加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver怎么办Townhouse隔壁一到半夜就洗衣服烘衣服
住在隔壁的邻居一到半夜就开始洗衣服烘衣服,有时甚至两三点开始洗。听的非常清楚。先写信给Strata了没回应,继续写信给隔壁和找隔壁谈过不止一次。看上去很友好一四十多白女,告诉说在mall里工作作息有点不正常(上午她睡觉,晚上在mall里干part time到九点),但保证改在白天洗。我说我也不想老写信给strata给你们找麻烦,咱们尽量邻居间解决吧。后来一小插曲strata开始处理我写最早写的信,让他们出席解释会他们没去被罚钱了 (这赖我,当时我认为已经和她谈挺好她也答应不洗了,就碎嘴说了一句你不想去strata开会就别去了)。然后最近好不了几周又装孙子了,不知道是因为不爽罚钱了还是就耍无赖了。 关键隔壁还是租客。各位给出个招吧,还有什么办法解决。
超赞 赏 K Kartzchen 0$(VIP 0) 9,2542015-10-14#4 房子质量太差,没有其它的别人趁着电便宜,洗衣服也是自由吧
美国运通金卡:AMEX Gold ,开卡送25000积分(价值250刀以上),首年销卡无任何费用,成功批核后本人再额外多给Cash Bonus感谢。同时主推 AMEX SPG 酒店卡,开卡送20,000 SPG点,可以兑换最高6晚美国喜来登酒店住宿,总价值可超600刀。详情请PM(此外还有Business Gold ,感谢力度与 Gold一致)。Tangerine (ING) Orange Key: 41710691S1 (本人同样额外返点) 超赞 赏 反馈:大温小雯 L laopoxuxu 0$(VIP 0) 1,3182015-10-14#6 周末电费也便宜,为什么不能周末洗?
! 超赞 赏 反馈:大温小雯 yamiyami 1$(VIP 0,#425) 29,0662015-10-14#7 哦,晚上电费半价吗,才知道,那就开壁炉取暖吧,省点gas
哪里有写分时间段收费的?不是按用量吗?https://www.bchydro.com/accounts-billing/rates-energy-use/electricity-rates/residential-rates.htmlRESIDENTIAL RATESResidential Conservation RateMost residential customers are charged under the Residential Conservation Rate. Residential customers under the Residential Conservation Rate receive service under rate schedule 1101 of the Electric Tariff.Customers are charged one rate for electricity up to a certain threshold in each billing period, and a higher rate for all electricity use beyond that threshold. This "stepped" rate is designed to encourage conservation.How your threshold is determinedOn your bill, the threshold for the lower Step 1 rate is calculated by multiplying the number of days in the billing period by 22.1918 kWh per day.Customer meters are read on different days so billing periods can vary from bill to bill. The 22.1918 kWh per day is the daily equivalent of 1,350 kWh for the average two month billing period.For example, a 60-day billing period would have a Step 1 threshold of 1,332 kWh (60 days x 22.1918 kWh per day). A 58-day billing period would have a 1,287 kWh (58 days x 22.1918 kWh per day) Step 1 threshold.Why do we have a Step 2?The stepped rate structure provides a price incentive to encourage conservation—which is the cleanest, cheapest and simplest way to meet growing electricity demand.Knowing how to read your BC Hydro residential customer bill is a good way to monitor and manage your electricity usage.Basic chargeA small, daily charge that partially covers the fixed cost of services for things such as metering and billing.$0.1764 per dayEnergy ChargeStep 1$0.0797 per kWh for first 1,350 kWh in an average two month billing period (22.1918 kWh per day)Step 2$0.1195 per kWh over the 1,350 Step 1 thresholdRate RiderThe Rate Rider covers additional and unpredictable energy costs resulting from, for example, low water inflows or higher-than-forecast market prices.5% Rate Rider applied to all charges before taxes an
落日余辉腾飞吧!2015在蝴蝶展翼的那一刻调色板――魁北克金秋2012加拿大童话般的秋天-2011版!古巴-Varadero 加勒比海风情 超赞 赏 反馈:大温小雯 和 SunnySmile erugigonc 0$(VIP 0) 7,7372015-10-14#12 如果楼主邻居每天晚上不洗衣服了,天天叫床如何?这个可以写信投诉吗》可以上法庭吗》叫2个小时可以吗?
啊矿工再见 超赞 赏 SunnySmile愛花人 0$(VIP 0,#551) 11,3282015-10-14#13 安慰樓主,再嘗試溝通看看?
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.哪里有写分时间段收费的?不是按用量吗?https://www.bchydro.com/accounts-billing/rates-energy-use/electricity-rates/residential-rates.htmlRESIDENTIAL RATES点击展开...是啊,好像没有晚上电费便宜之说,不知道上面所说有何凭证?
020 说:哪里有写分时间段收费的?不是按用量吗?https://www.bchydro.com/accounts-billing/rates-energy-use/electricity-rates/residential-rates.htmlRESIDENTIAL RATESResidential Conservation RateMost residential customers are charged under the Residential Conservation Rate. Residential customers under the Residential Conservation Rate receive service under rate schedule 1101 of the Electric Tariff.Customers are charged one rate for electricity up to a certain threshold in each billing period, and a higher rate for all electricity use beyond that threshold. This "stepped" rate is designed to encourage conservation.How your threshold is determinedOn your bill, the threshold for the lower Step 1 rate is calculated by multiplying the number of days in the billing period by 22.1918 kWh per day.Customer meters are read on different days so billing periods can vary from bill to bill. The 22.1918 kWh per day is the daily equivalent of 1,350 kWh for the average two month billing period.For example, a 60-day billing period would have a Step 1 threshold of 1,332 kWh (60 days x 22.1918 kWh per day). A 58-day billing period would have a 1,287 kWh (58 days x 22.1918 kWh per day) Step 1 threshold.Why do we have a Step 2?The stepped rate structure provides a price incentive to encourage conservation—which is the cleanest, cheapest and simplest way to meet growing electricity demand.Knowing how to read your BC Hydro residential customer bill is a good way to monitor and manage your electricity usage.Basic chargeA small, daily charge that partially covers the fixed cost of services for things such as metering and billing.$0.1764 per dayEnergy ChargeStep 1$0.0797 per kWh for first 1,350 kWh in an average two month billing period (22.1918 kWh per day)Step 2$0.1195 per kWh over the 1,350 Step 1 thresholdRate RiderThe Rate Rider covers additional and unpredictable energy costs resulting from, for example, low water inflows or higher-than-forecast market prices.5% Rate Rider applied to all charges before taxes an点击展开...请教一下,是不是说以两个月为一个计费单位,当每天用了22度,两个月60天不超过1350度时按$0.079收取,若超过了1350度则要按$0.119收费。我的理解是否对?
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)如果楼主邻居每天晚上不洗衣服了,天天叫床如何?这个可以写信投诉吗》可以上法庭吗》叫2个小时可以吗?点击展开...我
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