加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver那个。。。有没有人拿过EI的啊? 我这不是上个月失业了么,一个月也没拿到EI,还在审理吧。第一次拿,不知道多久才会给我呢?我反正两周汇报一次。
我这不是上个月失业了么,一个月也没拿到EI,还在审理吧。第一次拿,不知道多久才会给我呢?我反正两周汇报一次。昨天下午错过了一个电话,说是WORK BC的,留言说联系他们,他们可以指导找工作。我这一分钱还没拿到呢。。。。本来想一边找工作一边休养一下身体,专科检查过了,可是下个月才能做ultrasound。如果不回复是不是钱就不给我啦?第一次拿EI,啥也不懂
生活要充满阳光哟! 超赞 赏 S shi-ma-he狮马鹤 0$(VIP 0) 8,3402017-11-02#2 给WORK BC电话也行,它网站上,甚至其它政府网站上也行,应该都有的。经验我也没有,等下看有没有别人能告诉你。
Work bc 例行公事 。你就说你正在积极地找工作就好 。
超赞 赏 反馈:豆 和 哈法 0 007KJJ 4$(VIP 0,#226) 7382017-11-02#4 me too, 没有拿EI的路过
我先开始拿的是sick,拿了三个月,后来到期又改成regular的,最长可拿12个月。目前我也一直在休息,充电当中,争取在EI结束前找一份市政府的工作。从最开始申请到开始拿,EI部门没有打电话问过我什么。至于WBC 楼主还有case, 所以一直和他们有联系来着。如果楼主身体因工作造成不适,可以考虑先申请sick, 到期再转regular,给自己争取多的福利。这是加拿大,不要放弃我们应有的权利。最后祝楼主好运!
豆 说:我这不是上个月失业了么,一个月也没拿到EI,还在审理吧。第一次拿,不知道多久才会给我呢?我反正两周汇报一次。昨天下午错过了一个电话,说是WORK BC的,留言说联系他们,他们可以指导找工作。我这一分钱还没拿到呢。。。。本来想一边找工作一边休养一下身体,专科检查过了,可是下个月才能做ultrasound。如果不回复是不是钱就不给我啦?第一次拿EI,啥也不懂点击展开...EI 的前两周是没有钱拿的,从第三周开始起,每两周一汇报,如果你明天(本周五)汇报第三周和第四周,那下个周一第一次 EI 就能到帐。最高是税后每周 480。
j0n6dj2y2w 说:EI 的前两周是没有钱拿的,从第三周开始起,每两周一汇报,如果你明天(本周五)汇报第三周和第四周,那下个周一第一次 EI 就能到帐。最高是税后每周 480。点击展开...我怎么2016年底拿的EI,税前508,税后490?
maguosheng 说:我怎么2016年底拿的EI,税前508,税后490?点击展开...现在改革了,原来等待期是 2 个星期,现在变成 1 个星期,现在税前 EI 虽然增加了,但是扣税比以前增加了很多。
charlene-david 说:还没拿到钱,要报告什么呢?点击展开...While you are receiving Employment Insurance (EI) benefits, you must complete reports to show that you are eligible. Completing your reportWork and earningsIf you worked during the period covered, you must provide:the dates and the number of hours that you worked;the telephone numbers of all your employers; andyour total earnings before deductions for each calendar week of the period. (Your total earnings include tips and commissions.)You must report your true earnings before deductions. If you do not, you may have to repay some or all of the money you received. You must always report your earnings during the week(s) you earned them. For example:If you worked in a particular week and will be paid later, you must report the number of hours you worked during the actual week you worked. You cannot wait until you are paid to report those hours and the earnings.When reporting your earnings for each calendar week (Sunday to Saturday), round to the nearest dollar.For example, if your earnings were $125.49, enter $125. If your earnings were $125.50, enter $126.Report only full hours worked for each calendar week (Sunday to Saturday).For example, if you worked 38 hours and 45 minutes, enter 38 hours.If you started full-time work, state the date that you started. Report all employment, whether you work for someone else or for yourself. You also must notify us if you leave your job or lose your job, and tell us the reason.Tip: Use the reporting calendar to keep track of your earnings and hours worked.TrainingIf you attended school or training, report the number of hours that you were in training and the amount of any training allowance received. Do not include allowances for living away from home, commuting, travel or dependant care.AvailabilityYou will be asked the following question: "Were you ready, willing and capable of working each day, Monday through Friday, during each week of this report?"If you were not available for work or you were not looking for work for any reason (for example, you were sick, injured or away on vacation), you must answer “no.” You will be asked which days you were not available. You must also report if you leave Canada for any reason.Answer all questions truthfully. Providing false information is considered fraud and is punishable by law. If you make a mistake during your online session, you will be able to correct it before submitting your report. If you discover that you made a mistake after you have submitted your report, it is important that you let us know as soon as possible; otherwise, you may have to pay back some or all of the money you received.
我也没拿过EI,以前做合同工,设了个公司,工资先到公司,再自己给自己发工资,发的时候也交了EI, 但后来丢了工作却什么也拿不到, 会计师说不能自己把自己开了就拿EI, 但只要发工资就得交EI, 这制度太不合理了.
不知道为啥work BC打电话,我还在想呢,每个失业的都打,那得打多少电话啊。还是说我的case有问题才打得,一头雾水。。。。
生活要充满阳光哟!我先开始拿的是sick,拿了三个月,后来到期又改成regular的,最长可拿12个月。目前我也一直在休息,充电当中,争取在EI结束前找一份市政府的工作。从最开始申请到开始拿,EI部门没有打电话问过我什么。至于WBC 楼主还有case, 所以一直和他们有联系来着。如果楼主身体因工作造成不适,可以考虑先申请sick, 到期再转regular,给自己争取多的福利。这是加拿大,不要放弃我们应有的权利。最后祝楼主好运!点击展开...我现在还没查出来什么,专科不给开单子。。。
生活要充满阳光哟!EI 的前两周是没有钱拿的,从第三周开始起,每两周一汇报,如果你明天(本周五)汇报第三周和第四周,那下个周一第一次 EI 就能到帐。最高是税后每周 480。点击展开...我是10月4号开始失业的,这都一个月了
生活要充满阳光哟! 超赞 赏 fufu 0$(VIP 0) 5,4812017-11-03#15 别急,会按时间全部补给你的
豆 说:我现在还没查出来什么,专科不给开单子。。。点击展开...没关系,只好有家庭医生开的note,证明你身体不适,就可以凭借这个note去申请sick EI
豆 说:我是10月4号开始失业的,这都一个月了点击展开...你的申请被卡住了,去一趟 Service Canada 问,如果英语好就直接打电话问。
j0n6dj2y2w 说:While you are receiving Employment Insurance (EI) benefits, you must complete reports to show that you are eligible.点击展开...问题是楼主还没拿到EI的钱啊。
charlene-david 说:问题是楼主还没拿到EI的钱啊。点击展开...要先报告,后拿钱。
j0n6dj2y2w 说:要先报告,后拿钱。点击展开...第一笔EI,不报告,只申请,批准就能拿,后面开始需要报告。
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