加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver咨询入籍或者枫叶卡更新问题。
大家是否在从登陆的当天算起的? 五年内满三年?比如说我2010年5月登陆的, 今年5月份相应的日期当天递交相应的更新或者入籍申请?
Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg从你申请入籍或renew枫叶卡开始,往前推算。点击展开...算天数好想有个计算公式?
Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg 超赞 赏 明德学院 0$(VIP 0) 802015-02-23#4 1. 是否住满要求的天数,从提交申请的日期倒着计算。2. 计算天数看这里: https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/rescalc/startBasicCalc.do
·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池