Vancouver-加拿大


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