加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver如何放弃永久居民身份?



回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?不能续枫叶卡不是已经失去永久居民身份了吗?

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?可惜了。

路漫漫兮,吾将上下而求索......LG没能满足居住要求,不能续枫叶卡。我知道如果要申请探亲签证,则要先放弃永久居民身份。请问具体如何申请放弃身份呢?我在政府网页上找了半天也找不到这方面的申请表。有懂的同学吗?点击展开... 据说你直接去申请探亲签证, 然后领馆会要求你做一个放弃永久居民身份才给你发签证.

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?不能续枫叶卡不是已经失去永久居民身份了吗?点击展开... 枫叶卡到期不代表你失去了永久居民身份. 你凭移民纸照样可以从美国陆路进入加拿大.

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?Consent to decision on residency obligation and waiver of appeal rights resulting in loss of status under A46(1)(b)

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?了解清楚再作决定。

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?需要填表 IMM 5538B (Declaration―Relinquishment of permanent resident status where residency obligation is not met) and submit along with PR Card to Query Response Center at : Canadian Building 219 Laurier West Ave4th Floor, Room C-450 Ottawa, ON K1A 1L1 链接 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/enf/enf23-eng.pdf里面第7.10讲了放弃的程序

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?更多选择Relinquishing PR at a port of entry in CanadaOPTION 1  Relinquishing PR  even if  residency obligation is met1.  At the port of entry, when it is your turn to speak to an examining officer inform him/her that you would like to speak to an immigration officer to voluntarily relinquish your PR status.2.  When you meet the immigration officer, he/she will first determine if you are a PR.3.  Once the officer has established that you are a PR and still meet your residency obligation AND wish to voluntarily relinquish your PR status, the officer will personally counsel you on your intention.4.  If you are allowed to relinquish your PR you will be asked to complete the Declaration: Relinquishment of PR status / Residency Obligation Met (IMM 5539B) provided you are truly voluntarily relinquishing your status and fully understand the consequences.  You will be required to surrender your PR card (if you have one) and landing document.NOTE:  If you still meet the residency obligations you may be able to relinquish your PR status ONLY if exceptional circumstances exist.  An example of exceptional circumstances could be eligibility for diplomatic or other official assignments in your home country.After relinquishing your PR status you will need to secure a visa before entering Canada if you come from a country required to have a visa to enter Canada.  You will also be treated as a foreign national whenever you are in Canada. OPTION 2  Relinquishing PR  for non-compliance with residency obligation 1.  At the port of entry when it is your turn to speak to the examining officer inform him/her that you wish to speak to an immigration officer to voluntarily relinquish your PR status.2.  When you meet with the immigration officer, he/she will first determine if you are a PR.3.  Once the officer has established that you do not meet the residency obligation, you will be allowed to make a submission on H&C (humanitarian and compassionate) considerations which may lead an officer to allow you to remain a PR even if you have not complied with the residency obligation.4.  If you refuse to make an H&C or your reasons for H&C are insufficient to overcome the officer’s decision, then the officer may allow you to sign a voluntary relinquishment.5.  The officer meanwhile will write an A44(1) report (Inadmissibility Report).  Once an A44 (1) report is made the provisions of R62(1)(a) take effect so that any time spent in Canada after the report is filed will not count as days towards the residency obligation under A28(2) in case you rescind or withdraw your intention within 30 days.6.  You have to make it clear from the beginning and throughout the examination by an immigration officer that you are interested in temporary residence only and truly and voluntarily wish to relinquish your PR status.  The officer will then allow you to complete the Declaration: Voluntary Relinquishment of PR Status/Residency Obligation Not Met (IMM 5538).7.  The officer will personally counsel you in the significance of IMM 5538B and make a note on your file that you did not wish to produce evidence or make an H&C submission.8.  Once the A44(1) report and IMM 5538B are completed, these will then be processed.  There is a 37 days holding period before final decision is made in case you may wish to withdraw your intention.NOTE:  If you rescind or withdraw, the 37 days holding period (30 days plus 7 days delivery notice) will not count as days of PR residency.  Also, a removal order will be issued against you if you rescind.9.  If the 37 days pass without a withdrawal, you will be notified and the A44(1) report will be coded “14″ (no further action).Relinquishing PR outside CanadaOPTION 3  At a Canadian Embassy / High Commission1.  Make an appointment with an immigration officer to voluntarily relinquish your PR status.2.  During the meeting with the immigration officer, he/she will ask for your reason(s), will counsel you and will discuss the procedure with you -  depending on whether or not you meet the residency obligation (see Option 1 and Option 2).3.  You will then be asked to complete the appropriate forms and documentation and you will be asked to surrender your PR card and landing document.OPTION 4  Apply for a Travel Document - Use the Travel Document Application Form1.  Complete application form IMM 5524 and write “RENUNCIATION” in bold at the top of the page and submit along with one passport-size photo, your PR card, Record of Landing and proof of payment (processing fee is C$50.00).  You can download application form IMM 5524 and the guide IMM 5529 at the CIC web site http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/travel.asp.2.  If you are applying as a family, each person must complete a separate application form and submit all applications together.  If you lost your PR Card and/or Record of Landing this must be confirmed with a police report.3.  If you do not meet the residency obligations, you will be refused and the refusal letter will be your proof that you are no longer a PR of Canada.4.  If you still meet the residency obligations, you may be able to relinquish your PR status ONLY in exceptional circumstances (see Option 1).  In such cases you will be counseled before signing a formal declaration indicating you wish to relinquish you PR status.

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?MARK

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?明年五月我家那位也得放弃。

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?M

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?现在如果还没到期,在入境的时候告诉官员自己要放弃,会带你办理相关手续的,然后给你一个签证,日期是到你枫叶卡有效期截止日的,在此之前一定要离境。如果已经过期了,参见上面同学的解释

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?千万别自己主动放弃移民身份!切记!

香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强[email protected] 超赞 赏 sunny98 0$(VIP 0,#465) 6,0912011-10-27#15 回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?在中国的加拿大使馆先办理TD签证(永久居民旅行证件),如果成功了就说明你LG的永久居民身份还在,可以直接回加拿大。如果失败了就表示他的永久居民身份已经丧失,就可以马上办理临时访问签证。

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?Mark!

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?记下了

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?更多选择 Relinquishing PR at a port of entry in Canada OPTION 1 Relinquishing PR even if residency obligation is met1. At the port of entry, when it is your turn to speak to an examining officer inform him/her that you would like to speak to an immigration officer to voluntarily relinquish your PR status.2. When you meet the immigration officer, he/she will first determine if you are a PR.3. Once the officer has established that you are a PR and still meet your residency obligation AND wish to voluntarily relinquish your PR status, the officer will personally counsel you on your intention.4. If you are allowed to relinquish your PR you will be asked to complete the Declaration: Relinquishment of PR status / Residency Obligation Met (IMM 5539B) provided you are truly voluntarily relinquishing your status and fully understand the consequences. You will be required to surrender your PR card (if you have one) and landing document.NOTE: If you still meet the residency obligations you may be able to relinquish your PR status ONLY if exceptional circumstances exist. An example of exceptional circumstances could be eligibility for diplomatic or other official assignments in your home country.After relinquishing your PR status you will need to secure a visa before entering Canada if you come from a country required to have a visa to enter Canada. You will also be treated as a foreign national whenever you are in Canada. OPTION 2 Relinquishing PR for non-compliance with residency obligation 1. At the port of entry when it is your turn to speak to the examining officer inform him/her that you wish to speak to an immigration officer to voluntarily relinquish your PR status.2. When you meet with the immigration officer, he/she will first determine if you are a PR.3. Once the officer has established that you do not meet the residency obligation, you will be allowed to make a submission on H&C (humanitarian and compassionate) considerations which may lead an officer to allow you to remain a PR even if you have not complied with the residency obligation.4. If you refuse to make an H&C or your reasons for H&C are insufficient to overcome the officer’s decision, then the officer may allow you to sign a voluntary relinquishment.5. The officer meanwhile will write an A44(1) report (Inadmissibility Report). Once an A44 (1) report is made the provisions of R62(1)(a) take effect so that any time spent in Canada after the report is filed will not count as days towards the residency obligation under A28(2) in case you rescind or withdraw your intention within 30 days.6. You have to make it clear from the beginning and throughout the examination by an immigration officer that you are interested in temporary residence only and truly and voluntarily wish to relinquish your PR status. The officer will then allow you to complete the Declaration: Voluntary Relinquishment of PR Status/Residency Obligation Not Met (IMM 5538).7. The officer will personally counsel you in the significance of IMM 5538B and make a note on your file that you did not wish to produce evidence or make an H&C submission.8. Once the A44(1) report and IMM 5538B are completed, these will then be processed. There is a 37 days holding period before final decision is made in case you may wish to withdraw your intention.NOTE: If you rescind or withdraw, the 37 days holding period (30 days plus 7 days delivery notice) will not count as days of PR residency. Also, a removal order will be issued against you if you rescind.9. If the 37 days pass without a withdrawal, you will be notified and the A44(1) report will be coded “14″ (no further action).Relinquishing PR outside Canada OPTION 3 At a Canadian Embassy / High Commission1. Make an appointment with an immigration officer to voluntarily relinquish your PR status.2. During the meeting with the immigration officer, he/she will ask for your reason(s), will counsel you and will discuss the procedure with you - depending on whether or not you meet the residency obligation (see Option 1 and Option 2).3. You will then be asked to complete the appropriate forms and documentation and you will be asked to surrender your PR card and landing document. OPTION 4 Apply for a Travel Document - Use the Travel Document Application Form1. Complete application form IMM 5524 and write “RENUNCIATION” in bold at the top of the page and submit along with one passport-size photo, your PR card, Record of Landing and proof of payment (processing fee is C$50.00). You can download application form IMM 5524 and the guide IMM 5529 at the CIC web site http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/travel.asp.2. If you are applying as a family, each person must complete a separate application form and submit all applications together. If you lost your PR Card and/or Record of Landing this must be confirmed with a police report.3. If you do not meet the residency obligations, you will be refused and the refusal letter will be your proof that you are no longer a PR of Canada.4. If you still meet the residency obligations, you may be able to relinquish your PR status ONLY in exceptional circumstances (see Option 1). In such cases you will be counseled before signing a formal declaration indicating you wish to relinquish you PR status.点击展开... GREATE DETAILS

回复: 如何放弃永久居民身份?不能续枫叶卡不是已经失去永久居民身份了吗?点击展开... 如果你老实在中国的家里待着,你的永久居民身份是永远不会失去的。 只有在以下三种情况下你会失去永久居民身份: 1. 你自己主动放弃。 2. 你收到取消身份通知,并且你放弃上诉权利。 3. 你收到取消身份通知,然后你行使上诉权利,最终移民上诉庭判决你败诉。 只有拥有永久居民身份的身份有权持有枫叶卡,但是不持有有效枫叶卡不等于你没有永久居民身份。 枫叶卡只是一张旅行证件,那不是你的身份。

唐人故事 我能把鸡蛋立起来,你也能海外资产申报,你真的明白吗中国移民圈子里的十大讹传避税策略讨论 人寿保险,你真的明白吗纪念我的双十 理财那点儿事儿需要填表 IMM 5538B (Declaration―Relinquishment of permanent resident status where residency obligation is not met) and submit along with PR Card to Query Response Center at : Canadian Building 219 Laurier West Ave4th Floor, Room C-450 Ottawa, ON K1A 1L1 链接 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/enf/enf23-eng.pdf里面第7.10讲了放弃的程序点击展开... 也许这个比喻不大恰当: 为什么连自杀的理由都不问,就给人讲自杀的程序呢?

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