加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver这是什么硬币?
今天为了周末准备,去银行换了一堆硬币,结果发现有一卷$2新硬币,以前有过纪念诺曼底登陆的$2,海滩上的钢盔,联想起了那场战争,这个新$2有什么纪念作用?先且呼叫政策通 @哈法 ,还有对硬币大有研究的 @Lise123 来看看
The 2020 $2 Bill Reid Commemorative circulation coin is a celebration of the Haida artist's legacy and of Haida culture. You'll find one (or more) of these coins in your pocket change, two in our special keepsake set, and 25 inside every Special Wrap Roll.All 25 coins are neatly rolled up in a custom-designed paper wrap, with the reverse design visible on one or both ends of the roll. But instead of mixing uncoloured and coloured versions together in each roll, we're offering you a choice:The 2020 $2 Bill Reid Uncoloured Coin Special Wrap Roll gives you 25 uncoloured (engraved only) versions of the special-themed $2 coin.The 2020 $2 Bill Reid Coloured Coin Special Wrap Roll gives you 25 coloured versions of the special-themed $2 coin.And one of each ensures both versions are part of your collection — a complete set!Special features:FAMOUS HAIDA ART: In honour of the 100th anniversary of the artist's birth, our 2020 $2 commemorative circulation coin features the iconic art of Haida artist Iljuwas (Bill Reid) (1920-1998).INSTANT ADDITION: Each Special Wrap Roll gives you 25 uncirculated versions of the $2 Bill Reid commemorative coin. The coins are all wrapped together in a custom paper wrap that complements the art and makes this a unique collecting experience.A COLOUR VERSION: All 25 coins in the Coloured Special Wrap Roll feature the colours of red, white and black, as they appear on Reid's original design. (For engraved-only coins, see our Uncoloured Special Wrap Roll)REVERSE DESIGN IS ALWAYS SHOWN: The reverse is visible on one or both ends of each roll.A PROUD CELEBRATION OF HAIDA ART AND CULTURE represented by Bill Reid's Xhuwaji, Haida Grizzly Bear design.DesignThe reverse design features Xhuwaji, Haida Grizzly Bear by renowned Haida artist Iljuwas (Bill Reid) on the inner core and extending onto the outer ring. The bear is encircled by a ring and enhanced by colours of red, white and black. On the top portion of the outer ring, two images of a maple leaf appear within the line pattern. A banner at the bottom of the outer ring bears the inscriptions "BILL" and "REID" in honour of the 100th anniversary of the Haida artist's birth, while "2020" is centred between two security marks that consist of a maple leaf within another maple leaf. The obverse features the effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by Susanna Blunt.
家园小千 说:今天为了周末准备,去银行换了一堆硬币,结果发现有一卷$2新硬币,以前有过纪念诺曼底登陆的$2,海滩上的钢盔,联想起了那场战争,这个新$2有什么纪念作用?先且呼叫政策通 @哈法 ,还有对硬币大有研究的 @Lise123 来看看点击展开...头次见
numb 说:头次见点击展开...刚从国库中拿出来的
numb 说:头次见点击展开...日本有个Daruma Doll,有点像
家园小千 说:日本有个Daruma Doll,有点像点击展开...有许多图腾是这个模样的
shw019 说:有许多图腾是这个模样的点击展开...BC图腾很多,色彩结构接近
家园小千 说:BC图腾很多,色彩结构接近点击展开...机场和史丹利公园都有。
家园小千 说:BC图腾很多,色彩结构接近点击展开...喜欢,很漂亮,先手赞,今天赞力太低了,以后补哪家银行?皇家银行?
阳光沙滩 说:喜欢,很漂亮,先手赞,今天赞力太低了,以后补哪家银行?皇家银行?点击展开...妹妹就象慈善家。不用太在意,你的心意大家都领了。
阳光沙滩 说:喜欢,很漂亮,先手赞,今天赞力太低了,以后补哪家银行?皇家银行?点击展开...RBC
Yeyelingfeng 说:妹妹就象慈善家。不用太在意,你的心意大家都领了。点击展开...姐姐这么多天不发主题帖了,还要给你点赞呢,贴间赞亏太多
家园小千 说:RBC点击展开...我那会儿找硬币的时候也是去他家
阳光沙滩 说:姐姐这么多天不发主题帖了,还要给你点赞呢,贴间赞亏太多点击展开...没有好贴子,发出来75折,丢人呢。你也省点赞!
zyx 说:看到第二张照片才知道硬币那一圈的花花边是咋回事?点击展开...一看这么可爱,就舍不得整卷拆封了
家园小千 说:一看这么可爱,就舍不得整卷拆封了点击展开...的确舍不得用。
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