加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver这是放弃了吗B.C. testing focusing on highest risk cases and healthcare workers: Henry
我说这几天数据都不对呢VANCOUVER -- In her daily health briefing on Monday, B.C.’s provincial health officer said that even though not everyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 is being tested, those people are still being counted as cases, and those cases will start to be reported as part of the total number.There have been numerous media stories about people who have been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus by their doctor, but told they won’t be tested. On March 19, Ximena Anderton told CTV News Vancouver that her doctor had diagnosed her and her two kids with the illness."She told us that they were no longer testing the public,” Anderton said. “It was just for emergency service workers, so nurses, doctors, anyone on the front line.”Henry acknowledged that there has been a change in the provincial testing strategy, but cases where one member of a family has been tested and more family members start developing symptoms are being treated as “epidemiologically linked cases.”“If I’m in a family for example and one person in the family has tested positive and I develop similar symptoms and they’re able to be managed at home, we don’t necessarily need to test you,” Henry said. “But we’ll call you a case, an epidemiologically linked case.”Henry said those epidemiologically linked cases will start to be recorded on the BC Centre for Disease Control’s website, along with the number of tested cases.Medical staff across the province are doing thousands of tests every day, Henry said, and that testing is showing “a number of positives” every day.“The testing is focused on the areas of highest risk,” Henry said. “We’re focusing on workers in long-term care homes, in hospitals, making sure we’re catching those.“But there’s also quite a lot of effort going into catching clusters that aren’t related to travel in our community, and we continue to do the baseline testing of influenza and surveillance that we started a number of weeks ago.”
啊矿工再见 超赞 赏 反馈:madworldca, stellated, 梦里雪飞扬 和 7 其他人 1.16 erugigonc 0$(VIP 0) 7,7372020-03-24#2 在家呆着吧,人家已经放弃了,资源有限顾不上大家了
啊矿工再见 超赞 赏 非 非诚勿扰2 0$(VIP 0) 7572020-03-24#3 完蛋了。
既然疑似病例都已经不再检测,生了病也是no cure全都在家自行恢复,那test医务人员又有什么价值?对医务人员该做的是提供足够的PPE加强防护,避免发生院内感染,而不是等他们一个个被传染了再去test验证。口罩不够用就说勤洗手就够了不需要戴口罩,检测能力不足就说我们改变了检测策略...
You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.意思是你一人得了,你一家人相关症状的肯定得了,就不必浪费测试盒了,也不需要把家人的数字报上去。这样就为政府省了钱了,而且报上去跟其它省一比,也比较好看。点击展开...人家说的是家人的也一样报上去
买房,卖房,管理投资房Grande Prairie唯一说国语的Realtor到大草原安家,投资就找Sofia。Cell:(780) 605 0234微信:sofia9999 既然疑似病例都已经不再检测,生了病也是no cure全都在家自行恢复,那test医务人员又有什么价值?对医务人员该做的是提供足够的PPE加强防护,避免发生院内感染,而不是等他们一个个被传染了再去test验证。口罩不够用就说勤洗手就够了不需要戴口罩,检测能力不足就说我们改变了检测策略...点击展开...医护人员test阳性在家呆着阴性的话可以继续上班
买房,卖房,管理投资房Grande Prairie唯一说国语的Realtor到大草原安家,投资就找Sofia。Cell:(780) 605 0234微信:sofia9999 超赞 赏 反馈:stellated 0.14 montmont 0$(VIP 0) 2,8212020-03-24#8 But we’ll call you a case, an epidemiologically linked case.” along with the number of tested cases 没测过的算“测过的CASE‘ 不算阳性的,不算确诊的。Medical staff across the province are doing thousands of tests every day, Henry said, and that testing is showing “a number of positives” every day. 测过的阳性的,才算确诊的。这就是为什么二天才48
sofia 说:人家说的是家人的也一样报上去点击展开...But we’ll call you a case, an epidemiologically linked case.” along with the number of tested cases没测过的算“测过的CASE‘ 不算阳性的,不算确诊的。Medical staff across the province are doing thousands of tests every day, Henry said, and that testing is showing “a number of positives” every day. 测过的阳性的,才算确诊的。这就是为什么二天才48
sofia 说:医护人员test阳性在家呆着阴性的话可以继续上班点击展开...我明白阻断院内传播的重要性,但是医生护士们也不是活在真空世界里,下班后回到家里也还是和那些疑似的、或无症状的、或潜伏期的、或未明确感染者在同一个社区里生活。如果整个public的流行情况不明确,政府很难及时或有预见性地调整政策,难以说服民众作出更多的配合甚至牺牲。BC前一阵被低估的数字,也是造成周末海滩人们聚集的重要原因。当整个社会变成处处有漏洞的筛子,医护人员也会和大家一样在社区被感染,然后前线的人手就越来越不够。
You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave. 超赞 赏 反馈:Long Vacation, madworldca, susann 和另外1个人 0.07 非 非诚勿扰2 0$(VIP 0) 7572020-03-24#11 轻症未检测的应该暂时计入确诊数量,否则统计数据没有意义,但会比较好看!
sofia 说:人家说的是家人的也一样报上去点击展开...你再看看,不给你测,主要给高风险人测试
啊矿工再见 超赞 赏 骆驼客厨子 -7$(VIP 4) 14,6952020-03-24#13 这不就是裸奔嘛……
是朋友、多来往;不是朋友、少见面。出来玩,开心最重要!别的,一切都是浮云!But we’ll call you a case, an epidemiologically linked case.” along with the number of tested cases没测过的算“测过的CASE‘ 不算阳性的,不算确诊的。Medical staff across the province are doing thousands of tests every day, Henry said, and that testing is showing “a number of positives” every day. 测过的阳性的,才算确诊的。这就是为什么二天才48点击展开...所以我一直担心的周日和周一的数据问题原因就是你说的问题了
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