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在加拿大 Highlight楼花 密市尺价最低楼盘!10%首付 0 开发费用 公寓镇屋Loft三合一 9分钟到Square One和谢尔丹学院 15分钟到多大 40万起 户型图和价格Prices, Plans, Availability点击查看:https://davidzhu.ca/b...华人论坛
在加拿大 Can you please highlight the models that you do with Indian customers.什么意思 评论 告诉这个客人你跟印度客人做的模具是哪些(标注出来) 评论 什么意思? 评论 指出你做过给印度客户的MODEL有哪些不同...华人论坛
在加拿大 I received the samples today of the abtronic, power comb and cellu 5000. I noticed the cellu 5000 and power comb are labeled as owned by Industex S.L. in Spain and the abtronic by Thane. size=6]Are these still being marketed by these compani...华人论坛