加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver卖方产权有限制条款谁的责任?在列字文买房已付定金,但要签文件成交时律师发现该产权有限制条款,买家求卖家去房产局撤销,卖家不同意说买家已签
bjlu 说:在列字文买房已付定金,但要签文件成交时律师发现该产权有限制条款,买家不接受要求卖家去房产局撤销,卖家不同意说买家已签阅文件视同接受;其实买家签阅时并未了解卖家的产权内容。若买家因此放弃买房是否有责任或拿不回所付定金?点击展开...你的律师直到要签署文件成交的时候才发现有限制条款?你的经纪呢?
bjlu 说:在列字文买房已付定金,但要签文件成交时律师发现该产权有限制条款,买家不接受要求卖家去房产局撤销,卖家不同意说买家已签阅文件视同接受;其实买家签阅时并未了解卖家的产权内容。若买家因此放弃买房是否有责任或拿不回所付定金?点击展开...问你的律师
人间正道是沧桑 超赞 赏 反馈:meimei99 和 cocow2011 太平梳打饼干 2$(VIP 0,#310) 4012017-12-28#4 首先你的经纪肯定有责任,他没有好好看产权信息,就算他不是律师,但有没有限制这在产权信息里非常醒目,他是经纪绝对知道看哪里,然后应该建议你去咨询律师,看看到底是什么样的限制,会对产权有什么影响。负责任的经纪早就把限制的具体内容查找出来告知你了。等到把条件解除定金也交了然后律师发现产权信息有情况,根据你描述来看已经晚了。不过你还是要看看合同里是否有关于产权信息的描述,比如:“The Buyer agrees to purchase the Property from the Seller on the following terms and subject to the following conditions:TITLE: Free and clear of all encumbrances except substituting conditions, provisos, restrictions, exceptions and reservations, including royalties, contained in the original grant or contained in any other grant or disposition from the Crown, registered or pending restrictive covenants and rights-of-way in favour of utilities and public authorities, existing tenancies set out in Clause 5, if any, and except as other wise set out herein.” 或者“Subject to the Buyer on or before (date) obtaining and approving a copy of the title search results against the presence of any charge or other feature, whether registered or pending, that reasonably may adversely affect the property’s use or value.If this condition is waived or declared fulfilled, the copy of the title search result will be incorporated into and form part of this contract and the Buyer acknowledges and accepts, despite any other provision in this contract, that upon completion the Buyer will receive title containing any non-financial charge set out in the copy of the title search results that is attached to and forms part of this contract.This condition is for the sole benefit of the Buyer.如果上述内容合同里都没有,那就是你经纪的责任了
什么样的限制?你的经济一定有责任。写信给他的brokerage manager投诉。
Start over 超赞 赏 反馈:cocow2011 盘古 0$(VIP 0,#447) 13,3062017-12-29#6 经济只管拿钱,不合格,公布名字吧
如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔 超赞 赏 反馈:cocow2011 erugigonc 0$(VIP 0) 7,7372017-12-29#7 限制条款是所有权的问题还是技术上的问题?技术上就是有什么路权呀,地有什么限制呀?如果你是有中介,这一切问题都应该他帮你搞清楚的如果你没有中介,也应该你自己去查TITLE以及查清楚技术细节。卖方角度,浪费了那么多时间,他估计没有故意隐瞒你,如果他有你可以告他。
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