加拿大华人论坛 德国留学移民签证如果国会推翻选举人团的结果,美国将成为代议
川普是否能在明年1月6日的国会上推翻选举人团的总统选举结果?1877年的选举历史是否会重演?至少,法律框架是允许这种争议的。下面是 ballotpedia.org 网站上的描述:
Specifically, during the session one member of the U.S. House and one member of the U.S. Senate must submit a written objection after the body reads the vote count from a particular state or D.C.Once a House member and Senator submit an objection, the two chambers of Congress separate to debate for two hours and to vote on whether to continue counting the votes in light of the objection. Both chambers must vote by a simple majority to concur with the objection for it to stand, otherwise the objection fails.If both chambers of Congress affirm the objection and the objection results in no one candidate receiving the necessary 270-vote Electoral College majority, the 12th Amendment dictates a congressional process for selecting a president and vice president. The House of Representatives votes to elect the new president. As a bloc, members of the House cast one vote per state, choosing between the three candidates who received the most Electoral College votes. The Senate votes to elect the Vice President, casting one vote per senator.[1]第一步,众院与参院各有至少一名议员对选举人团的结果提出反对。两院分别进行2小时协商。
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