加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver请教大家换枫叶卡的问题
风停雨住 说:现在需要把机票和收据马上寄给cic办加急,或者扫描后发邮件过去点击展开...谢谢指教。
https://boereport.com/ 超赞 赏 STILLWELL 0$(VIP 0,#526) 9,9242015-01-27#4 今早收到cic邮件,申请的资料也给退回来,说需要补料。到时一起把机票寄过去得了。
https://boereport.com/ 超赞 赏 tonytoronto2014 0$(VIP 0) 2812015-01-27#5 如果你有消息你在论坛上给个回复,我也是11月递交的,打过一次电话,意思就是等,官网上说需要170天,说要着急回国就把旅行证。等你的好消息!谢谢!
我的枫叶卡renew 移民局回复是这样的:this refers to the application for a P R C that you filed with this office. the purpose of this letter is to advise you that a preliminary review of your application has been completed. your file has now been refferred for a secondary review. this review will result in an additional delay .however, we will endeavor to finalize your application as soon as possible. you will be contacted if additional information or documents are required to complete your file .第二段提供了一个电话和网址,还有信中给的identification number 我9月3 号 邮递到移民局。2015 1.26 收到移民局这封信件。请问跟我情况相同的吗? 有没有有经验的人士或律师。解读一下我的情况。 计划3月初回中国,拜托,谢谢!zlpcanadameet, 10 分钟前编辑删除举报#12+回复zlpcanadameet园友注册:2013-01-20帖子:2赞:0我住的时间是足够两年还多2-3个月
tonytoronto2014 说:如果你有消息你在论坛上给个回复,我也是11月递交的,打过一次电话,意思就是等,官网上说需要170天,说要着急回国就把旅行证。等你的好消息!谢谢!点击展开...好的。
https://boereport.com/我的枫叶卡renew 移民局回复是这样的:this refers to the application for a P R C that you filed with this office. the purpose of this letter is to advise you that a preliminary review of your application has been completed. your file has now been refferred for a secondary review. this review will result in an additional delay .however, we will endeavor to finalize your application as soon as possible. you will be contacted if additional information or documents are required to complete your file .第二段提供了一个电话和网址,还有信中给的identification number 我9月3 号 邮递到移民局。2015 1.26 收到移民局这封信件。请问跟我情况相同的吗? 有没有有经验的人士或律师。解读一下我的情况。 计划3月初回中国,拜托,谢谢!我住的时间是足够两年还多2-3个月点击展开...只能等他们的消息了。我要是您就不先定机票,如果定就定能够改签或者退的。我5年期间只再登陆后的第二年回去1个月,回去的一个月也等同于住在加拿大。后来因为怀孕生孩子就没回去过。ps:我的担心是,因为我中文名像男孩子的名字,后来我老公就把我名字改了。定机票的时候用新名字,枫叶卡是原名字。不知道回加拿大的时候中国海关会不会因为护照枫叶卡和机票上的名字不一致不让我离开。
https://boereport.com/ 超赞 赏 空 空中的蒲公英 0$(VIP 0) 1,0882015-01-28#10 不知道回加拿大的时候中国海关会不会因为护照枫叶卡和机票上的名字不一致不让我离开。[/QUOTE]计票和护照名字有差你可能过安检都不行啊别说回国了
空中的蒲公英 说:计票和护照名字有差你可能过安检都不行啊别说回国了点击展开...不知道改名字的时候是否有相关文件或者相关记录。等某人回来后问问。
https://boereport.com/只能等他们的消息了。我要是您就不先定机票,如果定就定能够改签或者退的。我5年期间只再登陆后的第二年回去1个月,回去的一个月也等同于住在加拿大。后来因为怀孕生孩子就没回去过。ps:我的担心是,因为我中文名像男孩子的名字,后来我老公就把我名字改了。定机票的时候用新名字,枫叶卡是原名字。不知道回加拿大的时候中国海关会不会因为护照枫叶卡和机票上的名字不一致不让我离开。点击展开... 哪里改的出具个证明,并公证一下我估计是捷径,也许不要公证只要公安局的印章也许
tonytoronto2014 说:如果你有消息你在论坛上给个回复,我也是11月递交的,打过一次电话,意思就是等,官网上说需要170天,说要着急回国就把旅行证。等你的好消息!谢谢!点击展开...明天去取。This is your notice to pick up your Permanent Resident Card. Each client gets his/her own call-in notice, even minor children. Minors between the ages of 14-18 may pick up their cards unaccompanied by an adult. An officer will review your original documents and may request additional information to determine your eligibility for a Permanent Resident Card. Please note that each individual must appear in person; no one else can pick up your card for you.Your appointment is scheduled for the following date and time: DATE: 12TH MARCH, 2015
https://boereport.com/明天去取。This is your notice to pick up your Permanent Resident Card. Each client gets his/her own call-in notice, even minor children. Minors between the ages of 14-18 may pick up their cards unaccompanied by an adult. An officer will review your original documents and may request additional information to determine your eligibility for a Permanent Resident Card. Please note that each individual must appear in person; no one else can pick up your card for you.Your appointment is scheduled for the following date and time: DATE: 12TH MARCH, 2015点击展开...我的也可以去取了,比你晚几天。慢的要死
tonytoronto2014 说:我的也可以去取了,比你晚几天。慢的要死点击展开...我前天 收到邮件,让我今天早上去。因为前几天一直有事,昨天才查看email,如果昨天没看就错过了。
https://boereport.com/明天去取。This is your notice to pick up your Permanent Resident Card. Each client gets his/her own call-in notice, even minor children. Minors between the ages of 14-18 may pick up their cards unaccompanied by an adult. An officer will review your original documents and may request additional information to determine your eligibility for a Permanent Resident Card. Please note that each individual must appear in person; no one else can pick up your card for you.Your appointment is scheduled for the following date and time: DATE: 12TH MARCH, 2015点击展开...取到了没?啥情况啊?。。。。。。
South Avenue 说:取到了没?啥情况啊?。。。。。。点击展开...取了,我到的时候有30几个人在排队了。排在我后面的一对第一次没理解email通知还是没想到是通知换证的email错过了,2个月后就等第二次通知。
South Avenue 说:万苦洼还是土狼坨?。。。。。。点击展开...卡城
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