加拿大华人论坛 德国留学移民签证兄弟么,帮我下几篇文章吧!!
标题:A multi-link multi-purpose advanced manipulator with a large handling hemisphere for out-door applications. (1988)
作者:Smidt, D., Blume, C., Wadle, M.
来源:5th Internat.Symp.on Robotics in Construction, Tokyo, J, June 6-8, 1988 Proc. Vol. 1
标题:Collision avoidance for advanced handling systems with a large reach. (1988)
作者:Wadle, M., Cramer, M.
来源:2nd Workshop on Manipulators, Sensors and Steps towards Mobility, Salford, GB, October 24-26, 1988
标题:Automatic path-planning for a multilink articulated boom within the torus of a fusion reactor
作者:Smidt, D.
标题:Automatic path-planning for a multilink articulated boom within the torus of a fusion reactor and related applications
作者: Smidt, D. Wadle, M.
来源:ENEA-Workshop 'Advanced Robotics in Plant Operation and Maintenance', Roma, I, November 5-6, 1986
标题:An extended multi-joint robot (EMIR) for out-door applications. (1989)
作者:Wadle, M.
来源:Proc.of the 3rd ANS Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems, Charleston, S.C., March 13-16, 1989
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