加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver土豆留作下次竞选的秘密武器


蹬鼻子上脸,杀人的恐怖分子Omar 获得一千多万赔款还不够,又要求洗刷罪名。看来下一步这个恐怖分子估计要代表自由党参选国会议员了。那么问题就来了,为什么这次土豆不邀请Omar代表自由党参选呢?是土豆对恐怖分子的爱还不够深?还是土豆留作下次竞选的秘密武器?





Are you Selling Canada to Buy Muslim Votes Mr.Trudeau? Nation Wants to Know








Canadian PM Justin Trudeau abandoned Canada and its law abiding citizens when he always blamed them again and again as racist and supported the Muslim groups in the name of multiculturalism. Islamophobia Bill (Motion 103) was brought in to save Muslims from the racist Canadians. If you are Christian or Hindu or Sikh or whatever..you can be criticized for it, but not when you are Muslim as the big brother Canadian PM will protect you from bad racist people of Canada.Omar Khadr, 35 now, who killed an American soldier in Afghanistan in 2002 and was later incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay was paid by so called settlement 10.5 Million Dollars along with an Apology even though majority of Canadian opposed it. This is a clear indication that Trudeau Govt. will encourage terrorists & murders if they are Muslims rather than accomplishing kids that thrive in different area with significant contributions. Is this not the message of Canadian PM very clear. that as a terrorist you will be paid handsomely than any other profession in Canada?Now recently the case of an 11-year-old Toronto girl who made headlines when she falsely claimed that a scissors-wielding stranger had cut her hijab highlights the complex ethical issues that arise when a child is thrust into the national spotlight.Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his “heart goes out” to a Toronto girl who says a man cut parts of her hijab with scissors while she was walking to school on Friday and blames entire Canada of racism.“My heart goes out to the young girl who was attacked, seemingly for her religion. I can’t imagine how afraid she must have been,” he said.“I want her and her family and her friends and community to know that is not what Canada is.”Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory also released statements condemning the attack. “No child should ever be afraid walking to school in Toronto because of what they are wearing or for any other reason and I want to assure the family that Toronto police are investigating,” wrote Tory.Khawlah said she’s now “actually really scared” to walk to school. “What you’re doing is really wrong, you should not act like this, and especially, I’m a kid,” she said, addressing her attacker.Noman’s mother, Saima Samad, was in tears as she described rushing to the school and hugging her daughter. Khawlah’s mother, Saima Samad, was by her side as she spoke to reporters. “I’m just happy she’s safe,” said Samad, her voice breaking. “I don’t know why he did that, but it’s just not Canadian culture.”After this highly propagated & politicized incident Police says, investigation found the alleged incident didn’t happen, just days after the girl and her family gave a detailed account during a high-profile news conference. After this incident of calling all the Canadian expect Muslims as racist, all the politicians, White guilt feeling liberals and Canadian PM are missing now as the truth has come out. But the damage is already done and each one of has already been blamed and lectured on the incident that never happened.Can you imagine, ordinary Canadian who is not a Muslim to lie to the police and get away with that? In this case, this is a Muslim family who are getting treated as elites, for whom Canadian PM has opened the border of Canada very generously in the hope of votes can easily get away with that. In fact don’t be surprised if they are getting rewarded same like the terrorists by this Govt also.No surprise, the Mom and Daughter duo were literally lying in a way that all these vote centric politicians were blaming entire Canada just to impress their core Muslim voter base as Islamic war always have been by putting the women and children in the front. This has been repeating again and again in the Islamic history and the ruling class goes in bed with them to increase the core support and in the process selling the country and its peace loving people.Question to the Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau is simple..For the sake of votes you blamed the peace loving community of Canada as racist. again and again. Also you paid the terrorist in Millions just to keep your core Muslim voter base happy irrespective of the murdering American soldier against the will of majority of Canadians…You brought in Islamophobia Bill (Motion 103) Making your core Muslim voter base as elite and other peace loving community of Canada as second class citizens.Will the people remove these politicians from power before they sell out the country just for the sake of votes? How long people of Canada tolerate themselves getting treated as second class below the Muslims are the question Nation wants to know from the PM of Canada and only the time can answer.







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