加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver昨晚抗疫群里一起发起了要求BC报告透明的签名
昨天到半夜没睡,是大温抗疫群里,人们实在看不下去那位博士天天作假,自我安慰了。我们发起了一个请愿签名,请大家去出一份力。BC卫生官昨天公布了"好消息",说看到了可喜的下降。要知道,他们一直在做假,自我麻木。确诊者家属有症状不但没有资格被测,反而却直接放在已测的数字里,从而增大被测的数字,而不属于可能确诊数字。这样的结果是,让人看上去测过很多,感染极少,从而达到那位博士所说的to flat the line, 自欺欺人。让我们出一份力,签一下名,因为,BC需要真相,只有真相下,才能更快结束这场灾难。Sign the PetitionOpen public COVID-19 testing in BC and look up to Quebec !!chng.itHi, my name is Lily Du a student from UBC. As the current situation of COVID-19 getting more severe, I would like to ask that BC Ministry of Health take it more seriously.1) Please test everyone who is showing symptoms of COVID-19 or are relatives of people who have been tested positive for COVID-19.2) Please tell us the truth instead of showing us a flat line! These are not just numbers they represent lives, lives of people, family, friends and whoever we loved.3) Please protect our medical and healthcare staff and whoever is putting their lives at risk in order to protect us.We have seen negatives examples of other countries so please don’t follow their footsteps. However, great examples are also out their, they have great experiences that we can learn. I am sorry if anyone who feels offensive, I have no means of that. Thank you for all your support.
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