加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver卖糕,温哥华一晚上9个吸毒过量死亡。


Nine die from overdoses overnight in VancouverNICK EAGLANDMore from Nick EaglandPublished on: December 16, 2016 | Last Updated: December 16, 2016 4:01 PM PSTNine people died from overdoses in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside overnight, says Vancouver's police chief. Vancouver Fire Department Medical Unit responds to an unresponsive man after injecting a drug in the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver, December, 9, 2016 in this file photo. RICHARD LAM / PNGSHAREADJUSTCOMMENTaddiction treatment in fighting the region’s opioid crisis.The chief called for both detox help and longer-term treatment for those who claim they’re ready to get off drugs.“Imagine you’re a person addicted to drugs” and homeless with a mental illness. People who want to get help are told to wait nine days, he said.Robertson expressed concerns about the “horrific” impact that important harm-reduction work has on those providing it. He added that governments have not properly dealt with the root causes of drug addiction nor given enough attention to treatment, and we are now seeing the results of that.“It’s desperate times in Vancouver, and it’s hard to see any silver lining,” Robertson said. “We’ve been treading water for many years with Canada’s only harm-reduction strategy of note.”Mental health and the housing crisis have played a role in addiction and the current overdose epidemic, Robertson added.On Tuesday, the City of Vancouver approved a 3.9-per-cent property tax increase that included 0.5 per cent earmarked specifically to fight the city’s drug crisis.Fentanyl is the primary enemy, although other, more toxic synthetic opioids have begun to appear on the street in recent months.John McKearney, Vancouver’s fire chief, said the City of Vancouver has shown leadership, but the provincial government needs to become more involved in providing treatment for members of the community

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