加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver大温屋主们注意了,大溫都市局通過未來五年將物業稅上調四成三,屋主要出血?
大温屋主们注意了,大溫都市局通過未來五年將物業稅上調四成三。据报道,大温都市局(就是大名顶顶的 Metro Vancouver)已经审定未来五年预算案,将要从俺们的自住物业开刀,未来五年加收43%的物业税,对不少伪中产大温屋主来说,又一次即将哭晕在厕所。。。 LOCAL NEWS 本地新聞大溫都市局通過未來五年將物業稅上調四成三 2019-11-04 16:16大溫都市局董事會上星期五通過未來五年將物業稅上調四成三, 每戶五年平均增加$233.(張澤民報導)國語:黃耀鳴報道
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。大温屋主们注意了,又一波斗地主收分子钱的来临了。。。据报道,大温都市局(就是大名顶顶的 Metro Vancouver)已经审定未来五年预算案,将要从俺们的自住物业开刀,未来五年加收43%的物业税,对不少伪中产大温屋主来说,又一次即将哭晕在厕所。。。 。。。(忙,待续)。。。点击展开...NDP?
你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。NDP?点击展开...准确说是NDP支持的 Metro Vancouver (公营水务机构)下刀子。。。Metro Vancouver at a Glance The Metro Vancouver Regional District (MVRD) is a federation of 21 municipalities, one Electoral Area and one Treaty First Nation, providing core utility services to more than 2.5 million people. Essential services include drinking water, sewage treatment, and solid waste disposal, along with regional services like regional parks, housing, land use planning and air quality monitoring that help keep the region one of the most livable in the world. The Metro Vancouver Board oversees a combined annual capital and operating budget of more than $1.7 billion in 2019. As the regional government, Metro Vancouver operates within a highly regulated environment and one that is responsive to legislative change, as it maintains and enhances infrastructure and services to meet the needs of a growing population. The operating budget is funded by five main sources: water sales, sewer levy, solid waste tipping fees, regional district tax requisitions and housing rents. The Five-Year Financial Plan combines the long-term budgets for each of the regional district’s four legal entities: Metro Vancouver Regional District (MVRD), Greater Vancouver Water District (GVWD), Greater Vancouver Sewerage & Drainage District (GVS&DD) and Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation (MVHC). The annual budgets and long-term financial plan provide our residents and member jurisdictions with detailed projections of the operating and capital budgets for all Metro Vancouver services while focusing on financial sustainability, prioritizing affordability and meeting the changing needs of our region.Overview: 5-Year Outlook Over the next five years, Metro Vancouver will see significant investments in sewer, water and solid waste services, largely driven by the growing population and necessary upgrades to ensure our assets meet regulatory standards and are resilient to earthquakes and other impacts. Liquid Waste Services, for instance, will require $3.17 billion worth of necessary infrastructure upgrades – mainly to its wastewater treatment plants – over the next five years, while Water Services is anticipated to spend $2.03 billion on new water mains and other infrastructure. In 2019 the average household will pay just $534 for all regional services, up $28 from the previous year. The Five-Year Financial Plan anticipates a cumulative household increase of $215 over the five-year period, with the cost to the typical household rising by about $43 per year. These increases are driven by essential upgrades to the region’s utilities or major capital projects that are vital to make our infrastructure more resilient to climate change and natural hazards, accommodate future population growth, and to meet federal requirements for mandatory secondary wastewater treatment. Over the past decade, Metro Vancouver rates have risen an average of only $12 per year. By working collaboratively at the regional level and providing vital services to all members, it is more affordable for everybody. This allows us to keep valuable assets in public trust to take advantage of economies of scale as well as share sources of information, technical expertise and professional capacity. The number of investments coming on stream means the percentage of spending needed to service debt will increase over the next five years – from 16 per cent in 2019 to 31 per cent in 2023. Process Effective and transparent financial and strategic planning are critical to the success of local governments. At Metro Vancouver, financial plans, budgets, and work plans are developed to respond to: • Regional priorities • Levels of service for future years • Assumptions on labour and other inflationary factors The Five-Year Financial Plan aims to respond to future trends, both positive and negative, while providing a full picture of future increases to households in the region. On October 26, 2018, the Metro Vancouver Board approved the 2019 budget and 2019-2023 Financial Plan. The Five-Year Financial Plan is guided by the Board Strategic Plan and regional management plans, which set the direction of future annual budgets, and provides key information to members on future capital projects, anticipated expenditures, and funding projections. Metro Vancouver’s budgets are prepared by each internal business group, and reviewed by the senior management team, standing committees, key advisory committees comprised of member representatives, and finally, the Board. At every stage in the process we focus on balancing the affordability of our services, with ensuring that we are making the necessary investments for the future.
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。大温屋主们注意了,又一波斗地主收分子钱的来临了。。。据报道,大温都市局(就是大名顶顶的 Metro Vancouver)已经审定未来五年预算案,将要从俺们的自住物业开刀,未来五年加收43%的物业税,对不少伪中产大温屋主来说,又一次即将哭晕在厕所。。。 。。。(忙,待续)。。。点击展开...原文有吗?看看啥情况?
?原文有吗?看看啥情况?点击展开...已经更新在首帖 @Morefeel
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。 超赞 赏 反馈:Morefeel 0.03 jjsheng恢复矿工啦。 30$(VIP 0,#39) 15,5632019-11-04#8 我以为只有像卡吞这样的才会是叛徒,没想到啊,温哥华,你个浓眉大眼的也背叛革命?
jjsheng 说:我以为只有像卡吞这样的才会是叛徒,没想到啊,温哥华,你个浓眉大眼的也背叛革命?点击展开...苦寒之地,哪里生活都不容易。。。
cryi7667 说:卡城已经确定要加税,周指导你们是加了税房价也稳啊,我们大卡村可是心里苦的狠,和你心里感受不同啊点击展开...同病相怜,哈哈。。。
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。 超赞 赏 smartworm江湖弱智第二网友 0$(VIP 0) 5,2832019-11-04#14 是涨上去就维持一直收,还是就这5年?
分毛和解,从我做起https://forum.iask.ca/threads/885446/ 超赞 赏 lovemapleleaf 0$(VIP 0) 6,6372019-11-05#17 天下乌鸦一般黑
加国饮用水过半铅超标 或损伤大脑 加拿大人习惯于直接喝水龙头流出的自来水,而城市各处都有供民众直接饮水的水龙头,而餐馆里平时供应的白水也多是直接从水龙头流出的Tap Water。但这些水安全吗?真的能够无顾虑地直接饮用吗?来自9家大学和10个媒体组织的120多名记者进行的为期一年的调查结果惊人地显示测试中的水样品有51%铅含量超标。其中一些样品的铅含量甚至比当前美国密西根州弗林特铅水危机时的水样品的含铅量更高。这项调查回顾了数千份之前未公开的结果,调查了38个社区中的900个家庭,并测试了11个加拿大城市的358份水样品。结果显示33%的水样品铅含量比国家安全标准超过5ppb,部分超高铅含量的样品采集自蒙特利尔、里贾纳和BC省的Prince Rupert。恐怖的是,18%的样品的铅含量超过美国标准 15 ppb。几个月或者几年长期饮用铅含量超标的饮用水会导致铅中毒,而对健康产生严重的影响,尤其是年幼的孩子。造成铅含量超标的部分原因是许多城市地下的数十万根运送饮用水的铅管可能几十年都不会被更换。此外在加拿大,没有测试饮用水的国家机构,测试的机构也没有义务通知居民。各省制定了自己的水质检测和铅管更换规则。 铅含量超标的严重危害医学研究表明,铅进入人体后,少部分会随着身体代谢排出体外,其余大量则会在体内沉积。铅过量,可能导致脑部发展障碍,造成各种恶劣后果,严重影响孩子的身体健康。1、神经系统:易激惹、多动、注意力短暂、攻击性行为、反应迟钝、嗜睡、运动失调。严重者有狂躁、谵妄(神志错乱、迷惑、语无伦次、不安宁、激动等特征并时常带有妄想或幻觉的暂时性神经失常)、视觉障碍、颅神经瘫痪等。血铅水平在1000 ug/L (4.826umol/L) 左右时,可出现头疼、呕吐、惊厥、昏迷等铅性脑病的表现,甚至死亡。2、消化系统:腹痛、便秘、腹泻、恶心、呕吐等。3、血液系统:小细胞低色素性贫血等。4、心血管系统:高血压和心律失常。5、泌尿系统:早期氨基酸尿、糖尿、高磷尿,肾功能衰竭。 BC省学校饮水铅超标温哥华太阳报在2016年曝出BC省60个学区中,有17个学区的水源都被爆出铅含量超标,超标最高的高达标准铅含量的15倍之多。而卑诗省府2016年及2017上半年对全省中小学直饮水的检测结果显示,本省全部60个学区中,有超过一半学区被测出饮用水铅含量超标,大维多利亚校区成重灾区,而大温地区,华人聚集的列治文市情况最严重,35.5%测试结果超标,而本那比情况最好,只有1.2%超标。各校区比例如下图所示:http://bbs2.china2au.com/bbsimg/2022042102/e1phsgy5fef.jpg最让人恐怖的是超标程度,列治文Walter Lee小学一个女更衣室饮水喷泉抽取的样本,含铅量超标307倍,Henry Bose小学去年8月的一个样本,亦检测到超标229倍!部分学校已采取自行更换水管、安装过滤网或在饮水前长时间放水等方法缓解水质,但放水只是暂时且不可靠的解决办法。有些饮水喷泉已经停止使用,素里学校局发言人曾表示,2017年所有的饮用水水源都已完成检测,目前指标显示都是可安全饮用的。BC省省府也不断拨款,对部分铅含量超标的中小学的饮水台进行翻新。 饮用水铅含量超标怎么半小伙伴们平时在烧水或者煮饭时,一定使用冷水管的水,不用热水管的水,因为热水更容易溶解铅。此外如果水龙头有几个小时没用的话,最好先让水流数秒钟。另外由于铅和沉淀物会在水龙头的滤网上积累,因此要经常清洁水龙头的滤网。有条件的话,最好定期更换水管。小朋友去学校上学,最好自带饮用水,而不要直接从饮水台喝水。
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。 超赞 赏 反馈:snowflake2012, 风平浪静, cloud123 和另外1个人 1.33 ~snowwolf~独自流浪 0$(VIP 0,#472) 9,5672019-11-05#20 吓一跳,还以为是地税。地税也不归他们管呀
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