在加拿大 “Our systems are so fragile and you don’t actually realize that until you need them.”http://t.co/W84HAniAdw CTV Toronto (@CTVToronto) May 30, 2022 由於近期醫院兒童急診量暴增,家長如需帶兒童看急診要有心理准備...华人论坛
在加拿大 “Our systems are so fragile and you don’t actually realize that until you need them.”http://t.co/W84HAniAdw CTV Toronto (@CTVToronto) May 30, 2022 由於近期醫院兒童急診量暴增,家長如需帶兒童看急診要有心理准備...华人论坛
在加拿大 “Our systems are so fragile and you don’t actually realize that until you need them.”http://t.co/W84HAniAdw CTV Toronto (@CTVToronto) May 30, 2022 由于近期医院儿童急诊量暴增,家长如需带儿童看急诊要有心理准备...华人论坛