加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver这个亚裔男在温哥华出名了,大热天把狗留在车内,对路人怒吼
今天温哥华热传的视频。一个亚裔男把小狗留在车内,然后去购物。路过两名女子,一亚裔,一白人,打算把狗放出来,亚裔男出来后大怒。对两女子怒吼,然后开车而去。白女录下视频,放上网页。现在网友已经开始人肉此亚裔男。大家怎么看http://www.vancitybuzz.com/2015/07/angry-dog-owner-good-samaritan-shocking-encounter-video/no video视频
Michael SéanSuch a Tough Guy towards these two woman wonder how mouthy he would be to two guys confronting him, probably piss his pants and hand over his dog一个男人只敢对两个女人这样,要换成其他男人对抗他,他估计会尿了裤子,乖乖交出狗
Brandie BobandieIm probably going to get attacked for saying this. Yes his behavior is questionable but we are only seeing a portion of this. On 3 seperate occasions i have been threatened by random people because i have left my dog in the car for less than 10 minutes. I have been told i am selfish because she is panting? She pants when she is excited and if a person comes up to the window to jump up and say hi. Not because she is gasping for breath. It is easy enough to start a fight and then take a step back and film the repercussions.I remember a few months ago a video made its way around of a girl literally having a break down because she missed buying a ticket for the ferry for a few minutes. People called her crazy and a drug addict amd shared it time and time again. She had a loved one dying on the other side of that trip. How would you have reacted. Public shaming is not ok. You will never know the full story from a clip.我可能要被打,但是我还是要说。这个男人的举止可能有问题,但是你们只从这个视频里面看到一面的故事。我起码三次被陌生人威胁因为我把狗留在车里不到10分钟。我被他们说我自私。把视频发布到公众场合是错误的,你永远不知道事情的全部
Kyle KM • 3 minutes agoWelcome to the western world KM; where we socialize and talk to one another and even care about strangers and their dogs well beings. We aren't in Beijing where people get run down in the street and no one goes to help the victim. Don't like it? Move.欢迎到西方世界,这里我们关心陌生人和狗。我们不是在北京,在那儿,人在街上被车撞了都没人来帮助受害者。你不喜欢这儿?滚吧
这哥们说的有道理!!赞下面这个Shon Wong · 温哥华This is just awful on so many levels.1. The level of anger this young man has and the growing issue of angry young men in this city period. 2. The fact that he would talk to a woman like this or anybody for that matter, but especially a woman who's heart is in the right place. 3. The growing issue of uneducated dog owners in this city.4. Do we come to the aid of human beings in this city as we do dogs? (From the story I heard the other day, my friend Teri would probably disagree and from what I saw at wreck beach a few weeks back concerning a man in need with his baby, I would disagree as well)5. The fact that we have a public forum like this to publicly shame people for their mistakes. I get it, he's an a...hole but now what? Onto the next public shaming....? 7. The fact that we live in a society where anyone can be recorded without consent. 8.What was the real motive for sharing this video? The dog is still alive. Was it revenge? How do we know that the dog was really in trouble? These people are in long sleeves and jackets so really, how hot was it yesterday?9. As I continue to read others comment on this video, racism has reered its ugly head. "Asians ruin this city", "F...ing Nipper", "He was probably going to go home to eat it" etc..Very Interesting.....These are my thoughts and opinion. Peace!
啊矿工再见 超赞 赏 反馈:紫红喇叭花, papillon, deepbluehan 和 2 其他人 erugigonc 0$(VIP 0) 7,7372015-07-28#11 转那上面的评论,很多人就喜欢publicly shame,上来就骂,上来就说滚回大陆,分不清青红皂白就你又爱动物了你又关怀人权了,人家西人没你那么喜欢publicly shame,把人家视频发到网络上就是非常不正确的,因为人家才离开车子并没有锁车,可能就离开5分钟,周一那么凉快,可能都是误会,但是那2女的为了报仇把人家视频发到网络上了,为什么那个网站删除了视频,想想吧!别再论坛里看到什么就骂I'm going to be hated for saying this. I own a dog and I'm always looking to do the right thing. But... it is entirely possible that these girls jumped to conclusions much too quickly. I get that they felt the need to help the dog, but can you also understand that he was only gone for a few minutes? He even left the doors unlocked. He was even standing there watching them? For all he knew, maybe they were trying to steal his dog and he's watching to know who are they, and what to do next. Public shaming him based on just one side of the argument? I don't think so. Too many people are jumping to conclusions based on one side. Like I said, you're going to hate me for stating this. But keep an open mind.
啊矿工再见Kyle KM • 3 minutes agoWelcome to the western world KM; where we socialize and talk to one another and even care about strangers and their dogs well beings. We aren't in Beijing where people get run down in the street and no one goes to help the victim. Don't like it? Move.欢迎到西方世界,这里我们关心陌生人和狗。我们不是在北京,在那儿,人在街上被车撞了都没人来帮助受害者。你不喜欢这儿?滚吧点击展开...我挺恶心这个KM的,有事说事,拉上北京干嘛,神烦这种自以为圣公圣母其实搞地方岐视的垃圾。比视频里那男的更恶心。
吃不饱的出来,吃饱的不出来,吃饱了撑的出来。 超赞 赏 反馈:小燕子99, 四月樱花, 转基因码农 和另外1个人 WorryFree 0$(VIP 0) 5,6282015-07-28#14 看了录象,除了小伙子火气大了点,没有任何问题!
Feat 说:现在经济形势不好,人们受剥削,火气都大,有点儿导火索可能就发泄出来了。我一直说,在西方可能没有人身自由,自己家的狗还要被路人监管着,这是我很不喜欢的一点。而有些人装的有点儿太过了,到了西方,好像她就变成女菩萨了,关心世人如同关心自己,就觉得让爱充满人间了,乌托邦了,自己高大上了,其实就一傻缺,这样的男女有都是。点击展开...每年少吃几头猪,比什么都积德。这男的火气怎么这么大?说好的平静生活呢?
她已经把视频撤下来了,我觉得这个女的做的还是对的,至少意识到错误不应该把人家视频尤其面部特写发到网络上让大家批判并指责,她的目的应该不是这个,发视频是不对的。她目的是让大家知道善待动物,但相比她遇到的事情并不是她所想象的情形!Jennifer Thi2 小时 · 已编辑 · Hey everyone, so I was recently informed that the man in the video has a mental disorder and isn't in the best situation already without the shaming as a result of the video I've posted so I have privated it.As important as it is to make sure you don't leave dogs or any other pets or toddlers in hot cars, it's also important to think about what you do on social media and how it affects others and I didn't think about the latter half carefully enough. I know it's too late and that too much damage has been done already, but please try to understand the man's situation and avoid shaming him further.As much as the guy was mean and rude, please, just remember that the safety of the animal is what should have been the main concern and I would appreciate it if further degrading comments about the man stop.I wanted to share the video because I thought it brought attention to the issue of leaving pets in unattended, hot vehicles, but I didn't think of how much the public would focus on other things.There is another side to any story and I encourage all of you to think about that as well.
啊矿工再见 超赞 赏 反馈:森林之歌 和 钢琴超市 H headshot2008 0$(VIP 0) 7162015-07-28#18 养狗的苦恼啊
headshot2008 说:养狗的苦恼啊点击展开...养孩子也有苦恼,养之前就要想好,能不能负起这个责任。谁是谁非不清楚,但是就冲着大喊大叫,就可以报警,有攻击性
·生活百科 帮助塑造可再生能源的未来
·生活百科 用柔性不锈钢代替飞行屏幕