加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver西人论坛里西人对大选有没有争论的帖子?




多伦多上空的鸟 说:看看这个:https://www.reddit.com/r/canada和这个:https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/哈勃只有30%的支持率。在年轻人的支持率更是不堪入目。英文论坛一般以青年为主,所以全是反哈巴的。你要是看英文论坛,你会觉得全加拿大最大的人渣就是我们的总理大人了。点击展开...还好西人大部分也对本届政府失去信心了。西人的投票率是远超少数族裔移民的。

葫芦金刚 说:还好西人大部分也对本届政府失去信心了。西人的投票率是远超少数族裔移民的。点击展开...你连个选举权都没有,在这儿废什么话

平等还是自由? 超赞 赏 反馈:qlm88 香 香瓜瓜 0$(VIP 0) 5382015-10-11#5 有啊,刚正看一个痛斥保守党的I just saw someone tell a distant relative to avoid social issue debates when choosing a party, and that they're voting Conservative to, "Preserve our economy, their family and their bank account. wink emoticon" After I was done throwing up from seeing a grown adult type a winky face, I wrote a novel in response. Then I saw that they worked for Shell and decided to just post it here instead because honestly, what's the fucking point: Our dollar is shit and our economy is terrible. There's nothing to preserve. We're the only G7 country in a recession and the IMF just downgraded our growth outlook yesterday.Although we did have a 'balanced budget' after they sold our GM shares (at a loss of 3.5 billion dollars. It also removed the incentive for them to continue manufacturing in Canada, which lead to a cut of 1000 jobs in Oshawa alone within 3 weeks of the sale), cut 2 billion dollars from our contingency fund, stole 1.8 billion dollars from EI (which we all pay into), and took 900 million dollars from sick leave benefits for public service employees.All of our money and resources were put into the oil industry. In addition to the negative environmental impact and the further strain on our relationship with many First Nations communities, that turned out to be a terrible financial decision as oil prices continue to drop. A few years ago, I knew at least a dozen men working on oil rigs. Now I don't know any, because they've all either been laid off, or injured on the job.Then there are the jobs lost from the massive cuts to healthcare and the arts. For the first time in 2 decades, the number of nurses working in Canada declined. My doctor is paying out of pocket for his patients to have pap tests, because the government no longer covers the costs, and he doesn't want women to put off having them. And I don't know a single person who works in arts or the media in Canada who hasn't at the very least seen a pay cut while their coworkers were laid off. A lot of companies just fired all of their employees then hired them back as freelancers at much lower rates and without benefits. As a disabled person who works in the arts, the cuts to both sectors has been nothing short of devastating.There's also a promised 12 billion dollar increase on military spending (serious question: why?) while making massive cuts to Veterans Affairs. They cut lifetime pensions for injured veterans, shut down 9 offices (resulting in 89 jobs lost, leaving 8 employees to handle 17 000 veterans) and cut over 900 jobs from Veterans Affairs (mostly from the disability awards branch). Despite the massive increase in veterans in need of mental health treatment, there's an average of an 8 month wait for veterans seeking mental help, and a 24% refusal rate for veterans seeking mental health help through their disability benefits. While this was happening, the government gave $500 000 in bonuses to management for cutting budgets (which they did really well, apparently, since they returned 1.13 billion dollars allocated for veterans services to the general revenue). The Conservative government then spent another $750 000 dragging out a class action lawsuit by veterans trying to get their pensions back. Then there are even more court costs from the senate scandal, in which everyone involved in both the acts and the cover-up, with the exception of Mac Harb, was appointed by Harper. The court costs are on top of the cost of the RCMP investigation and the million dollars of fraudulent expenses.Speaking of immeasurably stupid court costs: we've yet to hear how much we've spent trying to prevent one solitary woman from wearing a niqab during her citizenship ceremony, despite the fact that she was only the second woman in history to even request it. Those costs will continue to rise, by the way, because they've stated that they plan to appeal and take it to the supreme court.In keeping with the string of really, really awful money decisions, we just engaged in a secret arms trade deal (literally, keeping it a secret was a part of the deal) with Saudi Arabia, a country that is schedule to crucify one 17 year old and behead another for taking part in a protest. They also just threatened all of their citizens with execution if they post anything negative about the government on the internet. We sold that country military equipment and promised to keep it a secret. That's goddamn batshit cowsuit crazy, and gives a lot of insight into why our government continues to refuse to sign the UN's Arms Trade Treaty (we're the only NATO country not to do so, despite pressure from all of our allies). Had we signed the treaty, we would have had to report the deal to the UN, at which point it would have been rejected because of the aforementioned human rights violations.And all of that is without getting into issues like missing and murdered Indigenous women, cuts to Canada Post, bill C-51, the complete inaction re: Syrian refugees, the lack of safe drinking water on reserves, the terrifying food deserts in Canada's North, the inaction on the Truth and Reconciliation report, our rapidly deteriorating international reputation, the admitted lip service to environmental concerns so Europe won't call us out about the oil industry, the mass deportation of Roma refugees, the cuts to healthcare for the non-Roma refugees, the cuts to international aid, the cuts to CBC, the cuts to women's health funding, the blatant Islamophobia, the baldfaced lying about marijuana, and Harper's refusal to not have Lego hair.We're currently living in the worst possible Bush-era SNL sketch. We're past the point of parody. We're doing everything we've historically made fun of Americans for doing, only somehow worse because of our unearned, smug self-righteousness from decades of self-identifying as the world's peacekeepers. It's gross. It's so gross.

快乐痛苦 说:谁知道发个链接看看呢?点击展开... 屏蔽



平等还是自由? 超赞 赏 葫芦金刚 0$(VIP 0) 2,7782015-10-12#9 Conservative Party, you must.....

schenvan 说:已经投票保守党点击展开...你投了也是废票一张。

不用看英文论坛 我们公司的加拿大人整天在讨论 我的facebook账号也有很多加拿大的同学在讨论可以很负责地告诉你 他们全支持自由党我同学是硕士博士生 公司是科技公司 这些人都是希望国家有进步的有变化的上次我问到底谁支持保守党 这些加拿大人告诉我 是银行 保险 电信 等传统垄断行业的富人支持保守党 一向以来就是不愿意改变的人支持的


poper 说:C24法案后,所有华人都变成二等公民,67岁退休,都是保守党的杰作。另外保守党在一部分华人选民中达到目的了,抛开经济不谈谈面纱,抛开工作不谈谈面纱,抛开医疗保障不谈谈面纱,面纱不会给大家带来经济效益,只会造成种族分裂,隔阂,试问一句穆斯林面纱带不带和工作有没有哪个对你自己本身更重要,有本事给我说一句宁愿工作没有也要穆斯林不带面纱。看看选票分析,洋人里有大学文凭及以上的多数都支持自由党就明白了,我看支持保守党的可以建议保守党再来个限制本地华人进大学的比率的政纲,美国已经有州在弄这个法案,这个明显比带不带面纱有更大的利益啊,反正华人投票率低,这样更符合本地人心态。点击展开...瞎说,很多白人70多还在工作,如果不工作买豪宅的华人取消身份的话就更好

All Canadian citizens used to have the same citizenship rights no matter what their origin,” B.C. Civil Liberties Association Executive Director Josh Paterson said at a news conference.“We were all equal under the law. Now this new law has divided us into classes of citizens: those with more rights and those — overwhelmingly immigrants to Canada and their children and grandchildren —who have fewer rights.”

wjb 说:瞎说,很多白人70多还在工作,如果不工作买豪宅的华人取消身份的话就更好点击展开...你70岁给我打个体力活看看。你华人看看你70岁有几个白人会雇你。

前天孩子突然问我 “妈妈, 在我出生时你和爸爸都是加拿大公民吗?" "为什么问这个问题?"孩子说"因为我想知道自己是不是随时能被遣返回中国的二等公民""可是你岀生在加拿大, 又没有中国国籍呀" . "可是妈妈你不知道保守党在几个月前通过了一项法规, 即便出生在加拿大,出生时父母有一方不是加拿大公民, 如若犯了重罪 , 照样遣返回父母的祖国. 有一个出生在Montreal 的移民后裔, 因为犯罪已被遣返. "我这才想起来,前些时候开车, 听收音机里讨论过为什么同样是加拿大公民, 却区别对待,让我们移民成为了二等公民。我当时想辛辛苦苦成为了加拿大公民, 还是不能和本地人同等待遇. 也罢, 谁让你没出生在加拿大呢?只要孩子不被连累就行了. 现在才恍然大悟. 原来保守党这些年,不但内部腐败,经济没搞好, 现在在加拿大这片自由国土上, 还让我们和我们的孩子同时成为了二等公民.哀哉

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温哥华 Vancouver-加拿大


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温哥华 Vancouver-加拿大

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