加拿大华人论坛 温哥华 Vancouver拳王阿里: 不接,不化,不发
意见不保证正确,但感受保证真实 超赞 赏 反馈:cncba 和 jamy 0.00 Dayday-up 12$(VIP 0,#93) 3,8192020-11-24#2 阿里原名叫clay,后改名ali,因为阿里认为clay是奴隶的名字,是白人的名字。改名阿里后,对手ernie坚持叫他clay,激怒了阿里,这场比赛ali fight for his name。超感人!
意见不保证正确,但感受保证真实 超赞 赏 Dayday-up 12$(VIP 0,#93) 3,8192020-11-24#3 "why don't you call me my name man?" damn i felt that. He sounded so genuinely disappointed that a fellow black brother wouldn't support him in his endavour to fight racist oppression by chosing his own name and getting rid of his "slave name". There was so much put into this sentence. Almost like he felt betrayed by him, leaving him alone in the fight against racism. probably why he called him Uncle Tom lol
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