加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver爸妈探亲旅游一次签证被拒,大家给看看拒签信啥意思啊
如题,所需资料都提供了,包括邀请信,爸爸单位的在职证明,我英语水平不行,大家帮我看看啥情况This refers to your application for a temporary resident visa to Canada. I have completed my assessment of yourapplication and I have determined that you do not meet the requirements for a temporary resident visa;therefore, your application is refused.In reaching a decision, an officer considers several factors; these may include the applicant’s travel and identitydocuments, reason for travel to Canada, contacts in Canada, financial means for the trip; ties to country ofresidence (including immigration status, employment and family ties) and whether the applicant would be likelyto leave Canada at the end of his/her authorized stay.In accordance with Section A11(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), any person wishing tobecome a temporary resident of Canada must satisfy an officer that he or she is not inadmissible to Canada andmeets the requirements of the Act. This includes the requirement to establish to the satisfaction of the officerthat the applicant will respect their conditions of admission and will leave Canada by the end of the periodauthorized for his or her stay.This application is closed. Please note that any new information you wish to provide must be submitted with anew application and processing fee. Should you wish to reapply, I would suggest that you do so only if yoursituation has changed substantively or you have significant new information to submit.
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