加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver下一步将会砍掉技术移民,同事们的看法?
向来, 做事都是一步一步的到位的, 这是个必然。 大家先讨论一下吧?当然砍有直接砍掉, 或者变向的被取代。
Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg 超赞 赏 K kafeiyucha 0$(VIP 0) 1,0202014-02-23#2 回复: 下一步将会砍掉技术移民,同事们的看法?技术移民早就砍完了,哪来的下一步
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