加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver我估计给6-4平反的那天,可能也就是给蒋介石平反的那天。
看来法制化与人权 ( 财产安全,人身安全,言论自由)才是关键。相比89年,现在有很多进步,但还有很多问题。
dave 说:国共第二次谈判,斯大林和美国都想搞成南北朝,但是伟大领袖读过历史,他知道楚汉相争的结果,所以,他要一直打下去,假如不是朝鲜战争爆发,台湾都会被拿下。伟大领袖根本不是怕秋后算账,而是要追穷寇,痛打老蒋。老蒋也确实太无能了,加上也没有天助,幻海战役属于大决战,结果天降大雨,运兵车上不去,最后被各个击破。即便六四平反,只要现政权执政是不会给老蒋平反的!点击展开...不对,老兄说的是1949年打过长江前的事。其实1945年-1946年,国共是打成了和平协议的。当时,双方都没有那个心胸,还是撕毁协议,继续打。
俺的电工 说:不对,老兄说的是1949年打过长江前的事。其实1945年-1946年,国共是打成了和平协议的。当时,双方都没有那个心胸,还是撕毁协议,继续打。点击展开...你说得没错,但是45年重庆谈判也是谈的同时,双方都在底下搞小动作。根本没有诚意。
dave 说:你说得没错,但是45年重庆谈判也是谈的同时,双方都在底下搞小动作。根本没有诚意。点击展开...6-4问题实质与国共内战其实是一样的,都是两种观点的爱国者的交锋,是悲剧。要给6-4平反,就必须给国民党平反。
俺的电工 说:真正的民族大和解,纪念过去,开辟未来。国共两次内战,都是谈判双方怕对方秋后算账。学生与政府谈不拢,还是怕秋后算账。什么时候,不怕秋后算账了,中国人民才是真正站起来了。点击展开...曼彻斯特正在秋后算账。什么时候,不怕秋后算账了,英国人民才是真正站起来了。
俺的电工 说:真正的民族大和解,纪念过去,开辟未来。国共两次内战,都是谈判双方怕对方秋后算账。学生与政府谈不拢,还是怕秋后算账。什么时候,不怕秋后算账了,中国人民才是真正站起来了。点击展开...没错
MichaelHasting 说:曼彻斯特正在秋后算账。什么时候,不怕秋后算账了,英国人民才是真正站起来了。点击展开...你不要混淆概念。恐怖分子是英国外来的敌人。6-4与国共内战是内部悲剧。
俺的电工 说:你不要混淆概念。恐怖分子是英国外来的敌人。6-4与国共内战是内部悲剧。点击展开...你猜不要混淆概念。‘恐怖分子’本来就是西方播下的种子。利比亚国泰民安是谁搅乱的?中东实际上是谁的殖民地?海湾傀儡国是谁的走狗?活该两字怎么写你知道不?
俺的电工 说:你不要混淆概念。恐怖分子是英国外来的敌人。6-4与国共内战是内部悲剧。点击展开...六四不是内部悲剧,是霉国操纵的有预谋暴乱。William Engdahl is an award-winning geopolitical analyst."Indeed, as I have written elsewhere, there is rather strong circumstantial evidence that suggests that the CIA and US State Department played a key role in trying to goad on the student protestors at Tiananmen Square; much like the CIA did in Hungary in 1956, in order to provoke a government bloodbath of repression. Around the same time as Tiananmen protests in April-June 1989, the Chinese government banned a Chinese NGO of US operator George Soros, the Fund for the Reform and Opening of China, after interrogating its Chinese director in August 1989 and claiming that the Soros China fund had links to the CIA. The Soros Fund according to Chinese reports had been supported by ousted Communist Party chief Zhao Ziyang.Significantly in addition to the Soros Fund, Gene Sharp of the Cambridge Massachusetts Albert Einstein Institution, whose handbooks on “non-violence as a method of warfare” have been the “how to” textbook for every color revolution to date, was in Beijing days before the Tiananmen events.When the PLA failed to fill Beijing with the blood of “thousands” of student democracy martyrs, Washington could simply go with fabrication of a fantasy or virtual massacre and, because of its overwhelming control of mainstream media; most of the world could believe the Washington version."Here are some eyewitness reports:There was a new element I hadn’t noticed much of before, young punks decidedly less than student-like in appearance. In the place of headbands and signed shirts with university pins they wore cheap, ill-fitting polyester clothes and loose windbreakers. Under our lights, their eyes gleaming with mischief, they brazenly revealed hidden Molotov cocktails.”Who were these punks in shorts and sandals, carrying petrol bombs? Gasoline is tightly rationed, so they could not have come up with these things spontaneously. Who taught them to make bottle bombs and for whom were the incendiary devices intended?Editor’s Note: (Not nsnbc editor´s note but BearCanada) – As with the student supplies, the Coleman gas stoves, the manuals, instructions, training, strategy and tactics, the logistics and many other elements, there is little question the providers were not domestic Chinese.
MichaelHasting 说:你猜不要混淆概念。‘恐怖分子’本来就是西方播下的种子。利比亚国泰民安是谁搅乱的?中东实际上是谁的殖民地?海湾傀儡国是谁的走狗?活该两字怎么写你知道不?点击展开...你扯得太远,不是本楼讨论的内容,恕不奉陪。
MichaelHasting 说:六四不是内部悲剧,是霉国操纵的有预谋暴乱。William Engdahl is an award-winning geopolitical analyst."Indeed, as I have written elsewhere, there is rather strong circumstantial evidence that suggests that the CIA and US State Department played a key role in trying to goad on the student protestors at Tiananmen Square; much like the CIA did in Hungary in 1956, in order to provoke a government bloodbath of repression. Around the same time as Tiananmen protests in April-June 1989, the Chinese government banned a Chinese NGO of US operator George Soros, the Fund for the Reform and Opening of China, after interrogating its Chinese director in August 1989 and claiming that the Soros China fund had links to the CIA. The Soros Fund according to Chinese reports had been supported by ousted Communist Party chief Zhao Ziyang.Significantly in addition to the Soros Fund, Gene Sharp of the Cambridge Massachusetts Albert Einstein Institution, whose handbooks on “non-violence as a method of warfare” have been the “how to” textbook for every color revolution to date, was in Beijing days before the Tiananmen events.When the PLA failed to fill Beijing with the blood of “thousands” of student democracy martyrs, Washington could simply go with fabrication of a fantasy or virtual massacre and, because of its overwhelming control of mainstream media; most of the world could believe the Washington version."Here are some eyewitness reports:There was a new element I hadn’t noticed much of before, young punks decidedly less than student-like in appearance. In the place of headbands and signed shirts with university pins they wore cheap, ill-fitting polyester clothes and loose windbreakers. Under our lights, their eyes gleaming with mischief, they brazenly revealed hidden Molotov cocktails.”Who were these punks in shorts and sandals, carrying petrol bombs? Gasoline is tightly rationed, so they could not have come up with these things spontaneously. Who taught them to make bottle bombs and for whom were the incendiary devices intended?Editor’s Note: (Not nsnbc editor´s note but BearCanada) – As with the student supplies, the Coleman gas stoves, the manuals, instructions, training, strategy and tactics, the logistics and many other elements, there is little question the providers were not domestic Chinese.点击展开...In the case of the “pro-democracy” protests in China in 1989 the U.S. government was attempting to create a civil war. The Voice of America increased its Chinese language broadcasts to 11 hours each day and targeted the broadcast “directly to about 2,000 satellite dishes in China operated mostly by the Peoples Liberation Army.”viiiThe Voice of America broadcasts to PLA units were filled with reports that some PLA units were firing on others and different units were loyal to the protestors and others with the government.The Voice of America and U.S. media outlets tried to create confusion and panic among government supporters. Just prior to June 4 they reported that China’s Prime Minister Li Peng had been shot and that Deng Xiaoping was near death.
MichaelHasting 说:In the case of the “pro-democracy” protests in China in 1989 the U.S. government was attempting to create a civil war. The Voice of America increased its Chinese language broadcasts to 11 hours each day and targeted the broadcast “directly to about 2,000 satellite dishes in China operated mostly by the Peoples Liberation Army.”viiiThe Voice of America broadcasts to PLA units were filled with reports that some PLA units were firing on others and different units were loyal to the protestors and others with the government.The Voice of America and U.S. media outlets tried to create confusion and panic among government supporters. Just prior to June 4 they reported that China’s Prime Minister Li Peng had been shot and that Deng Xiaoping was near death.点击展开...外人有他的企图,很正常。但6-4主要还是国人参加的。把6-4全推到外人身上是不负责的推脱。
俺的电工 说:6-4问题实质与国共内战其实是一样的,都是两种观点的爱国者的交锋,是悲剧。要给6-4平反,就必须给国民党平反。点击展开...其实再过几百年,后人回头看这段历史会发现和楚汉战争一样,你能说项羽和刘邦谁正确吗?所以,也没必要说平反了。成王败寇这是历史规律!
dave 说:其实再过几百年,后人回头看这段历史会发现和楚汉战争一样,你能说项羽和刘邦谁正确吗?所以,也没必要说平反了。成王败寇这是历史规律!点击展开...几百年后,中国人还是相信成王败寇,你死我活,没有建立理性的基于法律的制度。那中国人真应该被世界淘汰了。
俺的电工 说:几百年后,中国人还是相信成王败寇,你死我活,没有建立理性的基于法律的制度。那中国人真应该被世界淘汰了。点击展开...朋友,中国从嬴政统一六国开始,一直就是这个路子,2000多年了都没变,你指望后面还有改变?!不说了,这个话题,我就此打住。
In an article on June 5, 1989, the Washington Post described how anti-government fighters had been organized into formations of 100-150 people. They were armed with Molotov cocktails and iron clubs, to meet the PLA who were still unarmed in the days prior to June 4. 暴徒冲锋队是训练使组织的?燃烧弹是谁教暴徒制作的?干扰解放军卫星,传递假情报是哪国操作的?
俺的电工 说:几百年后,中国人还是相信成王败寇,你死我活,没有建立理性的基于法律的制度。那中国人真应该被世界淘汰了。点击展开...看来霉国白人丛林秩序霸占美洲原居民的霉国是该被淘汰。
dave 说:朋友,中国从嬴政统一六国开始,一直就是这个路子,2000多年了都没变,你指望后面还有改变?!不说了,这个话题,我就此打住。点击展开...是的,历史的记录很不好,近期不乐观,所以我移民了。但我还是相信几百年后会好起来的。
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