加拿大华人论坛 德国留学移民签证DHL 吐槽 索赔



Fri, 27.04.18 08:32 Dortmund, Germany. Shipment arrived at incorrect facility. Sent to correct destination
Fri, 27.04.18 06:27 --Shipment has arrived at delivery location
Fri, 27.04.18 02:40 HUB Staufenberg, GermanyThe item has left the import center
Fri, 27.04.18 02:40 --Shipment has left hub
Fri, 27.04.18 02:14 --Shipment has arrived at hub
Thu, 26.04.18 22:11 --Shipment has left pick-up location
Thu, 26.04.18 21:31 München, Germany   The item has left the import center
Thu, 26.04.18 08:26 München, Germany   Shipment arrived at incorrect facility. Sent to correct destination
Thu, 26.04.18 00:05 --Shipment has left hub
Wed, 25.04.18 22:17 HUB Staufenberg, Germany.  The item has left the import center
Wed, 25.04.18 21:39 --Shipment has arrived at hub
Wed, 25.04.18 19:15 --Shipment has left pick-up location
Tue, 24.04.18 22:17 Importzentrum, GermanyShipment is in customs
Tue, 24.04.18 21:46 Importzentrum, GermanyShipment has been handed over to DHL Express for import
Sat, 21.04.18 06:00 JapanThe shipment will be transported to the destination country and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization.
Fri, 20.04.18 15:23 JapanThe shipment has arrived at the parcel center of origin


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