加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver土豆连若任, 这令人窒息的脑残运动可能要传到加拿大了
Seattle Schools: Math Is Racist。 西雅图的学校大声宣布:数学就是种族主义!铿锵有力,掷地有声。看你们谁还敢学数学。华人再敢数学学的好,别怪我们不客气。比如说, 一加一等于二,但是如果学生说三,最好不要纠正他们,否则就是种族主义。 One plus one may equal two, but if the student says three, you better not correct them, oppressor! An Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee (ESAC), under the Seattle Public Schools Superintendent, published a preliminary Math Ethnic Studies framework document populated by district representatives that explains math as a racist study used to oppress students — and if you correct a student’s faulty math logic, you’re guilty.ZerohedgeZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zerowww.zerohedge.com
楼主可不可以柔和的说话。美国可是“超级右派“川普在台上,加拿大中左派杜鲁多在台上。 按理说,挺保守党人的逻辑,这事要先发生在被左派祸害的加拿大,然后传到美国去对啊?怎么反过来了。对了,教育是省政府的事情,现在安省政府是保守党的,楼主不懂,或者故意浑水摸鱼吧。
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