加拿大华人论坛 德国留学移民签证想请教这里Linux高手一个问题
我在作DA,目前遇见个对我来说很棘手的问题,我想在Linux的Link Layer 下取得数据包发送成功后的ack. 请问高手,在哪可以获得?Tutor建议我在无线网卡驱动(orinoco)里找,我用了printf想显示结果,结果数据包发送成功,可我啥结果也没获得。
想请问,有谁也在作无线网吗?有没有在link layer下好的求FER的方法(我需要ack就是为了求FER),谢谢。
Sorry. For wireless channel, i don't know much. Is there really a ACK for a Request just like what happens in LAN?
Oh, a whitepaper about TCP ACK in wireless
Performance Improvement of 802.11 Wireless Access Network With TCP ACK Agent and Auto-Zoom Backoff Algorithm
http://www.zdnet.de/itmanager/wh ... 8p-39002294q,00.htm
A link to a famous sharesoftware unter linux WIRESHARK
10. Capturing packets on wireless LANs http://www.wireshark.org/faq.html#q10.1
Another option is, socket programming with PCAP library packet http://www.tcpdump.org/ They works perfectly in ethernet LAN but it is hard to say, anywhere special and different for WLAN.
[ 本帖最后由 chinapope 于 2007-8-31 14:08 编辑 ]
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