加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver关于枫叶卡和入籍的居住时间计算方法


枫叶卡要保证5年满2年入籍是6年满4年,每年超过183天居住天数计算问题上官方说法https://eservices.cic.gc.ca/rescalc/resCalcStartNew.do?lang=enQ4: When I try to calculate my absences, I get different numbers than the physical presence calculator. How does the physical presence calculator determine the number of days for each absence?A3: The calculator uses the following rules to determine the number of days absent for each absence declared:When calculating an absence, neither the day you leave Canada nor the day you return is considered an absence. Both are counted as days of physical presence. For example, an absence between July 1, 2013 and July 15, 2013 equals 13 days of absence. As another example, if you leave Canada on July 1, 2013 and return on July 2, 2013, this equals 0 days of absence. You must still declare this as an absence.An absence on February 29 (leap day) is counted as an absence or is credited as a presence.The total number of days absent includes all absences from Canada within the six-year period immediately preceding the date of your application, or since you became a permanent resident, whichever is most recent.但一些中文网站的解释却不同6. 2月29日(闰日)不计算在居住时间内。 ???7. 出境加拿大后,同日返回加拿大,不计算为离境时间。8. 计算离境时间时,离开和回到加拿大当日,均为视作离开,但只计算一次。如:1月1日离开加拿大,15日回到加拿大,计算14天离境时间。???9. 由于工作或其他任何原因离开加拿大(除当日往返),都需要计算为离境时间。哪一个说法正确?

移民局官方说法为准啊,而且实际上移民局的ONLINE CALCULATOR也是这么计算的,简单说,离开加拿大一天理论上都不算离境了,也就是官方举例的,比如你9月18日去美国,9月19日回加拿大,在计算时,离境时间为0天。

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