加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver安倍战后70周年谈话六大要点
1、承认伤害无辜民众历史事实 正值战后70年,对国内外丧失生命的人们,深深低头表示痛惜之意,并致以永远的诚挚的哀悼……对于那些无辜的人们,我国对其造成了不可估量的损害和痛苦,这是(历史)事实。 2、承认战争给中国带来苦难 尝尽战争苦难的中国人民,以及那些遭日军俘虏而受到难以忍受痛苦的人们,为了宽容,有着多少内心的纠葛,又需要多么努力。 3、称已多次进行道歉和反省 对于我国在那次大战中的行为,我们已经反复进行了深刻的反省以及由衷的道歉。为了以实际行动体现那种想法,(日本)在战后一直将印尼、菲律宾等东南亚国家、(中国)台湾、韩国、中国等民众所经历的苦难历史铭记于心,为了和平和繁荣拼尽全力。 4、“感谢国际社会宽容之心” 基于宽容的心,日本才得以在战后回归国际社会。值此战后七十周年之际,对于那些为和解而竭尽全力的国家和人士,我们想表示由衷的感谢。 5、称不该代代持续谢罪 如今,日本战后出生的人已经超过总人口的八成,对于和那场战争没有任何关系的我们的子孙,不应该让他们背负一直谢罪的宿命,但是,虽是如此,我们日本人必须世世代代正视过去的历史,以谦逊的态度,继承过去,面向未来,我们有这样的责任。 6、一字未提及“慰安妇” 在中国、东南亚以及太平洋战场上,有很多无辜的民众受苦、牺牲。在战场之外,也不能忘记名誉与尊严深深受到伤害的女性们……在20世纪的战时状态下,我们深深伤害了许多女性的尊严和名誉,对这段过去,我们继续铭刻于心。
While Abe said in a speech at Harvard University on Monday that his “heart aches even now” for the victims, he has stopped short of officially recognizing and apologizing for the practice, as Seoul has demanded. Abe maintains that previous government apologies for Japanese wartime aggressions are sufficient. The South Koreans clearly disagree, with a Korean newspaper denouncing Abe as “the root of the problem” on its front page this week. With a sputtering economy and a government weakened by scandal — South Korea’s Prime Minister resigned on April 27 after bribery accusations — it is no wonder that Seoul is eyeing Japan’s aspirations warily.http://time.com/3840737/shinzo-abe-japan-prime-minister-speech-washington/
华尔街日报的节录 - http://blogs.wsj.com/briefly/2015/08/14/5-messages-in-shinzo-abes-war-anniversary-statement/台湾新闻翻译的全文 - http://n.yam.com/cna/international/20150815/20150815217810.html英文的全文。- http://blogs.wsj.com/japanrealtime/...-minister-shinzo-abes-world-war-ii-statement/Statement by Prime Minister Shinzo AbeCabinet DecisionOn the 70th anniversary of the end of the war, we must calmly reflect upon the road to war, the path we have taken since it ended, and the era of the 20th century. We must learn from the lessons of history the wisdom for our future.正值戰爭結束七十周年之際,我們認為,必須平靜地回顧走向那場戰爭的道路、戰後的進程、二十世紀那一時代,並從歷史的教訓中學習面向未來的智慧。More than one hundred years ago, vast colonies possessed mainly by the Western powers stretched out across the world. With their overwhelming supremacy in technology, waves of colonial rule surged toward Asia in the 19th century. There is no doubt that the resultant sense of crisis drove Japan forward to achieve modernization. Japan built a constitutional government earlier than any other nation in Asia. The country preserved its independence throughout. The Japan-Russia War gave encouragement to many people under colonial rule from Asia to Africa.一百多年前,以西方國家為主的各國的廣大殖民地遍及世界各地。十九世紀,以技術的絕對優勢為背景,殖民統治亦波及到亞洲。毫無疑問,其帶來的危機感變成日本實現近代化的動力。日本首次在亞洲實現立憲政治,守住了國家獨立。日俄戰爭鼓舞了許多處在殖民統治之下的亞洲和非洲的人們。After World War I, which embroiled the world, the movement for self-determination gained momentum and put brakes on colonization that had been underway. It was a horrible war that claimed as many as ten million lives. With a strong desire for peace stirred in them, people founded the League of Nations and brought forth the General Treaty for Renunciation of War. There emerged in the international community a new tide of outlawing war itself.經過席捲全世界的第一次世界大戰,民族自決運動的擴大阻止了此前的殖民地化。那場戰爭造成了一千多萬死難者,是一場悲慘的戰爭。人們渴望和平,創立國際聯盟,創造出不戰條約,誕生出使戰爭本身違法化的新的國際社會潮流At the beginning, Japan, too, kept steps with other nations. However, with the Great Depression setting in and the Western countries launching economic blocs by involving colonial economies, Japan’s economy suffered a major blow. In such circumstances, Japan’s sense of isolation deepened and it attempted to overcome its diplomatic and economic deadlock through the use of force. Its domestic political system could not serve as a brake to stop such attempts. In this way, Japan lost sight of the overall trends in the world.當初,日本也統一了步調。但是,在世界經濟危機發生後,歐美各國以捲入殖民地經濟來推動區域經濟集團化,從而日本經濟受到重大打擊。此間,日本的孤立感加深,試圖依靠實力解決外交和經濟上的困境。對此,國內政治機制也未能予以阻止。其結果,日本迷失了世界大局。With the Manchurian Incident, followed by the withdrawal from the League of Nations, Japan gradually transformed itself into a challenger to the new international order that the international community sought to establish after tremendous sacrifices. Japan took the wrong course and advanced along the road to war.滿洲事變以及退出國際聯盟——日本逐漸變成國際社會經過巨大災難而建立起來的新的國際秩序的挑戰者,該走的方向有錯誤,而走上了戰爭的道路And, seventy years ago, Japan was defeated.其結果,七十年前,日本戰敗了。On the 70th anniversary of the end of the war, I bow my head deeply before the souls of all those who perished both at home and abroad. I express my feelings of profound grief and my eternal, sincere condolences.正當戰後七十周年之際,我在國內外所有死遇者面前,深深地鞠躬,並表示痛惜,表達永久的哀悼之意。More than three million of our compatriots lost their lives during the war: on the battlefields worrying about the future of their homeland and wishing for the happiness of their families; in remote foreign countries after the war, in extreme cold or heat, suffering from starvation and disease. The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the air raids on Tokyo and other cities, and the ground battles in Okinawa, among others, took a heavy toll among ordinary citizens without mercy.由於那場戰爭失去了三百多萬同胞的生命。有不少人在掛念祖國的未來、祈願家人的幸福之中捐軀。戰爭結束後,也有不少人在嚴寒或炎熱的遙遠異國他鄉苦於饑餓或疾病之中去世。廣島和長崎遭受的原子彈轟炸、東京以及各城市遭受的轟炸、沖繩發生的地面戰鬥等等,這些導致了許許多多的老百姓悲慘遇難。Also in countries that fought against Japan, countless lives were lost among young people with promising futures. In China, Southeast Asia, the Pacific islands and elsewhere that became the battlefields, numerous innocent citizens suffered and fell victim to battles as well as hardships such as severe deprivation of food. We must never forget that there were women behind the battlefields whose honour and dignity were severely injured.同樣,在與日本兵戎相見的國家中,不計其數的年輕人失去了原本有著未來的生命。在中國、東南亞、太平洋島嶼等成為戰場的地區,不僅由於戰鬥,還由於糧食不足等原因,許多無辜的平民受苦和遇難。我們也不能忘記,在戰場背後被嚴重傷害名譽與尊嚴的女性們的存在。Upon the innocent people did our country inflict immeasurable damage and suffering. History is harsh. What is done cannot be undone. Each and every one of them had his or her life, dream, and beloved family. When I squarely contemplate this obvious fact, even now, I find myself speechless and my heart is rent with the utmost grief.我國給無辜的人們帶來了不可估量的損害和痛苦。歷史真是無法取消的、殘酷的。每一個人都有各自的人生、夢想、所愛的家人。我在沉思這樣一個明顯的事實時,至今我仍然無法言語,不禁斷腸。The peace we enjoy today exists only upon such precious sacrifices. And therein lies the origin of postwar Japan.在如此重大損失之上,才有現在的和平。這就是戰後日本的出發點We must never again repeat the devastation of war.再也不要重演戰禍。Incident, aggression, war — we shall never again resort to any form of the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes. We shall abandon colonial rule forever and respect the right of self-determination of all peoples throughout the world.事變、侵略、戰爭。我們再也不應該用任何武力威脅或武力行使作為解決國際爭端的手段。應該永遠跟殖民統治告別,要實現尊重所有民族自決權利的世界。With deep repentance for the war, Japan made that pledge. Upon it, we have created a free and democratic country, abided by the rule of law, and consistently upheld that pledge never to wage a war again. While taking silent pride in the path we have walked as a peace-loving nation for as long as seventy years, we remain determined never to deviate from this steadfast course.我國帶著對那場戰爭的深刻悔悟,作出了如此發誓。在此基礎上,我國建設自由民主的國家,重視法治,一直堅持不戰誓言。我們對七十年以來所走過的和平國家道路默默地感到自豪,並且今後也將繼續貫徹這一堅定的方針。Japan has repeatedly expressed the feelings of deep remorse and heartfelt apology for its actions during the war. In order to manifest such feelings through concrete actions, we have engraved in our hearts the histories of suffering of the people in Asia as our neighbours: those in Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines, and Taiwan, the Republic of Korea and China, among others; and we have consistently devoted ourselves to the peace and prosperity of the region since the end of the war.我國對在那場戰爭中的行為多次表示深刻的反省和由衷的歉意。為了以實際行動表明這種心情,我們將印尼、菲律賓等東南亞國家以及台灣、韓國、中國等亞洲鄰居人民走過的苦難歷史銘刻在心,戰後一直致力於這些國家的和平與繁榮Such position articulated by the previous cabinets will remain unshakable into the future.這些歷代內閣的立場今後也將是堅定不移的。However, no matter what kind of efforts we may make, the sorrows of those who lost their family members and the painful memories of those who underwent immense sufferings by the destruction of war will never be healed.不過,即使我們付出多麼大的努力,失去家人的悲哀和在戰禍中飽受塗炭之苦的記憶也絕不會消失。Thus, we must take to heart the following.因此,我們要將下述事實銘刻在心The fact that more than six million Japanese repatriates managed to come home safely after the war from various parts of the Asia-Pacific and became the driving force behind Japan’s postwar reconstruction; the fact that nearly three thousand Japanese children left behind in China were able to grow up there and set foot on the soil of their homeland again; and the fact that former POWs of the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia and other nations have visited Japan for many years to continue praying for the souls of the war dead on both sides.超過六百萬人的戰後回國者從亞洲太平洋的各地總算平安回國,成為重建日本的原動力。在中國被殘留的接近三千人的日本兒童得以成長,再次踏上祖國土地。美國、英國、荷蘭、澳大利亞等國家的被俘的人們,長期以來訪問日本,祭奠雙方的戰死者How much emotional strugglemust have existed and what great efforts must have been necessary for the Chinese people who underwent all the sufferings of the war and for the former POWs who experienced unbearable sufferings caused by the Japanese military in order for them to be so tolerant nevertheless?飽嘗戰爭痛苦的中國人、以及曾經被俘並遭受日軍施加難以忍受痛苦的人做得如此寬容,他們內心的糾葛究竟多麼大,付出的努力又是多麼大?That is what we must turn our thoughts to reflect upon.我們必須將此事掛在心上Thanks to suchmanifestation of tolerance, Japan was able to return to the international community in the postwar era. Taking this opportunity of the 70th anniversary of the end of the war, Japan would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to all the nations and all the people who made every effort for reconciliation.戰後,如此寬容的胸懷使得日本重返國際社會。值此戰後七十年之際,我國向致力於和解的所有國家、所有人士表示由衷的感謝。In Japan, the postwar generations now exceed eighty per cent of its population. We must not let our children, grandchildren, and even further generations to come, who have nothing to do with that war, be predestined to apologize. Still, even so, we Japanese, across generations, must squarely face the history of the past. We have the responsibility to inherit the past, in all humbleness, and pass it on to the future.現在我國國內戰後出生的一代已超過了總人口的80%。我們不能讓與戰爭毫無關係的子孫後代擔負起繼續道歉的宿命。儘管如此,我們日本人要超越世代,正面面對過去的歷史。我們有責任以謙虛的態度繼承過去,將它交給未來Our parents’ and grandparents’ generations were able to survive in a devastated land in sheer poverty after the war. The future they brought about is the one our current generation inherited and the one we will hand down to the next generation. Together with the tireless efforts of our predecessors, this has only been possible through the goodwill and assistance extended to us that transcended hatred by a truly large number of countries, such as the United States, Australia, and European nations, which Japan had fiercely fought against as enemies.我們的父母一代以及祖父母一代在戰後廢墟和貧困深淵中維繫了生命。他們帶來的未來是可以讓我們一代繼承,且交給我們下一代。這不僅是前輩們不懈努力的結果,也是曾經作為敵國激烈交火的美國、澳大利亞、歐洲各國以及許多國家超越恩仇提供善意和支援的結果。We must pass this down from generation to generation into the future. We have the great responsibility to take the lessons of history deeply into our hearts, to carve out a better future, and to make all possible efforts for the peace and prosperity of Asia and the world.我們必須將此事告訴未來的一代。將歷史的教訓深深地銘刻在心,開拓更加美好的未來,為亞洲及世界的和平與繁榮而盡力。我們擔負著這一重大責任。We will engrave in our hearts the past, when Japan attempted to break its deadlock with force. Upon this reflection, Japan will continue to firmly uphold the principle that any disputes must be settled peacefully and diplomatically based on the respect for the rule of law and not through the use of force, and to reach out to other countries in the world to do the same. As the only country to have ever suffered the devastation of atomic bombings during war, Japan will fulfil its responsibility in the international community, aiming at the non-proliferation and ultimate abolition of nuclear weapons.我們繼續將謀求以實力打開僵局的過去銘刻在心。正因為如此,我國繼續奉行的是,任何爭端都應該尊重法治,不是行使實力而是以和平與外交方式加以解決的原則。這是我國今後也將堅持並向世界各國推廣的原則。我國作為經歷過原子彈轟炸的唯一國家,追求實現核不擴散和徹底銷毀核武器,在國際社會上履行自己的責任。We will engrave in our hearts the past, when the dignity and honour of many women were severely injured during wars in the 20th century. Upon this reflection, Japan wishes to be a country always at the side of such women’s injured hearts. Japan will lead the world in making the 21st century an era in which women’s human rights are not infringed upon.我們繼續將在二十世紀的戰爭期間眾多女性的尊嚴與名譽遭受嚴重傷害的過去銘刻在心。正因為如此,我國希望成為一個國家要時刻體貼女性的心。我國將在世界領先努力將二十一世紀成為不讓女性人權遭受侵害的世紀。We will engrave in our hearts the past, when forming economic blocs made the seeds of conflict thrive. Upon this reflection, Japan will continue to develop a free, fair and open international economic system that will not be influenced by the arbitrary intentions of any nation. We will strengthen assistance for developing countries, and lead the world toward further prosperity. Prosperity is the very foundation for peace. Japan will make even greater efforts to fight against poverty, which also serves as a hotbed of violence, and to provide opportunities for medical services, education, and self-reliance to all the people in the world.我們繼續將區域經濟集團化促發糾紛萌芽的過去銘刻在心。正因為如此,我國努力發展不受任何國家恣意影響的自由、公正、開放的國際經濟體制,加強對發展中國家的支援,牽引走向更加繁榮的世界。繁榮才是和平的基礎。應對暴力溫床的貧困,為全世界所有人享受醫療和教育以及自立的機會而做出更大的努力。We will engrave in our hearts the past, when Japan ended up becoming a challenger to the international order. Upon this reflection, Japan will firmly uphold basic values such as freedom, democracy, and human rights as unyielding values and, by working hand in hand with countries that share such values, hoist the flag of “Proactive Contribution to Peace,” and contribute to the peace and prosperity of the world more than ever before.我們繼續將我國曾經當過國際秩序挑戰者的過去銘刻在心。正因為如此,我國堅定不移地堅持自由、民主主義、人權這些基本價值,與共用該價值的國家攜手並進,高舉「積極和平主義」的旗幟,為世界的和平與繁榮做出較之以前更大的貢獻。Heading toward the 80th, the 90th and the centennial anniversary of the end of the war, we are determined to create such a Japan together with the Japanese people.我們有決心,面向戰後八十年、九十年以及一百年,與我國國民各位共同努力建設如上所述的日本August 14, 2015Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan
如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔 超赞 赏 反馈:SunnySmile C crystallintw 0$(VIP 0) 7,9522015-08-14#14 看不惯这一段 - 想把日本的侵略行动诉诸为时代的产物。More than one hundred years ago, vast colonies possessed mainly by the Western powers stretched out across the world. With their overwhelming supremacy in technology, waves of colonial rule surged toward Asia in the 19th century. There is no doubt that the resultant sense of crisis drove Japan forward to achieve modernization. Japan built a constitutional government earlier than any other nation in Asia. The country preserved its independence throughout. The Japan-Russia War gave encouragement to many people under colonial rule from Asia to Africa.一百多年前,以西方國家為主的各國的廣大殖民地遍及世界各地。十九世紀,以技術的絕對優勢為背景,殖民統治亦波及到亞洲。毫無疑問,其帶來的危機感變成日本實現近代化的動力。日本首次在亞洲實現立憲政治,守住了國家獨立。日俄戰爭鼓舞了許多處在殖民統治之下的亞洲和非洲的人們。
crystallintw 说:看不惯这一段 - 想把日本的侵略行动诉诸为时代的产物。More than one hundred years ago, vast colonies possessed mainly by the Western powers stretched out across the world. With their overwhelming supremacy in technology, waves of colonial rule surged toward Asia in the 19th century. There is no doubt that the resultant sense of crisis drove Japan forward to achieve modernization. Japan built a constitutional government earlier than any other nation in Asia. The country preserved its independence throughout. The Japan-Russia War gave encouragement to many people under colonial rule from Asia to Africa.一百多年前,以西方國家為主的各國的廣大殖民地遍及世界各地。十九世紀,以技術的絕對優勢為背景,殖民統治亦波及到亞洲。毫無疑問,其帶來的危機感變成日本實現近代化的動力。日本首次在亞洲實現立憲政治,守住了國家獨立。日俄戰爭鼓舞了許多處在殖民統治之下的亞洲和非洲的人們。点击展开...难道不是时代的产物????
蒙城大痔 说:主要目的还是在游说,想变成一个军事主权自由的国家,不知道米国希望否?中国和韩国的意见都是米国手中的牌。。。点击展开... 日本现在的宪法体系比永久中立国更加永久中立国,因为它没有战争权,简而言之,它不存在真正意义上的国防,没有军队组织权,实际上一切和战争有关的国家权力它都没有关系,自卫队是协防部队(实际上是介于警察和军队之间的玩意,相比于天朝的武警,其实更加靠近警察那边一点,但防卫厅升省以后,又朝军队那边挪动了一些,但其定位是个宪法难题,因为日本并非正常国家,很难搞清楚,当然较真一点讲,自卫队的权限属于放大版变态版的警权而不是军权),自卫队存在的前提就是美日同盟,没有美日同盟就没有自卫队(仅指对国家作战,自卫队的武装治安职能是天然的,所以日本在国内怎么反恐都是没问题的,而在能否出门这一点上也可以进行渐进性的突破,但应该看到,反恐作战还是一种准战争,真正的国与国战争权而言,自卫队依然没有任何突破,海外协防也不行)。
paulyang 说:难道不是时代的产物????点击展开...附近一帮孩子老在打闹,一日下午你也卷起了袖子海扁你家隔壁的小华,抢走了你觊觎已久的他的钱包,这样算时代的产物?贪婪就是贪婪,跟时代扯上个马关系?
paulyang 说:永久中立国依然是保留有战争权的,它只是放弃了主动结盟而已,永久中立国不是放弃国防的意思,实际上它只是不能参加阵营大战,以非本国国防直接相关的理由参加战争而已,完全可以以自身独立的理由发动和其他任何国家完全一样的战争行为。比如二战中的几个最大的中立国,西班牙,巴西,无论盟国还是轴心国假如直接侵略和触犯它的国家利益,依然可以触发相应的战争行为,而今天几个大永久中立国,比如瑞士,实际上它保留的军队是欧洲最大力量之一,也没有明确的法理理由能限制这种军队干什么(仅仅不能承担军事同盟义务,不能主动卷入与本国无直接关系的他国战争而已)。简而言之,永久中立国在战争权上并无损失,损失的是结盟权。(当然,永久中立国其实也有程度差别,有一些中立国是承诺放弃主动宣战权的,但是依然有被动宣战权,而日本是根本就没有宣战权,无论在任何情况下都没有)点击展开...这种贪婪成性,还死不认错的国家,要是让他有宣战权,那还得了??
paulyang 说:日本现在的宪法体系比永久中立国更加永久中立国,因为它没有战争权,简而言之,它不存在真正意义上的国防,没有军队组织权,实际上一切和战争有关的国家权力它都没有关系,自卫队是协防部队(实际上是介于警察和军队之间的玩意,相比于天朝的武警,其实更加靠近警察那边一点,但防卫厅升省以后,又朝军队那边挪动了一些,但其定位是个宪法难题,因为日本并非正常国家,很难搞清楚,当然较真一点讲,自卫队的权限属于放大版变态版的警权而不是军权),自卫队存在的前提就是美日同盟,没有美日同盟就没有自卫队(仅指对国家作战,自卫队的武装治安职能是天然的,所以日本在国内怎么反恐都是没问题的,而在能否出门这一点上也可以进行渐进性的突破,但应该看到,反恐作战还是一种准战争,真正的国与国战争权而言,自卫队依然没有任何突破,海外协防也不行)。点击展开...这个“不存在真正意义上的国防,没有军队组织权,实际上一切和战争有关的国家权力它都没有关系”的国家,曾经军费支出只屈居于美国之后,并持续了很长一段时间。至今海军常规力量还是全球前五之列。在所有发展民用航天科技的国家都用液体运载火箭的时候,就日本同时大力发展固体运载火箭(固体燃料效能低,不环保,但是储运简便,反应迅速,说白了就是弹道导弹所要求的好处)。这个国家把接近一万吨,武器齐全的主力军舰叫做“护卫舰”(搁其他国家护卫舰都是三千吨左右级别,近海巡逻或护卫主力舰用的军舰) ,把全通飞行甲板的准航母叫做“运输舰”,就如同他们把装备水平和军费支出都在全球前列的军队叫“自卫队”一样,也不知道自欺欺人地想骗谁
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