加拿大华人论坛 德国留学移民签证学Management好还是logistices好啊


帮个忙, 有个朋友的女儿是同济大学大二的学生,作为交换生可以选择去以下两个学校
1)Ingolstadt School of Management
2) Kühne School of Logistics and Management
这两个学校怎么样啊 ,什么学科比较重点,

怎么说呢,Ingolstadt在南德,离慕尼黑不远,而且Audi总部就设在Ingolstadt。在网上看Kühne School of Logistics and Management是在汉堡上课的。自己拿主意吧。

The University of Ingolstadt was founded in 1472 by Louis the Rich, the Duke of Bavaria at the time, and its first Chancellor was the Bishop of Eichstätt. It consisted of five faculties: humanities, sciences, theology, law and medicine, all of which were contained in the Hoheschule ('high school'). The university was modeled after the University of Vienna, its chief goal was the propagation of the Christian faith. The university closed in May 1800, by order of the Prince-elector Maximilian IV (later Maximilian I, King of Bavaria).

Ingolstadt is home of one of Germany's foremost business schools: the Ingolstadt School of Management. It's the department of business administration and economics of the "Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt."

In national rankings, the B-school regularly scores among the top ten, which is due to its high academic quality and excellent student:professor ratio. The faculty maintains a vast network of partner universities for international educational exchange.

Currently, the Ingolstadt School of Management offers bachelor's and master's degrees in business administration ( German: BWL - Betriebswirtschaftslehre). Among the academic programs offered are also an executive MBA and doctoral degrees.


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