加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver谁能翻译这段话?谢谢
下面这段是我投诉小孩被做错血液试验,我要求他们书面道歉、做错试验的人承担责任,我还问过这个投诉处理机构有没有和医院联系做错试验的事情以及医院的态度,可是处理投诉机构始终发这段没有实质(我觉得他们没说到点子上)的文字,谁能翻译一下,让我可以理解的更准确一些。In terms of what our process can offer :I understand that you feel the program needs toMake the apology in writing…. I am sorry if an error occurred with your laboratory requisition. I can provide you with a review of care by any island health program that provided the care to you, however I cannot guarantee that and apology written or verbal will be issued. I can tell you that we take responsibility when we discover that an error is made and we are very committed to an environment that will allow us to be transparent, learn and improve in reviewing a care that is provided. Please let me know if you would like to pursue this.As well you are asking that:The people who make the wrong test should be responsible…. I can truly understand your frustration in feeling the blood test did not address the blood lipids as you expected. Island health is very committed to catching and repairing any event where the standard of care provided is not adequate. We do so by reviewing the care and gaining an understanding of how to improve or change our process so that the care is improved for subsequent patients. Should and error be discovered, I can assure you that the Director and Manager of the program will use this in a supervisory, educational manner. If the leadership of the program feels that personnel discipline should occur, we (nor you in this case) would be privileged to that information. In the Patient Care Quality Office we do not approach situations from a perspective of punishment.I am still unclear about what it is you want in terms of people being responsible and the protection of the child. I wonder if you could tell me more about this?I need to share with you again that since your daughter is 16 we will need to speak directly to her to obtain consent to move forward with any response requests to the Island Health program that provided the care you are concerned about.Please let me know how you want to proceed.I have attempted to put this in to google translate. I hope it helps in bridging our communication gap.
"I am still unclear about what it is you want in terms of people being responsible and the protection of the child. I wonder if you could tell me more about this?"Here you are!
Life is simple, but not easy."I am still unclear about what it is you want in terms of people being responsible and the protection of the child. I wonder if you could tell me more about this?"Here you are!点击展开...这个难道医院和投诉管理机构对做错试验之类的事情没有处罚规定吗?他们应该比我清楚。
你看病的经历我们可以审视,不能保证给你道歉,假如有错, 我们领导内部处理, 不告诉你,你闺女十六, 我们要征得她的同意,才能处理你的诉求,
俗话说人懒有药医,人蠢 无法医。
Life is simple, but not easy."I am still unclear about what it is you want in terms of people being responsible and the protection of the child. I wonder if you could tell me more about this?"Here you are!点击展开...这个质检的回信是装糊涂, 楼主的诉求很明确, 1, 书面道歉, 2, 惩罚责任人,
sabre 说:这个质检的回信是装糊涂, 楼主的诉求很明确, 1, 书面道歉, 2, 惩罚责任人,点击展开...怎么回她这份装糊涂的信
快乐痛苦 说:怎么回她这份装糊涂的信点击展开...只能通过法律程序了,
sabre 说:只能通过法律程序了,点击展开...法律?我父母探亲的事情连上庭都上不了(明显是移民部错误),到现在收不到书面裁决,裁决理由都不知道。法院会向着我们?cic 和医院性质上差不多吧,如果是起诉私人或者其他没有利害关系的,估计法院会看看。
快乐痛苦 说:法律?我父母探亲的事情连上庭都上不了(明显是移民部错误),到现在收不到书面裁决,裁决理由都不知道。法院会向着我们?cic 和医院性质上差不多吧,如果是起诉私人或者其他没有利害关系的,估计法院会看看。点击展开...法院也是有盲点的,不可能所有的上诉都接, 移民部的错误假如没到违法的程度, 法院不接是正常的,
sabre 说:法院也是有盲点的,不可能所有的上诉都接,移民部的错误假如没到违法的程度, 法院不接是正常的,点击展开...你怎么知道是没到违法程度?
快乐痛苦 说:你怎么知道是没到违法程度?点击展开...我不知道,建议请律师,
sabre 说:我不知道,建议请律师,点击展开...在我父母探亲的官司期间接触了一些律师和类似机构,和国内大差不差。
快乐痛苦 说:你怎么知道是没到违法程度?点击展开...移民部的狗腿子
如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔在我父母探亲的官司期间接触了一些律师和类似机构,和国内大差不差。点击展开...你父母探亲闹到打官司的地步?cic明确说过他们的事务是有法律豁免,大概这意思,用词不准,我听到过提交者本人移民中出现很明显的时间误判,他找律师走个什么程序,不好意思忘专业词了,都上不到法庭的,你的怎么了
快乐痛苦 说:我不知道,建议请律师,点击展开...看到这种对话我简直都无语了。是来寻求帮助的吗?是来抬杠的吧!
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