加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 VancouverRBC 促销得ipad mini2
http://www.rbcroyalbank.com/open-an-account/ipad-mini-2-offer/terms.htmlRoyal Bank of Canada and companies under RBC®;The OfferProviding you fulfill the conditions set out in Sections 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 below, you may earn the following during the Promotional Period:iPad mini 2, 16GB, WiFi, Silver, Model #:ME279C/A (“iPad”).(hereinafter, the “Promotional Offer”)1.1 How to qualify for the Promotional OfferQualifying conditions for Eligible Personal Clients:To qualify for this Promotional Offer you must:be an Eligible Personal Clientopen one new Eligible Personal Banking Account during the Promotional Period; and;complete one of the following by end of day July 15, 2015:Transfer your automated and recurring payroll direct deposit or monthly recurring pension direct deposit to your new Eligible Personal Banking Account; we have the right to determine what is considered payroll. The first payroll or pension deposit must be credited to your new Eligible Personal Banking Account by end of dayJuly 15th, 2015ORSet up Two Pre-Authorized Payments, such as a pre authorized bill payment or pre-authorized contribution to your investment account from your new Eligible Personal Banking Account. Both Pre-Authorized Payments must be debited and must clear from your new Eligible Personal Banking Account by end of day July 15th, 2015. The Pre-Authorized Payments must be to two different companies.1.2 Additional Conditions that apply to the Promotional OfferThe following conditions also apply to this Promotional Offer:Promotional Offer is available to Eligible Personal Clients only.RBC Employees are not eligible to participate in the Promotional Offer. However, if an RBC Employee is a co-owner on a joint Eligible Personal Banking Account, the Promotional Offer may still be earned, provided the remaining conditions are fulfilled by the other co-owner(s);Only one iPad per Eligible Personal Client, no matter how many Eligible Personal Banking Accounts they may open;Only one iPad per Eligible Personal Banking Account, even if the Eligible Personal Banking Account is opened jointly, in which case only the Primary Owner will qualify for the iPad;Promotional Offer is only available while supplies last. While Royal Bank reserves the right to substitute Promotional Offer with an offer of equal value, RBC is not obligated to do so.Eligible Personal Clients are not entitled to a change, upgrade or substitution of the Promotional Offer.iPad will be shipped at any time up to 10 weeks after the first payroll deposit has been credited or the second Pre-Authorized Payment has been debited from the Eligible Personal Banking Account;Promotional Offer is available to residents of Canada only; which is determined by the jurisdiction (such as, country, province or territory) where a client has primary tax filing obligation based on their regular place of residence.iPad will be shipped to Canadian addresses only.Clients with Existing Personal Banking Accounts at the start of the Promotional Period are not eligible for the Promotional Offer even if they upgrade their Existing Personal Banking Account to an Eligible Personal Banking Account;If you were an owner of an Existing Personal Banking Account during the Promotional Period but closed it and then opened a new Eligible Personal Banking Account during the Promotional Period, you are not eligible for the Promotional Offer;In order to receive the Promotional Offer, your Eligible Personal Banking Account must remain open, in good standing, and may not be downgraded, for at least thirty (30) days after you fulfill all qualifying conditions for the Promotional Offer.1.3 Additional Conditions that apply to all Promotional OffersThe Program and these Terms do not, in any way, affect any of the service fees related to the operation of any of our personal deposit accounts, credit card accounts and business banking accounts, which continue to apply.The Promotional Offer shall not be combined with any other personal banking account offer or promotion. Participants must be residents of Canada and have reached the age of majority in the province or territory in which they reside on or before the Eligible Personal Account is opened.If you have received the Promotional Offer, we have the right to charge or debit any of your accounts with us or send you an invoice for $329 plus applicable taxes if your Eligible Personal Banking Account is closed or downgraded at any time prior to July 15, 2016.RBC may change the Promotional Offer and these Terms at any time. The posting of the current Terms atwww.rbc.com/termsandconditions shall be deemed sufficient notice to you of such Terms and any changes, if required.Limitations that apply to all Promotional OffersWe reserve the right to cancel the Promotional Offer at any time for any reason at our complete discretion without notice.In the event of a conflict between these Terms and the content of any document, brochure or promotional material advertising the Promotional Offers, these Terms shall prevail. You may always view the current Terms by visitingwww.rbc.com/termsandconditions or you may call 1-800 ROYAL 11 to request a current copy.We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to suspend, disqualify, limit or revoke these Promotional Offers to any person or account holder we find or believe to be manipulating or otherwise abusing the process, fairness, integrity or operation of the Promotional Offers.®/™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada
clearpondvillager 说:http://www.rbcroyalbank.com/open-an-account/ipad-mini-2-offer/terms.htmlRoyal Bank of Canada and companies under RBC®;The OfferProviding you fulfill the conditions set out in Sections 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 below, you may earn the following during the Promotional Period:iPad mini 2, 16GB, WiFi, Silver, Model #:ME279C/A (“iPad”).(hereinafter, the “Promotional Offer”)1.1 How to qualify for the Promotional OfferQualifying conditions for Eligible Personal Clients:To qualify for this Promotional Offer you must:be an Eligible Personal Clientopen one new Eligible Personal Banking Account during the Promotional Period; and;complete one of the following by end of day July 15, 2015:Transfer your automated and recurring payroll direct deposit or monthly recurring pension direct deposit to your new Eligible Personal Banking Account; we have the right to determine what is considered payroll. The first payroll or pension deposit must be credited to your new Eligible Personal Banking Account by end of dayJuly 15th, 2015ORSet up Two Pre-Authorized Payments, such as a pre authorized bill payment or pre-authorized contribution to your investment account from your new Eligible Personal Banking Account. Both Pre-Authorized Payments must be debited and must clear from your new Eligible Personal Banking Account by end of day July 15th, 2015. The Pre-Authorized Payments must be to two different companies.1.2 Additional Conditions that apply to the Promotional OfferThe following conditions also apply to this Promotional Offer:Promotional Offer is available to Eligible Personal Clients only.RBC Employees are not eligible to participate in the Promotional Offer. However, if an RBC Employee is a co-owner on a joint Eligible Personal Banking Account, the Promotional Offer may still be earned, provided the remaining conditions are fulfilled by the other co-owner(s);Only one iPad per Eligible Personal Client, no matter how many Eligible Personal Banking Accounts they may open;Only one iPad per Eligible Personal Banking Account, even if the Eligible Personal Banking Account is opened jointly, in which case only the Primary Owner will qualify for the iPad;Promotional Offer is only available while supplies last. While Royal Bank reserves the right to substitute Promotional Offer with an offer of equal value, RBC is not obligated to do so.Eligible Personal Clients are not entitled to a change, upgrade or substitution of the Promotional Offer.iPad will be shipped at any time up to 10 weeks after the first payroll deposit has been credited or the second Pre-Authorized Payment has been debited from the Eligible Personal Banking Account;Promotional Offer is available to residents of Canada only; which is determined by the jurisdiction (such as, country, province or territory) where a client has primary tax filing obligation based on their regular place of residence.iPad will be shipped to Canadian addresses only.Clients with Existing Personal Banking Accounts at the start of the Promotional Period are not eligible for the Promotional Offer even if they upgrade their Existing Personal Banking Account to an Eligible Personal Banking Account;If you were an owner of an Existing Personal Banking Account during the Promotional Period but closed it and then opened a new Eligible Personal Banking Account during the Promotional Period, you are not eligible for the Promotional Offer;In order to receive the Promotional Offer, your Eligible Personal Banking Account must remain open, in good standing, and may not be downgraded, for at least thirty (30) days after you fulfill all qualifying conditions for the Promotional Offer.1.3 Additional Conditions that apply to all Promotional OffersThe Program and these Terms do not, in any way, affect any of the service fees related to the operation of any of our personal deposit accounts, credit card accounts and business banking accounts, which continue to apply.The Promotional Offer shall not be combined with any other personal banking account offer or promotion. Participants must be residents of Canada and have reached the age of majority in the province or territory in which they reside on or before the Eligible Personal Account is opened.If you have received the Promotional Offer, we have the right to charge or debit any of your accounts with us or send you an invoice for $329 plus applicable taxes if your Eligible Personal Banking Account is closed or downgraded at any time prior to July 15, 2016.RBC may change the Promotional Offer and these Terms at any time. The posting of the current Terms atwww.rbc.com/termsandconditions shall be deemed sufficient notice to you of such Terms and any changes, if required.Limitations that apply to all Promotional OffersWe reserve the right to cancel the Promotional Offer at any time for any reason at our complete discretion without notice.In the event of a conflict between these Terms and the content of any document, brochure or promotional material advertising the Promotional Offers, these Terms shall prevail. You may always view the current Terms by visitingwww.rbc.com/termsandconditions or you may call 1-800 ROYAL 11 to request a current copy.We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to suspend, disqualify, limit or revoke these Promotional Offers to any person or account holder we find or believe to be manipulating or otherwise abusing the process, fairness, integrity or operation of the Promotional Offers.®/™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC and Royal Bank are registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada点击展开...不错。正想换RBC那。
生活虐我千百遍,我待生活如初恋折腾,lz是故意不把条件写全的吗?开的两个指定账户类型,最少每月要交10块钱月费,交一年。点击展开...早就有人说了。相当于分期付款买个ipad mini
超赞 赏 反馈:popiston K Kartzchen 0$(VIP 0) 9,2542015-05-01#9 Mini也没啥好的,我家有两个,都玩腻了
需要在RBC开户的、想要iPad mini的,这是一个deal。比去商店买还是便宜点的。其他就算了。曾经为了免费的三星平板电脑,签了3年的Telus合约,结果没用几天就闲置了。以后除了确实有需要,不会再贪小便宜了。
还有几个条件呢,payroll, 2个 pre-authorized payment, 只有信用卡也不给月费11,必须要有套餐才行
sherlock 说:还有几个条件呢,payroll, 2个 pre-authorized payment, 只有信用卡也不给月费11,必须要有套餐才行点击展开...可以详细说说吗?没看懂
超赞 赏 clearpondvillager龙潭乡下人 0$(VIP 0) 1,6212015-05-02#16 我是昨天METRO报纸广告上看到。上面是网页上的条款。隐含条件不是很清楚,明天有时间再去问。正如楼上说的这款机是旧款,在BESTBUY促销价299。9在STAPLE是329。没有电话功能。
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