加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver(英语新闻)加拿大政府将一比一对红十字个人捐款做配捐
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed in the House of Commons on Thursday morning that his government will match individual donations made to the Red Cross in support of relief efforts in Fort McMurray.The prime minister again offered his support to the families affected by the ongoing crisis in Alberta.If you would like to help the people of Fort McMurray, text REDCROSS to 30333 to make a $5 donation or visit redcross.ca to make a donation online.“I think this is a fantastic way for the country to come together,” said interim Opposition leader Rona Ambrose in response to Trudeau’s announcement. “So I thank them for moving forward with this.”Ambrose then asked the government to keep Fort McMurray as “a top priority as they make announcements and make decisions for infrastructure” considering the widespread damage to property in the Albertan city.Ambrose’s voice shook with emotion as she spoke, and Trudeau immediately crossed the floor and embraced the MP for Sturgeon River-Parkland as she completed her statement.NDP leader Mulcair was also very supportive of the decision to match donations, calling it “particularly user-friendly.”“For Canadians to know that for every dollar that they give, it will be matched by the Canadian government I think should encourage them to give generously,” Mulcair said.Later in the afternoon, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said there had been no discussion of a cap on the federal Red Cross donation. The important thing is that Canadians know that their donation dollars will be matched, he said.“The fine details of the duration of this, and so forth, will be worked out in the coming days,” he said.
聯邦政府就是白痴,他們的錢還不是我交的稅?不要拿納稅人的錢去捐,讓納稅人感謝你, 然後功勞自己領,
Tangerine银行开户送50刀,开通自动转帐再送25刀,referral code: 35572762S1 超赞 赏 反馈:小暑, fufu, xyz110 和 2 其他人 Y yvjiamg 0$(VIP 0) 1,3162016-05-06#3 什么脑袋可以想出这么奇葩的主意,难道民众不捐政府就不拨款赈灾了吗?这算是土豆设定的赢奖金游戏吗?白痴 IDIOT。这种人居然可以做总理,不知道选他的人怎么想的!
yvjiamg 说:什么脑袋可以想出这么奇葩的主意,难道民众不捐政府就不拨款赈灾了吗?这算是土豆设定的赢奖金游戏吗?白痴 IDIOT。这种人居然可以做总理,不知道选他的人怎么想的!点击展开...这种方法在西方已经使用了N年了, 也许你认为傻, 可为什么要移民到这么傻的国家呢? 这不正好说明你的傻吗? 哈哈
JoeAustoCa 说:中国的高速公路都是政府用纳税人的钱建的,也没见过高速的时候免费?公立医院也都是用纳税人的钱建的,也未见到医院看病全免费!纳税人交了那么多钱,自己生了孩子也没有看到政府每月给孩子出过一分钱!别他么身在福中不知福,整天骂来骂去的,看不过就赶紧走,别在这里叽叽歪歪污染空气。点击展开...加拿大火災,跟中國什麼事?腦子燒壞了
Tangerine银行开户送50刀,开通自动转帐再送25刀,referral code: 35572762S1这种方法在西方已经使用了N年了, 也许你认为傻, 可为什么要移民到这么傻的国家呢? 这不正好说明你的傻吗? 哈哈点击展开...你再找一個match災難捐款的政府例子?退稅不叫match,退稅並沒有增加捐款
Tangerine银行开户送50刀,开通自动转帐再送25刀,referral code: 35572762S1这种方法在西方已经使用了N年了, 也许你认为傻, 可为什么要移民到这么傻的国家呢? 这不正好说明你的傻吗? 哈哈点击展开...有人说了,逛论坛的都是卢瑟,就像我这一类的。你怎么可能来这种地方?!
happyv 说:你再找一個match災難捐款的政府例子?退稅不叫match,退稅並沒有增加捐款点击展开...唉, 难道就不会自己google吗? 比如加拿大联邦政府的How do I know if the federal government will match my donation?再比如Feds will match donations to Nepal earthquake relief fund.美国政府也有类似的政策。
awander 说:唉, 难道就不会自己google吗?比如加拿大联邦政府的How do I know if the federal government will match my donation?再比如Feds will match donations to Nepal earthquake relief fund.美国政府也有类似的政策。 点击展开...嗯,的確有先例,加拿大政府喜歡拿納稅人的錢給自己添功,就好像我拿了你的工資去捐,別人感謝我不感謝你一樣
Tangerine银行开户送50刀,开通自动转帐再送25刀,referral code: 35572762S1 超赞 赏 反馈:fufu, 馋猫 和 yvjiamg C changtongBanned 0$(VIP 0) 5,5002016-05-06#13 已捐
NOC4131,bj 自评69分 2009.11.16妥投,2010.1.21RN到,2010.2.3补料妥投,2.4FN,2.8收到FN 3.2 IP 3.5变5补料,3.15补料妥投 3.18变8 3.22变12 10.18ME 11.10变8 12.8变12 2011.6.7 DM 6.15 visa 7.27长登 9.20 上班 VO:EXI~RODCitizen: 2014.10.5 递表 2015.10.13考试 12.04入籍Parent: 2016.1.4 递表 08.20IP 10.04 ME 11.04MER 11.22 BC 12.8PPR 1216 Visa Recived 1220 Landing Calgary 超赞 赏 tinyhuhulp 0$(VIP 0) 10,7842016-05-06#14 我只有一个疑问,群众捐了一个亿,政府match了一个亿。然后这笔钱花完了灾民还没安置好怎么办?不管他们死活了?
已捐。我理解的配捐的作用机制: 政府为解决特殊灾区问题时,在常规拨款之余,需要额外再划拨一部分款项,其数额取决于灾害程度,怎样衡量灾害程度呢?大家自发捐款的数额能够体现公众对灾害程度的判断,换句话讲,政府的意思就是,现在Fort Mc灾情特殊,公众认为灾害重就多捐款,政府也多拨款,反之亦然(就是政府认同大家的判断,免得有人说三道四)。
zangyicheng1973 说:已捐。我理解的配捐的作用机制: 政府为解决特殊灾区问题时,在常规拨款之余,需要额外再划拨一部分款项,其数额取决于灾害程度,怎样衡量灾害程度呢?大家自发捐款的数额能够体现公众对灾害程度的判断,换句话讲,政府的意思就是,现在Fort Mc灾情特殊,公众认为灾害重就多捐款,政府也多拨款,反之亦然(就是政府认同大家的判断,免得有人说三道四)。点击展开...说实话,不知道那个常规拨款存在否。
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