加拿大华人论坛 德国留学移民签证Excellent Academic Programs in Germany
Dear Friends!
Academy for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin, Germany, is happy to draw your attention to our new academic programs held in English.
Our partner universities are:
Furtwangen University, Germany;
University of Siena, Italy;
University of Nicosia, Cyprus;
University of Bucharest, Romanis.
We offer degree programs in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations; International Economics and Business; Global Governance; European and Euro-Mediterranean Studies, and Creative Industries.
Programs’ Next Start: Fall Semester 2015: October 1st, 2015;
Winter Semester 2016: February 8th, 2016.
We also offer Professional Development and E-learning programs with the focus on Cultural Diplomacy.
Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin!
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