加拿大华人论坛 德国留学移民签证国际竹藤组织与浙江农林大学合作项目联合招聘


因时间比较紧,请申请者于2012年9月5日前把申请信和简历(均需中英文)发至[email protected] 。邮件标题请注明“申请竹子项目官员职位”


From:  China to the Philippines


Position:Bamboo-based development officer


Planneddate of arrival of participant at host partner: 3rd November, 2012

Training inThailand: 22nd October - for a two week training course with FK in Thailand


In host country (在菲律宾的工作任务)

Specifictasks/activities to be performed by participant, related to the objectives in2.1:

·        To run a series oftargeted training courses/programs bamboo farmers, ERDB staff and other relevant stakeholders on aspects of bamboo farming and use for livelihoods development and environmental protection.

·        To help develop anational technical support network in the Philippines on bamboo-based development.

·        To help initiateand run at least one field project to demonstrate community-based bamboo development.

·        To provide assistance on the conduct of carbon sequestration studies.

·        To help define sustainable management regimes for selected Philippines bamboos, and produce actionable management plans.

·        To providete chnical and other supports as required on mapping and inventory of bamboo resources.

·        To develop at leastone INBAR-ERDB project proposal on bamboo in the Philippines.

·        To provide assistance to INBAR and ERDB in other aspects of cooperation.

Name ofsupervisor at host partner: Mr. Paulino Umali, ERDB


What is theparticipant expected to learn from the posting abroad?

·        An in-depth pictureof the state of the Philippines bamboo sector, its opportunities and needs.

·        Experience oftraining and working with communities in the Philippines context.

·        An excellent network of contacts in the Philippines, and with international organisations inthe Philippines.

·        Experience ofliving in a new culture.

·        New skills in presentation,communication, publications, and reporting.

After return to home country (回中国后的工作要求)

Who (withinthe partner institution or outside) will be the main beneficiaries/targetgroups of the participant’s follow-up work?

·        INBAR staff,partners and interested members of the INBAR network.

·        Southern Chinabamboo stakeholders.

Specificactivities the participant will do to prepare for and share the new knowledgeand experience after return to home country:

·        Presentations ofexperience to INBAR, other members of the network and Southern China bamboo stakeholders.

·        Production ofwritten paper on relevant aspects of learning in the exchange, and ofdevelopment opportunities noted.

·        Develop an actionplan that will incorporate the Philippines more strongly into the international bamboo network, and develop Philippines-China links in bamboo.

The participant is encouraged to work at Zhejiang A& F University to be based in Lin’an of Zhejiang province for jointprojects with INBAR, after his one-year work in the Philippines.


Criteria for recruitment  求职者资格要求:

Professionalbackground and experience of participant: 专业要求:

·        Bachelar's degree minimum in a relevant subject. 农林、生物和生态学等相关学科本科以上学位。

·        At least threeyears relevant working experience. 至少3年以上工作经验。

·        Strong technicalskills in bamboo-based development. 有较强的竹子方面的研究背景和经历。

·        Demonstrableexperience of imparting training. 有一定的培训经验。

·        Passionate aboutbamboo and the role it can play in poverty alleviation. 对竹子和扶贫等工作有兴趣和热情。

·        Ph. D holder and experienceof working or volunteering abroad an asset. 有博士学位者和有在国外工作和实习经历者优先考虑。


Personal qualities required of the participant: 对申请者的其他要求:

·        Excellent Englishlanguage skill. 英语流利。

·        Dedicated andflexible. 工作认真,并具有适应性和灵活性。

  Interest in the Philippines and adaptable to localconditions. 有兴趣赴菲律宾工作,并能适应当地的工作生活环境。


  Salary/income - $ at the same rate they receive inChina. Sending partner is NOT allowed to pay existing salary as well as thesubstitute salary provided by FK. 提供与其在国内相近或较高的工资待遇。

  Rent – 房租

  Living allowance – 当地生活补贴

  Official journeys – 旅费


Timing 时间

  The person would attend a two week training course atFK in Thailand from 23 October

  The person would then start in Philippines on 3rdNov for ten months.

  After return to China, they would then attend adebriefing two day course in FK in Thailand in late October 2013.

Selection 筛选

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted by 9 September。For inquries, please email to [email protected]. No telephone inquiry accepted.


  ·生活百科 我自动化的空调系统
·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题



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