在加拿大 我司每届广交会都有参加,下面的图片是今届广交会拍的,怎么翻译? 评论 We have participated in each session of the Canton Fair, and the following pictures were took in the current session. 评论 We attended eac...华人论坛
在加拿大 我司每届广交会都有参加,下面的图片是今届广交会拍的,怎么翻译? 评论 We have participated in each session of the Canton Fair, and the following pictures were took in the current session. 评论 We attended eac...华人论坛
在加拿大 每届广交会开展前后,都有很多订广交会上当受骗的公司,触目惊心被骗的故事让人倍感同情。其实,仔细分析,为何常常发生这么多被骗的故事呢?关键一点还是定金——“钱”惹的...华人论坛
在加拿大 每届广交会开展前后,都耳闻目睹这样或者那样订摊位被骗经历的公司(工厂),触目惊心被骗的故事让人倍感同情,看完这些之后,我深思良久,作为一个也从事这个行业数十年的专...华人论坛