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UBC-ECNU Joint Research Core GroupUBC大学 - 华东师范大学 现代中国与世界联合研究中心WHAT IT ISOn October 16, 2012 Presidents Steven Toope of The University of British Columbia (UBC) and Chen Qun of East China Normal University (ECNU) formally establish the ECNU-UBC Joint Research Core Group on Modern China in the World (UBC-ECNU 现代中国与世界联合研究中心: hereafter, Joint Core Group/联合中心), to promote academic cooperation on the study of modern China and the world with a focus on modern Chinese thought and society. The Joint Core Group coordinates faculty research and exchanges, graduate student training, and joint research workshops, conferences and training institutes.The Joint Core Group is established simultaneously at ECNU and UBC: at UBC it will be located in the Institute of Asian Research, and at ECNU it will be located in the Si Mian Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities.The Joint Core Group has dual directors – one at UBC and one at ECNU – responsible for implementing its activities. The current co-directors are Professor Timothy Cheek (UBC) and Professor XU Jiin (ECNU).ECNU is a high level normal university founded in October 1951, based on the former Great China University and Kwang Hua University, incorporated with part of Fudan University and Tongji University. ECNU was one of the first 16 universities officially graded as National Key Universities in 1959. This status was reaffirmed in 1978. ECNU was also one of the first 33 higher education institutions authorized, by the State Council in 1986, to establish their graduate schools. In 1996, ECNU passed the prerequisites appraisal and became one of universities sponsored by the major national program “Project 211”. In 2006, the Ministry of Education and Shanghai Municipality signed into a partnership for co-sponsoring the development of the university, qualifying ECNU as a member of the “Project 985” and facilitating ECNU’s efforts and progress towards a world renowned high level research university.East China Normal University attaches great importance to the internationalization in its development and enjoys a wide influence and reputation in the world. The University has established strategic cooperative partnership with many major universities, such as ENS Group in France, the University of Pennsylvania and New York University, Tokyo University and Kobe University in Japan, and the University of Melbourne in Australia.The IAR is one of several units at UBC (including the Department of Asian Studies and Faculty of Education) that has ongoing exchange activities with ECNU.WHAT IT DOESThe Joint Core Group organizes collaborative faculty research, graduate training, and joint conferences and workshops based at UBC and ECNU but also including other cooperating institutions, such as the Institute of East Asian Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Australian Centre on China in the World at the Australian National University.HISTORY AND CURRENT ACTIVITIESSince 2002, The University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada and East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai, China have established a fruitful decade-long academic cooperation in the fields of Chinese thought and social research, including faculty exchanges, joint conferences and workshops and shared graduate training.UBC and ECNU cosponsored a major international conference (held in Shanghai) in December 2002, UBC sent faculty to a follow‐on conference with ECNU (held in Hong Kong in 2003), hosted a visiting faculty at UBC from ECNU (Professor XU Jilin) for a semester in 2004, and since 2005 we have had extended exchange of PhD students for a year’s study (that is, one ECNU to UBC as visiting fellow, and one or more UBC PhD candidates at ECNU in Shanghai for a year—in each case students attended seminars and participated in the graduate training life; on average, one student each way, each year). Both Tim Cheek and Tim Brook have been hosted as visiting faculty at ECNU in recent years.In January 2012, UBC and ECNU signed a Go Global Student Mobility Agreement with two graduate students coming to UBC in 2012-13 and one in 2013-14.Oct. 2012 – Agreement for the Joint Core Group signed by the two presidents in Vancouver.Nov. 2012 – IAR delegation headed by Tim Cheek & Yves Tiberghien (the new director) takes three other faculty–Amy Hanser (Sociology), Brian Job (Liu, Political Science) and Josephine Chiu-Duke (Asian Studies) to workshop and planning session at ECNU in Shanghai. Joint Research Core Group is formally inaugurated at ceremony in Shanghai.March 2013 – Joint Research Core Group is formally inaugurated at UBC by ECNU Chair of the Administrative Council (Party Secretary) Tong Shijun and Provost David Farrar.June 2013 – Joint Research Core Group activity: A four-day Summer Institute on Intellectual History for Young Professors (also including University of California, Berkeley) and a following workshop on “Rethinking ‘Modern Chinese History'”.Planned: graduate training workshop on Chinese history at UBC summer 2014.CONTACT USUBC co-director: Professor Timothy Cheek, Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia (contact: [email protected])ECNU co-director: Professor Xu Jilin (许纪霖), Si Mian Institute, East China Normal University, Shanghai (contact: [email protected])

About 301,000 results (0.90 seconds) Search ResultsWeb resultsUBC-ECNU Joint Research Core Group | Centre for Chinese ...https://ccr.ubc.ca › research-resources › research-collaboration › ubc-ecnu-...UBC大学 - 华东师范大学 现代中国与世界联合研究中心 WHAT IT IS On October 16, 2012 Presidents Steven Toope of The University of British Columbia (UBC) ...ECNU-UBC联合研究中心举办“现代中国的再阐释”国际学术研讨会_ ...https://www.sinoss.net › ...- Translate this page开幕式由ECNU-UBC现代中国与世界联合研究中心主任许纪霖教授主持,联合研究中心加方主任Timothy Cheek(齐慕实)教授和美国加州大学伯克利校区东亚研究院 ...华东师大:ECNU-UBC现代中国与世界联合研究中心召开“现代 ...www.zhexue.org › newsTranslate this pageOct 24, 2013 - 许纪霖教授台湾东海大学丘为君教授2013年10月19日—20日华东师范大学ECNU-UBC现代中国与世界联合研究中心召开“现代中国的国家认同和 ...现代中国的再阐释国际_公共主页_手机人人网_3g.renren.compage.renren.com › noteTranslate this page华东师范大学-不列颠哥伦比亚大学现代中国与世界联合研究中心美国加州大学 ... 8:45-9:00 开幕式主持:许纪霖(ECNU-UBC现代中国与世界联合研究中心中方主任)上周华东师大ECNU-UBC现代中国与世界联合研... 来自许纪霖 ...https://www.weibo.com › ...- Translate this pageSep 7, 2016 - 上周华东师大ECNU-UBC现代中国与世界联合研究中心成功举办了第三届中国思想史高级研修班,汪晖、吴展良、邱慧芬、杨国强、许纪霖五位导师 ...圆桌︱思想史研究的新问题、新视野和新方法_中国 - 搜狐https://www.sohu.com › ...Translate this page7 days ago - 2019年8月24日至28日,华东师范大学知识分子与思想史研究中心联合ECNU-UBC现代中国与世界联合研究中心举办了“第四届中国思想史高级 ...圆桌︱思想史研究的新问题、新视野和新方法_手机新浪网news.sina.cn › detail-iicezueu4982753.d.htmlTranslate this page7 days ago - 2019年8月24日至28日,华东师范大学知识分子与思想史研究中心联合ECNU-UBC现代中国与世界联合研究中心举办了“第四届中国思想史高级 ...现代中国的再阐释:第二届中国思想史高级研讨班招... - 豆瓣https://www.douban.com › group › topicTranslate this page现代中国的再阐释 第二届中国思想史高级研讨班招生启事 主办 华东师范大学(ECNU)-不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UBC)现代中国与世界联合研究中心 时间 2013年6月20 ...“现代性的质疑:近代中国的新传统主义”学术研讨会综述- 儒家网https://www.rujiazg.com › articleTranslate this pageSep 7, 2016 - 但是,正如华东师范大学历史系教授许纪霖所说:“保守以及保守主义这个词太 ... 9月4日至5日,由ECNU-UBC现代中国与世界联合研究中心、《学术 ...王建伟应邀参加华东师范大学现代中国的思想与 ... - 北京市社会科学院www.bass.org.cn › info › yjs › xsjl › ViewTranslate this page2013年12月7-8日,由华东师范大学-不列颠哥伦比亚大学现代中国与世界联合研究中心(ECNU-UBC Joint Center for China in Modern World)主办的2013年第二 ...Page navigation12345678910Next

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