加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver2014年三联市市选参考名单 ,给需要的选民
本届三联市市选,新民主党NDP背景的候选人势头很猛,Coquitlam首次成立了有NDP背景的市选政党Coquitlam Citizens Association,竞选市议员。三联市学务委员上届只有2个新人参选,这次居然有18个新人参选、共有25人竞选9个学务委员席位,其中有13位候选人认同NDP理念。NDP立志为所谓“弱势群体”争取权益, 他们支持同性婚姻合法化、支持变性人使用异性厕所和更衣室、支持大麻合法化、支持卖淫合法化、支持BC教联罢工。2011年,NDP支持的BC教联推广“性别频谱”教师手册,鼓励学生自由选择“性别身份”,使用“荷尔蒙阻断剂”阻断第二性征发育。2011年,NDP系列政党控制的本拿比教育局以“反欺凌”的名义,为学校购买含淫秽内容 的Out in School资料。2014年,NDP系列政党控制的温哥华教育局允许学生自由选择“性别身份”,男生只要认为自己是女生就可以使用女厕所和更衣室。如果你不愿意坐等三联市成为NDP的天下,这次市选就不能不出来投票了!怎样投票是每个人自己的决定,如果你还没看准选谁,有心人整理的以下名单,可以供你参考:学务委员:Coquitlam:Barb Hobson:政治理念倾向BC自由党,1996-2002担任学委。对有关同性恋教育政策的立场是:When I was on the School Board from 1996 until 2002, I was on a committee that developed an Anti Harassment Policy. I continually advocated (successfully) for this policy to be inclusive of all students. No individual should ever be harassed, intimidated or bullied. I believe we do not need to be specific as to who this applies to since it applies to everyone.Diane Sowden:现任学委,未公开政治倾向。她是8个孩子的母亲,Children of the Street Society创始人,主张家长有权帮助子女戒毒,主张提高性行为年龄,致力保护离家出走儿童。Gaily Alty:现任学委,未公开政治倾向。对有关同性恋教育政策和父母教育权的立场是:Parents are a child’s first teacher and have the right to teach their family values to their children. I would not support any policy that did not respect that right. I do believe every child, youth and adult has a right to be treated with respect and dignity without being subjected to bullying or any kind of intimidation.Zongshu Luo罗仲抒:政治理念倾向BC自由党。对有关同性恋教育政策和父母教育权的立场是:I respect people who have different sexual orientation. But I won’t adopt any policy in school beyond the boundaries. Parents, in my opinion, should be always involved largely in their children’s education. Children develop their values mostly based on their family values. No one is ever able to limit the parents role in their development.Port Coquitlam:Liam Coughlan:政治理念倾向BC自由党。对有关同性恋教育政策和父母教育权的立场是: I would not go the route that Vancouver and Burnaby have. Nobody should be bullied for any of those reasons, but the policy should protect all students equally and ensure all of our children feel valued and safe in our schools. I respect the role of parents as prime educators of their children on moral matters. Parents play a pivotal role in the education of their children, and schools boards are there to support that role and not usurp it.Judy Shirra:现任学委,政治理念倾向绿党。未答复对有关同性恋教育政策和父母教育权的立场,由于Port Coquitlam其他候选人理念均倾向NDP,所以不如继续选她。Port Moody:Keith Watkins:现任学委,未公开政治倾向。对有关同性恋教育政策和父母教育权的立场是:In School District 43 we follow the Education Ministry’s Safe and Caring School Communities Policy which is inclusive of everyone and is put in place for the protection of all our students. As a school trustee I believe in the values of acceptance and inclusion.Melissa Hyndes:现任学委,政治理念倾向BC自由党。对有关同性恋教育政策的立场是:We have just adopted a Safe Schools Framework, it’s core commitment is to Safe Caring Learning communities. I believe all students should feel safe and respected. Our Anti Harrasment and Code of Conduct policy needs some updating to reflect this.Anmore/Belcarra:Celia Chiang:政治理念倾向BC自由党。对有关同性恋教育政策和父母教育权的立场是:If elected my stance on this issue will be that all individuals needed to be respected regardless of what their sexual preference is. Schools and administration need to respect the role of parents.市长、市议员:各位候选人的政见见仁见智,如果你没有特别钟意的对象,又怕选错人,不妨选现任市长、市议员,保持现状。无论如何,不要浪费你手中的选票,因为只有提高投票率,华人的呼声才会得到重视。Coquitlam:市长:可以选现任市长Richard Stewart市议员:可以选现任议员Brent Asmundson, Craig Hodge, Mae Reid, Terry O’Neill,再选4位新人,建议:基督徒、两个孩子的已婚父亲Ben Craig,两个孩子的已婚父亲Dennis Marsden,韩国基督徒、两个孩子的已婚父亲Justin Kim,两个孩子的已婚妈妈Teri Towner。注意:有5位候选人成立了Coquitlam史上第一个NDP背景的政党Coquitlam Citizen Association,选票上名字后面会注明”CCA”,如果你不支持NDP,就不要选他们。Port Coquitlam:市长:可以选现任市长Greg Moore市议员:可以选现任议员 Brad West, Darrell Penner, Dean Washington, Glenn Pollock, Michael Wright, Mike Forrest。Port Moody:市长:可以选现任市长Mike Clay市议员:可以选现任议员Diana Dilworth, Gerry Nuttall, Rick Glumac, Rosemary Small, Zoë Royer,再选1位新人,建议:两个孩子的已婚妈妈Barbara Junker。Anmore:市长:可以选现任市长Heather Anderson市议员:可以选现任议员Ann-Marie Thiele ,再选3位新人,没建议。Belcarra:市长:可以选现任市长Ralph Drew市议员:可以选现任议员Bruce Drake, Jamie Ross, Jennifer Glover,再选1位新人,没建议。
snowbearbear 说:最后两市长,真不知道说啥了。那俩山头上,居民有没有一千个啊,也配个市长。。。。。。。。点击展开...是啊,这里所谓市就是中国区的概念,最后两个也就是街道的概念,真是蚂蚁虽小五脏俱全的说了。
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