加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver更新一下病毒的新的信息
'There's no doubt': Top US infectious disease doctor says Wuhan coronavirus can spread even when people have no symptoms以前说美国怀疑中方的说法,因为美国没有潜伏期传人的证据。但现在CNN有说美方专家也认为是不用怀疑了。
The nation's top infectious disease doctor says a new study published Thursday night shows people can spread the Wuhan coronavirus before symptoms set in.German researchers found that the virus was transmitted by people without symptoms in five instances in one cluster of people: from a parent to a daughter; from that daughter to two colleagues; and from one of those colleagues to two other coworkers.
"the detection of 2019-nCoV and a high sputum viral load in a convalescent patient (Patient 1) arouse concern about prolonged shedding of 2019-nCoV after recovery."看来好了之后还会带毒传染他人是可能的。这是英国的某个论文
Thomastrain 说:所以我才天天喊隔离啊。隔离啊隔离啊隔离啊。。。。如果扩散,肯定所有中国人背锅。这种病毒的特点就是无症状潜伏,传染性极强。点击展开...现在美国和澳洲都有14天限入令,但加拿大似乎还无意跟进。上次SARS美国没死人,加拿大死了很多
Thomastrain 说:这就是我愁的。点击展开...加拿大不强制14天的隔离是因为不认为潜伏期会传染人。但是这样对很多雇主造成很大麻烦,他们担心这些员工回来传染其他员工,但是要他们隔离14天再上班又怕涉及歧视。我这样的经常要服务刚从国内回来的客户的也很矛盾。因为我们都不是那种大街擦肩而过,而是都是关着门长时间近距离要交谈的。我也相信风险很低,但是万一被传染长时间不能工作要隔离,孩子没人带这个是不能承受的后果。而且我的员工也害怕不敢来上班,怕接触国内来的客人。加拿大狗屁政府很不负责任。不需要禁入,只需要入境隔离14天,但是政府不愿意花这个14天住宿的钱罢了。美国也不肯出这个钱,所以才会禁入。
PM condemns racism over coronavirusJustin Trudeau denounces discrimination during his speech at a Lunar New Year celebration in Scarborough, Ontario.www.ctvnews.ca
Japanese authorities will deny entry to foreign nationals who have been to Hubei province --- the epicenter of the novel coronavirus -- in the past 14 days, even if they show no symptoms of the virus.On Monday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Japan has rejected five people under the new measure. He did not disclose the nationalities of those who were denied entry. The measure was announced by the government on Saturday at a coronavirus task force meeting at Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s office. Abe called it “an extraordinary measure.”Holders of Chinese passports issued in Hubei are also banned from entering Japan.Japan has 20 confirmed cases of the virus
The US has at least 11 confirmed cases of the coronavirus
Thomastrain 说:等着加拿大吧。点击展开...加拿大不跟踪不测当然少了。有位先生去看不是两次被让回家,结果回上海确诊的吗。澳洲美国都超过十例 了,加拿大是很大的移民国家,只有四个我不信不隔离的理由是说隔离中国来的是歧视,因为其他国家也有这个病毒了,问题是其他国家的疫情跟中国是一回事吗?按这个标准永远都不存在疫区了。
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