加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver大家帮忙看看,这个丰田车的集体诉讼网站是不是骗子?
今天收到一封信,内容如下。确实家里有辆丰田车,不知这个网站是不是骗子,大家帮鉴定一下。如果不是骗子网站,这事还是可以参与一下的吧。If you own or lease a Toyota or Lexus vehicle, you may be eligible to benefit from a class action SettlementOur records tell us that you are the current or previous owner or lessee of a Toyota or Lexus vehicle equipped with an Electronic Throttle Control System (ETCS).Class action lawsuits relating to these vehicles are in the process of being settled, subject to Court approval. As part of the proposed Settlement, you may be eligible for:• A cash payment of $62.50 or• Free installation of a brake override system (BOS)• A customer support programTo file a claim for the cash payment, if eligible, and to learn more about your potential benefits, visit:www.toyotaELsettlement.caor call:1-855-823-0650 (toll-free)Court approvalThe Courts in Ontario, Québec, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan will be holding hearings to consider whether to certify/authorize the class actions and approve the proposed Settlement. All class members are entitled, but not required, to appear and speak at these hearings, at their own cost.For more information, to object, or to opt outPlease check the Settlement Website regularly for important documents, forms, updates, and deadlines for opting out, making an objection, or filing a claim: www.toyotaELsettlement.ca(This Settlement applies only to vehicles distributed in Canada)
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回复: 大家帮忙看看,这个丰田车的集体诉讼网站是不是骗子?我觉得这句话很有问题:Our records tell us that 我们是谁,他们怎么知道你有辆toyoto?
大多数同胞逻辑不是一般的差,与其讲道理完全提不起兴趣,只能无视 超赞 赏 zttz 0$(VIP 0) 1752013-12-20#4 回复: 大家帮忙看看,这个丰田车的集体诉讼网站是不是骗子?确有其事
回复: 大家帮忙看看,这个丰田车的集体诉讼网站是不是骗子?我也收到这封邮件,直觉告诉我:骗子,没错。
回复: 大家帮忙看看,这个丰田车的集体诉讼网站是不是骗子?连接点进去是一个网站http://www.toyotaelsettlement.ca/ 最顶上带着CRAWFORD的logoGOOGLE一下,可以找到不少相关新闻,譬如说一下一条:http://www.newswire.ca/en/story/128...d-products-liability-economic-loss-litigation文章中也提到 www.toyotaelsettlement.ca 这个网站。还有联络地址也吻合。
他们是从toyota canada 拿到你的信息的,我今年三月份还专门为了这事情打过去toyota canada 改地址。不知道什么时候才能收到支票~~~这个诉讼我在萨省的时候就参加了classauction 他们邮件通知我的。 因为系统上他们的地址还是我得旧地址, 然后让我去toyota canada再确认改地址。我美国的同学的诉讼已经settle 勒。 不过这个网站真得做得很挫我来温哥华之后作了两次recall 全免费, 年底作了一次大保养,open road 给我两张市中心芭蕾舞票。夏天open road 车牌会员去 松鸡山免费停车。 我是觉得做到这样很不错了。
把搂主这个帖子顶起来,让更多的丰田凌志车主能够看到。 让大家的车辆都能有保障,我是觉得和GM RECALL 相比 丰田做得不错了。
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