加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver温哥华downtown parking ticket
i parked my car at downtown smither street area . it is allowed to park there until 3 pm . i dint notice that at first . so i parked there at 2 pm . i paied 2 hours to park . then later i foud i can only park 1 hour . then i did my translator job at suprem court with my customer . when i was worried and came out . i saw they towing my car . then that guy told me to pay aroud 40 dollar then get my car back me . i did and thought that was done . but one month later . i got letter from city hall . asked me to pay another 150 dollar for unproper parking in busy street . then i realized i need to pay twice . 40 dollar for towing fees . then i called city hall . told them that i was lack of experinces and i dint get previous 2 letters from them also . if i paied eariler . i could only spend 50 dolllar for ticket . because i didnt know i should pay 50 dollar for proper parking and dint get pervios two letter from city hall earilier .so because such delay . i have to pay 150 dollar i tried to phone them and talked to them my situation . i am new comer here and lack of such experiences . also i dint work full time now . but they said they cannt change this . so i write this here for reference . in face everyone else wont make same mistake as i did . also welcome other suggestions for me from those chinese immigrant who live here long time and know how to handle such situation better . welcome u write your adivce here . thanks so much for sharing
I try attach better clear ticket picture
there is an app called "pay by phone", I use it all the time. just to remember your meter # and pay by the app. your case is different tho...
dispute it
serious? Are you a translator?!
jasmine_tl 说:i parked my car at downtown smither street area . it is allowed to park there until 3 pm . i dint notice that at first . so i parked there at 2 pm . i paied 2 hours to park . then later i foud i can only park 1 hour . then i did my translator job at suprem court with my customer . when i was worried and came out . i saw they towing my car . then that guy told me to pay aroud 40 dollar then get my car back me . i did and thought that was done . but one month later . i got letter from city hall . asked me to pay another 150 dollar for unproper parking in busy street . then i realized i need to pay twice . 40 dollar for towing fees .then i called city hall . told them that i was lack of experinces and i dint get previous 2 letters from them also . if i paied eariler . i could only spend 50 dolllar for ticket . because i didnt know i should pay 50 dollar for proper parking and dint get pervios two letter from city hall earilier .so because such delay . i have to pay 150 dollar i tried to phone them and talked to them my situation . i am new comer here and lack of such experiences . also i dint work full time now . but they said they cannt change this .so i write this here for reference . in face everyone else wont make same mistake as i did . also welcome other suggestions for me from those chinese immigrant who live here long time and know how to handle such situation better . welcome u write your adivce here . thanks so much for sharing点击展开...What r talking about?
樓主也是好心,提醒大家。如果當場看到自己的車被拖,付給拖車不拖走的費用是拖車費(去拖車場拿的話有保管費跟拖車費),但你自己還是要繳政府的罰單。Vancouver Downtown很多路邊停車是3~6pm是不能停的,你繳了停車費也沒用.......自己就是受害者之一平常沒繳停車費是開罰單而已,但是3點那段時間是立刻拖,警察開完單就會叫拖車(大約10~15分鐘就會到)
leo insurance . u are so right . but I wander if I can dispute it .? how to dispute it ? I called 311 and talked to their officer . but she told me there is nothing they can do . so anyone can give more informations about dispute ? where to dispute ? judge ? or go to court ?what is the normal process here?
是可以dispute,但是我不建議。Parking Ticket 的成功率"據說"只有10%,失敗了還要繳額外罰金,而且現在開單前他們會照相,所以很難贏我之前是dispute剛來加拿大被警察攔說沒駕照(我只拿國際駕照),去ICBC申請dispute然後就等通知(可能1~3個月或是更久),之後是去法院,你是跟法官講說你的狀況。我因為在去法院之前就去考了N,在門口就遇到開我單的警察,我跟他說我已經考了駕照,警察還滿和善的說:[很好,那他會跟法官說他沒證據證明我沒駕照]就這樣省了$100多
Parking Ticket 的成功率"據說"只有10%,失敗了還要繳額外罰金,--------------------------> how much will it be for 額外罰金? now they want me to pay 150 dollar because i delayed it for one month more . they said they sent me two letter to inform it but i never get previous two letter from them until the third letter . i wander if i should go icbc also. also sometimes. because we are new comer here . if it didnt spend too much time or energy . it is a new try or new experiencs to see how to dispute with them .did u go icbc website to dispute or u need to call them ? do u think my parking ticket will need to dispute with icbc or city hall ? because i got letter from city hallwould u mind sending me text by my phone 7787088583 . so i can talk to u more details about my case . easier to communicate when talking . i promise i dont take u too much time for that . i like efficiency . thanks for sharing ur experiences . that is very nice of you
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