加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver保守党主席Andrew Scheer表示不会和中国签订自由贸易协定


Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer says he would not pursue a free trade deal with China if he were prime minister.“We don’t have the same types of systems, we don’t see the transparency and accountability in the Chinese economy. We know there is a lot of state owned enterprises,” Scheer said during an episode of CTV’s Question Period airing Sunday.“We’re a long way from talking about a free trade deal.”Canada has been eyeing a potential free trade agreement with China for some time, although talks slowed in late 2017 after Chinese leaders learned that Canada was interested in an agreement with protections for labour, gender and Indigenous rights. A second push for a deal – or even smaller sector-by-sector agreements – was underway in November when Canadian officials visited China. However, anything concrete has yet to emerge.Trade talks between the two countries face another roadblock after tensions between Canada and China ratcheted up in recent weeks. The Dec. 2 arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver, pending her extradition to the United States, has been painted by the Chinese as an illegal detention. Since Meng’s arrest, three Canadian citizens have been detained in China.Trump threatens interferenceU.S. President Donald Trump complicated matters further when he took to Twitter to mull interfering in the extradition case in order to gain leverage in his own trade talks with China.It’s a comment that Scheer found concerning.“We would never accept a prime minister saying, well, maybe I’ll intervene and use a trade issue as a link to an independent investigation into criminal activity. It raises a lot of concerns,” he said.Scheer would ban Huawei from Canada’s 5G networkThe telecom giant hasn’t only been in the news because of the arrest of its CFO. Huawei has also been banned from participating in 5G networks in the U.S., Australia and New Zealand.As Canada looks to have its own next-generation 5G wireless network established in the coming years, Canadian officials are wrestling with whether the company should be allowed to participate.Scheer, however, said he would absolutely not allow Huawei to become part of Canada’s 5G telecommunications network.“The government of China has admitted that they’ve been involved in cyber infiltrations around the world and in governments. We can’t have this naïve approach with the regime in China,” Scheer told Question Period host Evan Solomon.“There are a lot of real concerns here.”Some of those concerns, according to national security experts, include Huawei’s potential link to the Chinese government. Once Canada develops its next-generation 5G wireless network, there’s a risk that Huawei’s participation could facilitate Chinese spy agencies in their effort to gather intelligence abroad.Huawei has denied the existence of such a link between their operations and the Chinese government."All Western countries recognize that China has a different approach to acquiring intelligence and information abroad. It's what we call spying… There's an issue with large Chinese corporations who have real links with the Chinese government," Richard Fadden, a former national security adviser to multiple prime ministers, said on Question Period in early December."Once Huawei is in, we will never get them out. So I think there's a need for real solidarity here amongst the Five Eyes," Fadden said, referring to the alliance between intelligence agencies in the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, the U.K. and Australia.


Andrew Scheer表示会禁止华为参与加拿大5G的建设

明年加拿大大选基本就是特鲁多和Andrew Scheer之争。现在的保守党和哈珀时代的保守党已经完全不同。现在加拿大的保守党已经和特朗普的极右派靠拢,比哈珀的温和保守党激进许多。华人们要好好想想清楚


黄土地1234 说:特朗普上台,发动贸易战,杀敌一千,自损八百,现在美股大跌就是美国经济衰退的信号。明年如果加拿大保守党上台,基本会和特朗普走一样的对华强硬政治路线,到时候,加拿大经济可能更是雪上加霜。美国在特朗普的孤立主义领导下,已经抛弃了加拿大的利益,如果保守党上台把加拿大和中国的关系彻底闹翻,加拿大最后彻底沦落到孤家寡人的地步。点击展开...意识形态之争换不来好日子,拼经济才是致富不二之道。抓到老鼠就是好猫,邓小平的白猫黑猫轮会得到历史的验证。闷声发财、不搞阶级斗争的领导人才是好的领导人。


香菇鸡 说:五毛点击展开...你一块



时间混够,就成了老移民 超赞 赏 反馈:家园小千 M maviemonreve 11$(VIP 0,#102) 3,3012018-12-24#13 移民会倾向自由党;但是不知道本地人的想法


你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。 超赞 赏 Kerrigan静如瘫痪 动如癫痫 0$(VIP 0) 4,5882018-12-24#15 作为移民,我倾向保守党。我反对滥发社会福利,反对大量吸纳难民,就算保守党对经济类移民也有所防范,两害相权,我仍支持保守党。说到底,只要不变成欧洲,加拿大永远不会差。现在难民对世界的威胁是主要威胁,没有之一。我来的是加拿大,不是沙特。大家看清楚了,论坛里的哪一派在齐刷刷支持自由党,等到自由党执政后,他们又会因自由党政策对在加华人冷嘲热讽。这帮人,永远是中国移民的敌人。听他们的话,那就没救了。

你都如何回忆我 带着笑或是很沉默 这些年来 有没有人让你不寂寞 - 不再年轻的毛利小五郎~该来的谁也改变不了,顺势而为,点击展开...你这个消极啊。

留星 说:你这个消极啊。点击展开...作为一个时事观察者,看清形势和趋势是最基本的要求加拿大保守党也是在顺势而为,

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。作为一个时事观察者,看清形势和趋势是最基本的要求加拿大保守党也是在顺势而为,点击展开...国内趋势和形势是什么。 我顺势而为,你怎么意见那么多。

留星 说:国内趋势和形势是什么。 我顺势而为,你怎么意见那么多。点击展开...逆世界潮流结果。。。

你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。 超赞 赏 反馈:oldbei C ccyyyycc 0$(VIP 0) 8,9632018-12-24#20 土豆说我们支持跨山管道,土豆说我们三年平衡预算。

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温哥华 Vancouver-加拿大


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温哥华 Vancouver-加拿大


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温哥华 Vancouver-加拿大

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温哥华 Vancouver-加拿大


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