加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver为Tom Hanks 和他太太祈祷
汤姆.汉克斯 和 太太 确诊新冠Deadline received a statement directly from Hanks:“Hello, folks. Rita and I are down here in Australia. We felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches. Rita had some chills that came and went. Slight fevers too. To play things right, as is needed in the world right now, we were tested for the Coronavirus, and were found to be positive.Well, now. What to do next? The Medical Officials have protocols that must be followed. We Hanks’ will be tested, observed, and isolated for as long as public health and safety requires. Not much more to it than a one-day-at-a-time approach, no?We’ll keep the world posted and updated.
火娃 超赞 赏 反馈:Lise123, lottery, fatck 和 24 其他人 8.32 M marianboo 0$(VIP 0) 2,6822020-03-12#2 希望他们尽快康复,这样可以给更多人正面的引导。
marianboo 说:希望他们尽快康复,这样可以给更多人正面的引导。点击展开...是大家喜欢的演员说明还是要预防的也说明蔓延的势头很猛大家都要小心我明天开始戴口罩了
火娃汤姆.汉克斯 和 太太 确诊新冠Deadline received a statement directly from Hanks:“Hello, folks. Rita and I are down here in Australia. We felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches. Rita had some chills that came and went. Slight fevers too. To play things right, as is needed in the world right now, we were tested for the Coronavirus, and were found to be positive.Well, now. What to do next? The Medical Officials have protocols that must be followed. We Hanks’ will be tested, observed, and isolated for as long as public health and safety requires. Not much more to it than a one-day-at-a-time approach, no?We’ll keep the world posted and updated.点击展开...老汤哥也中枪,真不应该。。。
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。 超赞 赏 反馈:fatck, 小暑 和 cryi7667 0.01 C cryi7667 13$(VIP 0,#83) 5,9142020-03-12#5 估计来土澳度假,这一路走来多少影迷粉丝中招啊!大家都不容易。但至少现在看来那些不幸发病早的人更容易被医护人员治疗。到大面积爆发,真是一床难求,一颗药都不易。当然最好的还是防护不得。
美国的情况够厉害的, 喜欢Tom Hanks,希望没事!
周雅 说:Tom Hanks 是我喜欢的演员之一,他与他太太得病的帖好像不应点赞,谢谢楼主分享。点击展开...不赞没有关系赞了也不错,因为标题是为他们祈祷。多保重!我们大家!
火娃 超赞 赏 反馈:Mimi2007 0.37 U UrMysuperhero 0$(VIP 0) 2,5732020-03-12#11 这个病毒还真是不分高低贵贱人人平等
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