加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver请大家推荐一下好的搬家公司 谢谢!
http://metrovanmovers.com/东欧人,孔武有力,包装搬运傢具又快捷又周到又专业大卡车,有升降阶,很不错滴説~2个人,合计每小时$95不光有力气,看那2人配合得非常好,很有默契包裹傢具或画框,像表演杂技,专业十足!絶不是凑合的临时工~最低鐘數http://metrovanmovers.com/price-payment/One ton truck ……………… minimum of three hoursThree ton truck ……………. minimum of four hoursFive ton truck ……………… minimum of five hoursWHICH DO YOU NEED?One ton trucks (16 x 7 x 7.5 ft) are used for one bedroom to one bedroom and den.Three ton trucks (18 x 7 (or 8) x 8 ft) can accommodate 2 to 3 bedroom apartments and small houses with regular furniture and boxes.Five ton trucks (24 x 8 (or 9) x 8 ft) are ideal for larger moves such as 3-5 bedroom houses.
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