加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver对于不了解情况还倔得要死的人,摆事实讲道理都没用,只能镇压
https://dushi.singtao.ca/vancouver/健康/加拿大7年级至12年级学生-抽大麻的比抽烟的多/加拿大7年级至12年级学生 抽大麻的比抽烟的多加拿大都市网2017年5月12日 13:24■ 学者指出,在青少年时代开始吸食大麻,会带来长远负面后果。资料图片根据安省滑铁卢大学刚公布的一份调研报告结果显示,加拿大第7 至12班学生中,有2% 即逾43,000 人每天吸食大麻,这比例微高于同级学生每天吸烟的数目。本报记者报道滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)人口健康影响中心(Propel Centre for Population Health Impact)于本周初发表一份题为「加拿大烟草使用模式与趋势」(Tobacco Use in Canada: Patterns and Trends)的汇报。该汇报附件调研报告发现,加国第7至12班学生中,有2%即超过43,000人,每天吸食大麻。而根据该中心早前「加拿大学生烟草、酒精和药物调查」所录得数据,加国第7至12班学生中,有1.8%是每天吸烟。上述调研报告数字显示,偶尔吸食大麻的青少年人数保持高企,上述同级学生有20%报称曾经试食大麻,有10%则报称在过去30日曾经吸食。调研报告共同主笔、滑铁卢大学公共卫生及卫生系统学院教授夏蒙(David Hammond)表示,「与十年前比较,虽然现今加国青少年尝试吸食大麻之可能性是较低,但每天吸食的青少年数目却出奇地高」。调研报告又发现,吸烟与吸食大麻是有巨大连系。现时有吸烟的第7至12班学生中,超过90%报称他们曾经试食大麻。接近9%即155,000名学生,是从未尝试吸烟,却曾试用大麻。吸烟又吸食大麻的形式,在过去20年已有重大改变。在1991年,16%吸烟者报称他们亦有吸食大麻,于2011年此数字已升至92%。夏蒙教授称,吸烟又吸食大麻现象值得关注。他又谓,外界有指吸入大麻烟雾害处,较吸入烟草烟雾害处为IH ,这说法并没有事实根据,大麻烟雾含有很多与烟草烟雾相同的致癌物质。吸食大麻对健康的影响基于三个主要因素,包括吸食频密性、开始吸食年龄及高危组群的使用。在青少年时代早期开始吸食大麻,加上多吸食,是会带来更多严重的长远负面后果。吸大麻逃课机会高4倍夏蒙教授续说,「正当联邦政府准备在2018年将大麻合法化,联邦政府应考虑一些途径,将吸烟又吸食大麻这个结合解除,借以减低吸食大麻的直接害处,同时确保大麻合法化不会削弱劝勉青少年减少吸烟的工作」。此外,另一份新近在《学校健康》期刊(Journal of School Health)发表的滑铁卢大学研究报告指出,当中学生开始至少每月一次吸食大麻之后,他们逃课的机会,比从没有吸食大麻的学生高出4倍,他们不完成功课情况亦趋多,他们对考取好成绩的重视也相对下降。
British Columbia’s homeless deaths at record high: reportHomeless deaths have reached a record level in British Columbia and advocates are attributing it to prohibitive housing costs, the unresolved overdose crisis and a patchwork availability of harm-reduction services.At least 70 homeless people died in B.C. in 2015, the latest year for which data are available, according to a new report by Megaphone, a non-profit group that advocates for homeless and low-income people. That is the highest number on record going back to 2006 and compares with 45 homeless deaths in 2014 and 27 in 2013.Jessica Hannon, Megaphone’s executive director and the lead author of the report, said it was depressing to prepare the report knowing that these deaths were increasing.“This is the third year we’ve put together this report and we’ve been sounding the alarm that it’s on the rise,” she said. “We haven’t seen the necessary changes to prevent homeless deaths. We need to treat this with the urgency of a crisis.”The figures come from the BC Coroners Service and are likely underestimates. The service includes deaths of those who were considered “street homeless” and “sheltered homeless,” for example, but not those who were staying in temporary accommodations such as a hotel, a correctional institution or a residential treatment facility with no permanent home to return to.Deaths that must be reported to the coroner include all non-natural deaths and sudden and unexpected deaths of those not under the care of a physician; homeless deaths that did not meet this criteria were not included.The number one cause of homeless deaths in 2015 was poisoning by alcohol or drugs, at 34, up from 13 in 2014. Those deaths came a few years into the grim milieu of a provincial overdose crisis that continues to worsen, claiming 931 people in all last year.The number two cause of homeless deaths in 2015 was natural disease.The median age of death for a homeless person was between 40 and 49, compared with 76.4 in the general population.For the second consecutive year, the highest number of homeless deaths in 2015 occurred in the Fraser region: 30 people, or 42.8 per cent of the total.“Advocates point to a lack of affordable housing, as well as limited provision of harm reduction and shelter services in asserting that people experiencing homelessness in the Fraser region experience marginalization that makes them increasingly vulnerable,” the report states.Jesse Wegemast, a pastor with the 5 and 2 Ministries, an Abbotsford street church, said the Fraser Valley city has seen an “exponential rise” in homelessness – and especially hidden homelessness.“If you were to go to the Wal-Mart parking lot in Abbotsford at 2 a.m., you would see about 20 vehicles there and every single one would have one or two people sleeping inside,” he said.“We’ve definitely seen a demographic shift away from the stereotypical, street-entrenched homeless … and we’re seeing more and more single-parent families. We’re seeing more people coming out here from Metro Vancouver, coming out here thinking they’ll find something more affordable.”DJ Larkin, a lawyer with the Pivot Legal Society, noted the patchwork availability of social services outside of Vancouver.“What we know is that the Fraser region does not have the same services as are available in Vancouver Coastal,” she said. “That includes things like different housing options, shelter options and harm reduction services like safe consumption sites.”Until 2014, Abbotsford had a nearly decade-old bylaw that explicitly prohibited harm-reduction services.The report cites as an example a proposed homeless shelter for Maple Ridge that the B.C. government scrapped last year in response to public backlash. Another purpose-built shelter was also shelved and a temporary shelter is about to close.“Most municipalities in Fraser region still have bylaws prohibiting people from camping overnight,” Ms. Larkin said, “and so people end up hiding from bylaw enforcement, hiding from members of the community who may do them harm. That puts them at risk of dying.”Megaphone sent the report to B.C.’s top three party leaders with a call for a death-review panel to examine the circumstances of homeless deaths to reduce the likelihood of similar deaths in the future.
Fentanyl crisis: Drug overdoses claim unprecedented 922 lives in B.C. in 2016B.C. health minister calls on Ottawa to declare a federal public health emergencyllicit drug overdoses claimed the lives of 922 people in B.C. in 2016, the BC Coroners Service revealed Wednesday, making it the deadliest overdose year on record and representing an increase of nearly 80 per cent from the year before.December saw another spike in deaths with 142 recorded, up from the previous monthly high of 128 recorded in November of 2016.Fentanyl, an opioid 100 times more potent than heroin, has been a "game changer" for drug overdose deaths in B.C., said Chief Coroner Lisa Lapointe."This is an illicit drug dependency crisis and it is not likely to be resolved anytime soon," she said.B.C. Health Minister Terry Lake announced more money for treatment beds and said the federal government needs to step up."The federal government should declare a federal public health emergency," said Lake."We haven't seen the response that I think this type of epidemic requires on a national scale."51 overdose deaths in Vancouver last monthEvery part of the province is affected, but Vancouver continues to be the epicentre of the crisis, said Lapointe. Fifty-one people died of illicit drug overdoses in Vancouver alone in December. Four out of five of the overdose deaths were men and more than half were between the ages of 30 and 49.Fentanyl's potency makes it attractive to drug traffickers who can smuggle in many doses in a small package, and deadly to users because a dose the size of a grain of sand can kill.Unlike previous months, the BC Coroners Service was unable to say how many of the deaths in December involved fentanyl, because with such a high number of cases the analyses are not yet complete and won't be until March.A year of overdoses: 7 charts that show the scope of B.C.'s drug crisisProvincial health minister Terry Lake, Chief coroner Lisa Lapointe and other B.C. health officials reveal that 914 people died of illicit drug overdose in 2016, a 79 per cent increase from 2015. (Mike McArthur/CBC)New treatment beds comingB.C. Health Minister Terry Lake said the province was allocating more than $16 million in new money to tackle the crisis, including an additional 40 adult intensive residential treatment beds and 20 for youth.The province is also funding 50 new intensive outpatient treatment spaces, as well as covering the cost of treatment therapies, such as methadone and Suboxone, for people with low incomes.The B.C. government has been criticized for not doing enough in the face of the fentanyl crisis, leaving people with addictions and their families without treatment options.'There's definitely blood on the premier's hands': fentanyl crisisMake drugs that prevent fentanyl deaths free, families and experts sayB.C. allocated 10 times more to fight swine flu than fentanyl crisisLake said the province is doing what it can and is discussing the crisis with health officials daily and weekly."We're taking unprecedented action, said Lake."We want to be able to provide treatment as quickly as possible, but … we don't have the resources to provide treatment on demand for all conditions."Lake also discussed the need to explore new treatment options for people with addiction, including the possibility of prescription heroin.He and Lapointe agree the death toll would be higher without the response of front line workers, including paramedics and others."The work going on at the front lines has been incredibly important in saving hundreds and hundreds of lives in our province," said Lake.Month-by-month overdose deaths Create line chartsNo end in sightLast fall, after the number of illicit deaths dipped in August and September, Lake said he was hopeful the public health emergency was ending."We thought we turned a corner, we really did. And then with the November numbers, it's a whole different chapter in this crisis."One hypothesis for the sudden and staggering increase in November and December is the emergence of an even more potent opioid than fentanyl — carfentanil.However, the coroners service's new equipment to test for carfentanil is not yet operational and won't be until March, said Lapointe.This month, none of the health officials voiced any hope that the end of the crisis is in sight."This is a long-term strategy," said Lapointe.
很多人对中国政府对异议人士采取高压政策和设置网上长城不理解, 其实只要看看sault, catpricle, 千客万来, 大难不死这些人上窜下跳非理性的言论就明白了。高压政策英明无比!
B.C. NDP pledges to create ministry for mental health and addictionsIf elected May 9, NDP to set up new department amidst epidemic of opioid overdoses—nearly 1,000 dead in the past year—and gaps in mental wellness treatment.THE CANADIAN PRESS/DARRYL DYCKNDP Leader John Horgan stands with mental health advocates after an election campaign announcement about mental health and addiction services at the Riverview Lands, the former site of a mental health facility, in Coquitlam, B.C., on Monday April 17, 2017. A provincial election will be held on May 9.By: David P. Ball Metro Published on Mon Apr 17 2017New Democrats are hoping to make British Columbia's mental health crisis — including an opioid overdose epidemic that's killed nearly 1,000 residents in the past year — a campaign issue ahead of the May 9 provincial election.The Official Opposition pledged on Monday to create an entirely new government ministry to deal with both mental health and addictions issues, which experts say are closely connected."After years of B.C. Liberal neglect, we will improve B.C.'s mental health system by increasing access and investing in early prevention and intevention," NDP leader John Horgan said in a press release. "People need to know they only have to ask for help once to get help fast."At a media event in Coquitlam on Monday, Horgan promised to increase mental health professionals available to teens in high schools, as well as "reopening" the mostly shuttered residential mental health operations that for decades operated at Riverview.That promise earned a swift rebuke from the governing B.C. Liberals, who issued a statement criticizing Horgan's promises as "empty" and completely lacking in a price tag — an example of what spokesperson Alexis Pavlich called "a pattern of Horgan "saying one thing and doing another."The NDP, the Liberals said, "have not included one single penny in the costing of their so-called platform" of the Riverview promise."(It) is completely disingenuous," stated BC Liberal campaign co-chair Rich Coleman, who until the election writ dropped last week served as deputy Premier. "Grandiose, empty promises with zero dollars to pay for them, which can only result in higher taxes.”The Liberals also criticized the NDP's call "for a return to mass hospitalization" at Riverview, where several of the ageing buildings have been condemned and contain toxic asbestos insulation.But nevertheless the Liberals have also promised to redevelop Riverview Lands in Coquitlam, promising their own 105-bed, $100-million treatment facility to open there in two years.The Canadian Mental Health Association B.C. has called for prevention of early intervention to be centrepieces of a provincial plan to tackle what it sees as service gaps that have left thousands without adequate treatment for mental illness ad addictions.The organization estimates the province has to spend $6.6 billion every year on responding to mental health and addictions issues, and that 58,000 B.C. children — equivalent to nearly the entire population of New Westminster — aren't getting needed mental health treatments.In a speech before a CMHA event in late February, the provincial health officer Dr. Perry Kendall said key to ending the opioid crisis is to put a "human face" on its victims, instead of blaming them for their own misfortune — which he said very commonly is connected to untreated mental illness."Trying to reach out to bring a human face — to realize these aren't disposable people — has been a very important part of trying to de-stigmatize the victims of this overdose epidemic," he said at the time.According to a Forum Research poll last month, roughly two-thirds of British Columbian voters said that not enough was being done to tackle the opioid crisis.The results of the survey of 1,061 randomly selected British Columbians found that fully 63 per cent of the province want more done to address the drug crisis, 12 per cent “a lot more,” while just 27 per cent the actions taken so far were enough.
民主是个好东西, 但不适合人类社会及动物世界。
bang1 说:温哥华的大多能猜出这是哪条街点击展开...撇开民主独裁不谈,温哥华流浪汉问题有点严重
如果是丁磊,他会怎么做呢?对于不了解情况还倔得要死的人,摆事实讲道理都没用,只能镇压 - 温哥华的大多能猜出这是哪条街点击展开...要镇压谁?镇压露营者?镇压网友?谁来镇压,学三K党半夜蒙上脸出来杀人?主题重复之前的疯疯癫癫的言语,唯一的改进是不再把中共和毛扯进来,病情有好转的迹象,希望尊医嘱坚持吃药,早日康复!这张照片是 Hastings Street 附近,那些人在摆摊卖二手货,我15年前在那里买过一把钳子和两把螺丝批 :
五丈原 说:撇开民主独裁不谈,温哥华流浪汉问题有点严重点击展开...全加拿大第一。我过去经常经过那里,只见到很少的几个人。估计露营的人多了,警方就会把他们都送入 shelters. 然后人又慢慢地多起来。
bang1 说:很多人对中国政府对异议人士采取高压政策和设置网上长城不理解, 其实只要看看sault, catpricle, 千客万来, 大难不死这些人上窜下跳非理性的言论就明白了。高压政策英明无比!点击展开...你可以回中国享受独裁专制+高压政策,这是你的权利,别浪费了。这是加拿大,我就是冲这个民主移民国家来的,离开中国这几年,感觉很好,生活悠闲舒适,实在找不到反对加拿大政府的理由。现在是能不去中国尽量不去中国,好好的干嘛去吸雾霾吃地沟油呀。奴才跪在地上举着鞭子,希望奴隶主有事没事抽他,这得多贱才能修炼到这种程度?
五丈原 说:撇开民主独裁不谈,温哥华流浪汉问题有点严重点击展开...他们是绝对不敢面对流浪汉问题的
bang1 说:他们是绝对不敢面对流浪汉问题的点击展开...我们这里是小地方,没有见过有人在外面流浪。但是也有很多领福利的穷人。我现在就在帮助这里的领福利的人员。教会和有好几个NGO机构都在帮助他们。什么叫做不敢面对?
Sault 说:我们这里是小地方,没有见过有人在外面流浪。但是也有很多领福利的穷人。我现在就在帮助这里的领福利的人员。教会和有好几个NGO机构都在帮助他们。什么叫做不敢面对?点击展开...你天天泡中文论坛, 怎么知道英文社会发生的事情? 你还是走出你那个小地方吧, 至少看看英文报纸。 你没看到不等于不存在, 希望你能有尊重事实的态度, 而不是把谩骂当论据。
bang1 说:Fentanyl crisis: Drug overdoses claim unprecedented 922 lives in B.C. in 2016B.C. health minister calls on Ottawa to declare a federal public health emergencyllicit drug overdoses claimed the lives of 922 people in B.C. in 2016, the BC Coroners Service revealed Wednesday, making it the deadliest overdose year on record and representing an increase of nearly 80 per cent from the year before.December saw another spike in deaths with 142 recorded, up from the previous monthly high of 128 recorded in November of 2016.Fentanyl, an opioid 100 times more potent than heroin, has been a "game changer" for drug overdose deaths in B.C., said Chief Coroner Lisa Lapointe."This is an illicit drug dependency crisis and it is not likely to be resolved anytime soon," she said.B.C. Health Minister Terry Lake announced more money for treatment beds and said the federal government needs to step up."The federal government should declare a federal public health emergency," said Lake."We haven't seen the response that I think this type of epidemic requires on a national scale."51 overdose deaths in Vancouver last monthEvery part of the province is affected, but Vancouver continues to be the epicentre of the crisis, said Lapointe. Fifty-one people died of illicit drug overdoses in Vancouver alone in December. Four out of five of the overdose deaths were men and more than half were between the ages of 30 and 49.Fentanyl's potency makes it attractive to drug traffickers who can smuggle in many doses in a small package, and deadly to users because a dose the size of a grain of sand can kill.Unlike previous months, the BC Coroners Service was unable to say how many of the deaths in December involved fentanyl, because with such a high number of cases the analyses are not yet complete and won't be until March. A year of overdoses: 7 charts that show the scope of B.C.'s drug crisisProvincial health minister Terry Lake, Chief coroner Lisa Lapointe and other B.C. health officials reveal that 914 people died of illicit drug overdose in 2016, a 79 per cent increase from 2015. (Mike McArthur/CBC)New treatment beds comingB.C. Health Minister Terry Lake said the province was allocating more than $16 million in new money to tackle the crisis, including an additional 40 adult intensive residential treatment beds and 20 for youth.The province is also funding 50 new intensive outpatient treatment spaces, as well as covering the cost of treatment therapies, such as methadone and Suboxone, for people with low incomes.The B.C. government has been criticized for not doing enough in the face of the fentanyl crisis, leaving people with addictions and their families without treatment options. 'There's definitely blood on the premier's hands': fentanyl crisisMake drugs that prevent fentanyl deaths free, families and experts sayB.C. allocated 10 times more to fight swine flu than fentanyl crisisLake said the province is doing what it can and is discussing the crisis with health officials daily and weekly."We're taking unprecedented action, said Lake."We want to be able to provide treatment as quickly as possible, but … we don't have the resources to provide treatment on demand for all conditions."Lake also discussed the need to explore new treatment options for people with addiction, including the possibility of prescription heroin.He and Lapointe agree the death toll would be higher without the response of front line workers, including paramedics and others."The work going on at the front lines has been incredibly important in saving hundreds and hundreds of lives in our province," said Lake.Month-by-month overdose deaths Create line chartsNo end in sightLast fall, after the number of illicit deaths dipped in August and September, Lake said he was hopeful the public health emergency was ending."We thought we turned a corner, we really did. And then with the November numbers, it's a whole different chapter in this crisis."One hypothesis for the sudden and staggering increase in November and December is the emergence of an even more potent opioid than fentanyl — carfentanil.However, the coroners service's new equipment to test for carfentanil is not yet operational and won't be until March, said Lapointe.This month, none of the health officials voiced any hope that the end of the crisis is in sight."This is a long-term strategy," said Lapointe.点击展开...知道fentanyl哪里来的吗?
laox888 说:知道fentanyl哪里来的吗?点击展开...中国人喜欢fentanyl吗
bang1 说:中国人喜欢fentanyl吗点击展开...你说呢?我只是问产地。
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